Hello all, Raytrck with a new fic here!
The credit for this idea goes to thepeacockandthebutterfly who was kind enough to let me do my own take on the story,
I might have gone a little over board, or have gotten a little carried away, but I had fun and I hope those of you that are reading this enjoy it as well!
On to the story
Twilight had taken its hold on Paris, the city of light shining with the avid night life of its citizens and those who explored its streets. However in their respective homes the heroes of the city laid in their beds, resting for the next day, unaware of the two pairs of eyes that watched over them.
In her chosen's room above her family's bakery Tikki looked down on Marinette's sleeping form with an ancient wisdom in her small gaze, the blackette laying on her stomach as she snuggled against her pillow.
The fairy like god floated closer over her with an excited little smile on her features, taking hold of and gently pulling the sheets away from the girl and making her back exposed to her, save for a white t-shirt the girl wore. The unmasked heroin stirred slightly at the change in temperature but quickly fell back into her slumber, "mmn- Adrien…" she mumbled before her breath was the only sound left that she made.
Tikki giggled sweetly at her holders dreaming, lowering till she was within reach of Marinette's clothed back and pressed her tiny arms onto two places, just below her shoulder blades and on either side of her spine.
An opaque red light began to shine off the ladybug, her smile growing ever wider as she let a pinch of her magic flow freely from her and into the girl. "She's going to love this" she thought the antennae atop her head shaking in anticipation as her light was replaced by a soft pink from the two points on her chosen's back.
Tikki levitated quickly away, back to her little bed on the shelf above Marinette's loft that the raven-haired girl had crafted for her, letting the magic go its way, the pink light sprouting and expanding out from the girls back with the sound of ripping fabric.
Yet in her partners rather spacious room, in a house of grandeur not far away, plagg sat perched like the cat he was on top his holder's forehead, smug look and devious eyes staring down at the sleeping blond.
Adrien didn't move in any discomfort though, his chest rising and falling contently as he no doubt ran through his dreams with a certain spotted heroin in his arms.
The black furred fairy chuckled as he raised his small tail and pushed the tip against his boy's head, a green energy coursing in waves through the appendage and under the boys' skin as he infused it into him.
Adrien groaned slightly, the noise mimicking that of an annoyed cat being poked during its midday nap. It was resended however once Plagg had finished tampering with the power and halted the rushing flow, letting it set and take root where he had sewn it.
"You're going to have a quite a bit of fun in the morning kid" he whispered into his charges ear, closing his small feline eyes and curling into himself and falling back asleep.
Marinette awoke with the rising sun, much to her own surprise, the young woman sitting up in her bed and giving a sigh as she stretched, loosed raven hair falling about her shoulders. She didn't know why, but she felt incredibly refreshed this morning rather than the usual drowsiness she had after sleep; almost as if she found a new energy inside herself.
Looking to her alarm she was pleasantly happy to find she still had close to half an hour before she had to officially wake up and ready for school, affording her time to maybe sketch a few new designs in her book or work more on others.
The aspiring fashion designer almost lept from her loft if her eyes didn't land in the still snoozing form of her kwamii, the little red bug snoring slightly.
Marinette couldn't stop the smile growing on her lips, pulling the sheets off her legs and climbing down to the floor of her room and towards her desk stationed under her loft. But she stopped when her bare feet met the carpet of her floor, freezing in front of the full mirror positioned next to the ladder.
She stared at her reflection in surprise at what she saw, then shock, then fear at what had appeared out of her back through newly torn holes in her nightshirt.
When they moved they did as well, fluidly like a second pair of arms that had been there all her young life, and when she pulled on them in a vein hope for it to be a dream she felt the twinge of pain.
"Tikki!" the blackette screamed shrilly, unafraid of her parents overhearing her since they where busy in the bakery at this time. Her breath was becoming strained, bluebell eyes never leaving the mirror as she struggled to comprehend what had happened to her during the night.
The small red creature rose drearily from her shelf, rubbing the tiredness from her eyes, "yes Marinette what is it?" she asked with a small yawn.
"Why do I have wings growing out of my back?!" the dark haired girl cried, showing her back to the fairy, revealing a pair of small raven down feathered wings no longer than her forearm and no wider than her shoulders.
Tikki gasped awake and amazed at the sight, eyes wide in wonder as she answered her holder "Marinette, those are your wings!" she said excitedly, zipping down to her level and orbiting around the bewildered girl. "W-why do I have wings Tikki?" she questioned eyeing her new appendages in concern, holding out her open hand for the creature. It's a gift that I give to my ladybugs after they wear the miraculous for long enough" the kwamii answered, landing on the offered palm, "and ladybugs have wings, so nits only natural that the Ladybug should have some too!"
