Hey everyone! Back with the 4th and final chapter of "Golden In The Snow". Actually chapter 3 was supposed to be the conclusion to the main story, but I came up with a little idea to make a bonus chapter of sorts. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about it. I could've been more creative in my opinion. Also, I have absolutely NO idea for what story I'm going to write next sooo yeah. Thank you so much for the support btw, I'm happy that you guys seem to enjoy my first story. As always, reviews and tips are very appreciated and I hope you enjoy the final chapter to this story :D

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own My Hero Academia. It Belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.

Chapter 4

"Gross…" Midoriya muttered quietly as he scrubbed the wet, yellow stain on the carpet. The creator of the incident, Toshi, was standing there watching the green-haired boy clean up his mess. Everyone in Class 1-A was also in the common room, doing things such as making breakfast, watching TV, scolding Toshi for dirtying the dorms of this great school, you name it.

"Guys, I know you're worried about this pee problem. But you might wanna hurry before Toshi makes 'Part 2'" Sero explained as he air-quoted the term "Part 2". Everyone had puzzled expressions on their faces as they tried to decipher what he meant. Then, the realization hit them like a lightning bolt. Yaoyorozu picked Toshi up and quickly ran out the door, not even bothering to put on a jacket.

It was still cold, but it wasn't snowing like yesterday. Toshi went onto the sidewalk and started to make so-called "Part 2". Yaoyorozu turned around to give him some privacy, and to hide the disgusted look on her face. After his "business" was taken care of, Toshi let out a small bark and made his way back to the front on the door. Yaoyorozu turned back around and created a tiny plastic bag in her hand. Refusing to look at it, Yaoyorozu picked up the little gift that Toshi left and sealed it in the bag. Toshi happily sat by the door and watched.

"Ugh, disgusting" Yaoyorozu muttered. She held bag as far away from her as possible while she walked to the garbage dump. When she returned, she was greeted with Toshi's happy expression and wagging tail.

"What? You think this is funny?" Yaoyorozu asked the puppy with her hands on her hips. Toshi let out a loud woof in response, tail still wagging rapidly. Yaoyorozu couldn't help but smile at that as she opened the door for Toshi and went back inside the dorms.

As Toshi stepped inside, he sniffed the air and smelled something tasty coming from the kitchen. He ran towards it and saw Kaminari making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It wasn't really breakfast food, but he was too lazy to make anything else. Toshi woofed and jumped up and down, trying to get Kaminari's attention. Kaminari looked down and gave the puppy a cheesy grin.

"Hey Toshi! What's up?" Kaminari said to the puppy. Toshi continued to woof and started to try and climb up Kaminari's leg. Kaminari became a little confused, but then looked at what he was holding in his hand. He was holding a butter knife covered in peanut butter from making his sandwich. Kaminari fully understood now and looked back down at Toshi with a big grin.

"Ohh, so you want some peanut butter?" Kaminari asked the puppy. Toshi excitedly woofed again. Kaminari crouched down and held out the peanut butter covered knife towards Toshi. Toshi started the lick the knife up and down, completely cleaning it. Kaminari was absolutely astounded. He got a new knife and got as much peanut butter on it as possible. Toshi once again excitedly licked up the peanut butter.

"Breaking news everyone! Toshi LOVES peanut butter!" Kaminari enthusiastically yelled so that everyone could hear him. All attention was now on Kaminari and Toshi. Many were as amazed as Kaminari was. Others...not so much.

"Eww, gross. Kaminari you'd better clean those knives before we leave." Jirou said as she was slightly uncomfortable from the sight. Using something to eat that had dog slobber on it, didn't exactly appeal to her.

"Sure thing, MOM." Kaminari responded with a bit of attitude in his voice. Everyone chuckled at their behavior.

"Crap crap crap. I'm gonna be late!" Midoriya said to himself as he rushed to get his uniform on. The rest of the class was gone and Midoriya told them to go on without him. Some were hesitant, but they eventually complied. Now, Midoriya had to worry about Mr. Aizawa possibly choking him with his scarf for showing up late to class. That wasn't an image he wanted in his head.

As Midoriya finally finished getting his winter coat on, he rushed downstairs to the common room. Toshi was laying down in his bed until he noticed the green-haired boy coming down. Midoriya put his yellow backpack on the floor and started to quickly make sure he had everything.

