Sophie tapped her fingers on her desk. It took all of her willpower not to fall asleep listening to her Elvin History mentor, Sir Helton lecture the class about some elvin treaty that had taken place in the eighteenth century. She glanced around the room. All of the other prodigies looked just as bored as she was. Two girls at the back of the room were whispering to each other. Another was braiding her own hair. Under his desk, Keefe was hunched over a vial of obnoxiously green liquid. Whatever it was, it wouldn't end well, knowing Keefe. Although Keefe was older than Sophie, he had failed Elvin History enough times that he was in her grade level now.

Keefe, Sophie transmitted. Keefe suddenly looked up from the vial, glancing around the room in surprise. His eyes fixed on Sophie.

Stop staring at me, Sophie hissed. You're attracting attention. Look down at your desk and pretend you're bored.

Foster, I don't need to pretend, Keefe said, chuckling to himself. But he turned his attention back to the desk and continued fidgeting with the vial.

Tell me about it, Sophie grumbled. She checked the clock impatiently, but it was still twenty minutes until the end of class. Ugh, she groaned. At least we don't have to take Elvin History next year.

Yeah, Keefe agreed, but he seemed distracted. Sophie glanced over to his desk to see that he had retrieved another vial from his pocket, this one containing pink liquid. He was trying to untwist the cap, which had somehow gotten stuck.

Keefe, stop! Sophie insisted. She didn't know what he was up to, but it didn't look good. What even is that?

Nothing, Keefe replied, but a grin spread across his face. That definitely wasn't good. Meanwhile, Keefe had managed to unscrew the vial and was pouring the pink liquid into the other vial. A faint scent filled the room, like a mix between week-old dirty socks and rotten eggs. Sophie plugged her nose, and she saw a few other prodigies do the same. Keefe put the empty vial back in his pocket and closed the cap on the filled vial. The liquid had now turned to a clear, almost transparent colour. Satisfied, Keefe made sure the cap was screwed tight and tucked the mixture into his pocket too. Then he leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms behind him.

Keefe, what in the world is that? Please don't tell me this is another prank or something. Sophie was reminded of the Great Gulon Incident, which was apparently Keefe's greatest prank, but he wouldn't tell her anything about it. However, she hadn't given up on trying to figure out what it was. Is this the Great Gulon Incident, Part 2? she asked.

I see what you're trying to do, Foster. Keefe snickered. And the answer is no. I'm not telling you.

Sophie sighed. You didn't answer my other question. What are you doing?

You'll see tomorrow morning, Keefe said, an evil grin spreading across his face. His ice-blue eyes twinkled in anticipation. Sophie hoped that her friend wouldn't do anything too stupid. Of course, for Keefe, there was no 'too stupid'.

Fine, Sophie groaned. As long as it doesn't involve me.

It involves you laughing. But that's it. I promise.

Okay, Sophie agreed. Laughing was fine. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. Keefe just wanted a little fun. Nothing too disastrous could happen, right?

That would be true for anyone else, but this was Keefe she was talking about, Sophie reminded herself. Oh well. She would find out tomorrow. Until then, she would just have to sit through the rest of her Elvin History class.

Fifteen minutes later, the bell sounded and the prodigies rushed to get out of the classroom. Sophie made her way through the crowd and into the hallway with her locker. She licked the DNA strip, thankful that the flavour for today was strawberry and not something worse. Clearly, it hadn't been Elwin's turn to choose the flavour.

"Hey, Sophie," Biana said, opening her locker, which was next to Sophie's. "Have fun in Elvin History?"

"Loads," Sophie replied, rolling her eyes. "Listen, I think Keefe's planning something."

"By something, you mean a prank, right?"

"Yeah. He had this vial of foul-smelling stuff, and he told me I would see what it was tomorrow morning."

"That doesn't sound good," Biana said. But she didn't seem too worried as she pulled her pink, sparkly lunchbag from her locker. After all, Keefe pulled pranks like this all the time. Maybe Sophie was just being paranoid. She took her own lunchbag and she and Biana headed to the cafeteria, where she had arranged to meet her friends. They were all already sitting at one of the tables, where Dex was showing off his latest gadget. Tam and Linh sat next to him. One the opposite site of the table sat Keefe and Fitz. Biana took the seat next to her brother, and Sophie pulled up a chair next to Linh.

"How were your alchemy classes?" she asked. The twins were both new to Foxfire this year, as they had finally been allowed to leave Exillium after saving the Lost Cities from the Neverseen. They had both been placed in Sophie's year

"Awesome," Linh said, at the same time that Tam said "Horrible." Sophie laughed. Linh had discovered she had a talent for alchemy and rather liked it, although that may have been because she had a different mentor. Tam, on the other hand, had Lady Galvin, and sucked at alchemy, almost as much as Sophie herself.

"What happened?" Sophie asked.

"Oh, I just set the curtains on fire, no big deal. Lady Galvin was so pleased."

"At least you didn't set her prized cape on fire," Sophie said, remembering alchemy classes from years ago. She laughed, taking out her sandwich from her lunchbag. She was happy to be with all her friends, having fun, talking and laughing. But she still couldn't shake that small feeling of anxiety about what Keefe had planned for tomorrow.

A/N: To tell the truth, I wrote this chapter while I was sitting in my own class, bored (although it was tech class, not elvin history :D). They say to write about what you know, so why not? This is a SoKeefe story but there will be other ships too. I'll try to update often but homework makes it kinda hard. I'll update at least once every Saturday.

Please read and review!