"But, they don't look like a ladybugs wings" Marinette notioned, Tikki shaking her head "they'll only resemble actual ladybugs wings when you're transformed" she explained "other than that their unique to the holder Marinette, I remember Jie-Jie! Hers where like a silk moths, and one of my bugs even had a pair like a bats!" she reminisced, a shiver running down Marinette's spine at the thought as her kwamii continued "But Marinette, yours remind me of johnase, like angel wings! Yet her were pure white, but yours are just a wonderful!" She declared, jumping up and flying to land on one of Marinette's wings "They turned out just as I thought they would; so beautiful and as black as your hair, that they almost shine blue!".
Marinette found herself laughing lightly at her kwamii's antics now feeling calmed by the fairy's explanation, looking at her gift in a new light quirking a brow in slight confusion although.
She extended them as far as they could reach barely a foot beyond her shoulder, Tikki moving to perch herself on the mirror, and she waved them up and down in a flapping motion as strongly as she could, but barely any wind moved from them.
A disappointed sigh escaped the girl's lips at this, "they don't seem to be good for flying" she remarked, Tikki giggling bubbly at her words "that's because they're not fully grown yet Marinette, think of them as a fledglings'".
The blackettes eyes went wide once more in shock "n-not fully grown!" she repeated, looking to the small deity "Tikki, how bug are they going to grow? How am I going to hide this from everyone?" she questioned desperately. The kwamii floated down and put her small hand on her holder's cheek reassuringly "don't worry Marinette, I'll teach you how to hide them once their fully grown, for now they'll fit under your usual clothing" she said calmly setting her at ease.
Smiling thankfully Marinette repaying her with a small petting on her little head and returned to her reflection "well; they are cute" she thought.
Adrien woke to the nagging voice of his alarm whispering in his ear "kid, wake up, its morning feed me!" Plagg demanded tugging on his holder's blond hair.
The young man groaned as he let himself be pulled awake, haphazardly getting up and arching his back as he stretched, looking to his kwamii groggily. "Morning pla-" he cut himself off as he caught something strange about the small floating cat, or morally that his eyesight itself was strange. Normally at this time of morning even though the sun wad rising the large window of his room was equipped with special shades to block out the light, so his room would usually be covered in a blanket of darkness. Yet he could clearly see Plagg and every object in the dwelling far better than any human eyes ever could, in fact it was reminiscent of his vision when he was Chat noir, but significantly turned down.
"Plagg, what did you do to my eyes?" Adrien quirked somewhat excited, drawing out a sly smile from the cat "Oh, so you've noticed? Just a little bonus you get for being one of my cats for this long kid, eventually you'll be able to see as moi here, among other things" he explained.
Adrien shot up at the words 'among other things', jumping from his bed and ran to his bathroom leaving a surprised black feline kwamii flying after him calling "Adrien, my cheese!".
The blond practically threw open the door and switched on the lights, planting himself in front of his bathroom mirror and franticly searching for any physical changes that the gluttonies cat had enacted upon him.
To his relief however, there wasn't seemingly any changes to his physical appearance, the idea of his father finding him with either a cat's tail or ears utterly terrifying to the boy.
Plagg chuckled at his holders' expense "relax kid, I'm not so cruel as to ruin your career" he said continuing to laugh. "Then what did you give me?" Adrien asked curious for more, invested into his new civilian abilities, watching as Plagg opened and motioned to his mouth, causing the boy to roll his eyes.
He reached under the sink and pulled a wheel of camembert cheese from a stash, unwrapping it and tossing it to the cat, who caught and ate it in mid-air happily. "Check out you fangs" the he said between, Adrien quickly running his tongue across his teeth and-shockingly- upon closer inspection in the mirror, indeed found a pair of elongated sharp teeth where his canines grew.
"Whoa" he mused, leaning closer to get a better look at them, Plagg nodding his head in agreement beside him after finishing his breakfast. "That's not all" the cat said levitating over to the light switch and shutting off the lights in the room.
Adrien was taken off guard, jaw dropping and hanging agape; sure, he could see thanks to his first gift, but the image of his reflection added to his amazement.
His emerald eyes glowed their color in the dark.
"Nice right?" Plagg inquired, switching the lights back on and flying to land on the boys shoulder "like your vision, your other gifts will develop more over time…" he began till a knock at the bedroom door was heard.
Adrien snapped out of his stupor and rushed out of the bathroom, leaving a dishelved Plagg who had fallen off to catch himself before he hit the tiled floor.
The young model opened the window shades with a push of a remote and flooded the room with light before answering the door, finding Nathalie standing outside. "Morning Nathalie" he greeted, trying to sound collected, "Breakfast is ready for you Adrien, and please be ready for school when you come down" the female assistant said simply before leaving the boy to get ready. What Plagg had meant to say forgotten in his rush
And thus ends the first chapter of hopefully many more!
Tell me what you guys think by leaving a review! I really want to know, it inspires me to keep going!
Once again thank you to thepeacockandthebutterfly for letting me do this, I had a lot of fun!