"Notebooks, check. Pencil, check. Pen….aw, crap. I forgot my pen!" Midoriya shouted as he ran back upstairs towards his room. Toshi tilted his head in confusion as he watched the boy run away. Toshi went closer to the backpack and noticed just how huge the thing was. Toshi went to the back pouch and peeked his head inside. He kept leaning forward until he fell in face-first. He turned himself around and peeked back out of the pouch, which he fit in perfectly. Midoriya came running back with his pen. He grabbed the giant yellow backpack and started to run out of the door.

"See you later Toshi! Be good!" Midoriya shouted as he ran outside, closing the door behind him. Toshi stared at the dorm building as it got farther and farther away.

"Man, my backpack seems so much heavier today." Midoriya said to himself as he kept running towards U.A.

As Midoriya went inside and walked to his class, he received many strange stares towards him. Some of the girls were giggling. Midoriya was really confused by the looks that he received, but he continued to make his way to class.

'Why are they staring? Is there something on my face?' Midoriya thought to himself. Toshi happily stared at everybody from the back pouch of the giant yellow backpack.

Midoriya made it to his class and opened the door. All eyes were on him. "I-i'm really sorry I'm late, M-mr. Aizawa" Midoriya nervously said as he walked into the classroom. Aizawa sent him a deadly glare. Midoriya shuddered where he stood.

"It's about time you showed u-" Aizawa started to say before he noticed something inside Midoriya's backpack. Everyone else in the class seemed to notice at the same time.

"W-what's wrong? I-is there something on my face? I've been getting weird looks since I got here." Midoriya explained as he moved his hands around his face to see if he could feel anything.

"Midoriya. Why is Toshi in your backpack?" Asui asked in her straightforward tone. Midoriya looked visibly confused.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Midoriya asked. All of the student groaned, while Bakugou scoffed.

"You really are an idiot." Bakugou said in an intimidating tone. Midoriya slightly flinched at the comment. Asui sighed as used her tongue to pull Toshi out of the back pouch of the backpack and hold him in her hands. Midoriya was shocked and completely frozen.

"T-t-toshi! I..I..uh.." Midoriya stuttered as Toshi happily wagged its tail in Asui's hands. Everyone mentally face-palmed themselves.

"Seriously dude. How did you not notice that?" Kirishima asked the still frozen green-haired boy. Midoriya snapped out of it when he noticed that Mr. Aizawa was still in the room.

"I'm SO sorry Mr. Aizawa sir! Please forgive me for my irresponsibility!" Midoriya pleaded as he repeatedly bowed.

"Stop your blabbering. There might actually be a way for us to incorporate this into our training today." Aizawa said as he appeared to be thinking about something. Midoriya stopped and stared at his teacher.

"Quickly, everyone get your costumes and head to Ground Beta. Make sure you bring Toshi with you." Aizawa told his students, then walked out of the classroom. Everyone wondered what their teacher had planned, but they followed his orders.

Ground Beta was where the Entrance Exam and the Battle Trial took place. It resembled an urban area with lots of buildings. Everyone gathered in front of their teacher and waited for him to explain the situation. Toshi stood next to Midoriya, also waiting for something to happen.

"Now that everyone's here, we can get started. Today we're going to be doing some rescue training, but with a twist." Aizawa started to explain in his monotone voice. Some were pumped about rescue training, while others, like Bakugou, wished it could've involved combat.

"Similar to at the USJ, 4 people will be the rescuers while the other 16 will hide somewhere and wait to be rescued. None of the people being rescued are allowed to talk. The 4 rescuers will have to use their abilities, along with Toshi's sense of smell to locate and rescue the 16 people." Aizawa explained to his students. The students were getting even more excited. The main concept was something that they were familiar with, but having Toshi get involved was something that they were all happy about.

"Now, the 4 rescuers will be...Midoriya, Ashido, Shoji, and Sero. The rest of you have 5 minutes to hide. Get going." Aizawa said to everyone. The 16 rescuees ran to go find somewhere to hide. The 4 rescuers stayed behind to come up with a plan.

"This team dynamic is actually pretty great! I can use my Full Cowling to get to people quickly, Ashido can use her acid to melt through the buildings, Shoji can use his Dupli-Arms to try and locate people, and Sero can use his tape to swing to higher locations." Midoriya explained with ease. He always liked to take notes on different quirks so he was a natural at making plans and using people's quirks affectively.

"Can't forget about Toshi! Hopefully that sense of smell can help us find people too!" Mina added as she crouched down to scratch Toshi's head, which Toshi clearly enjoyed. Midoriya gave a nod in agreement. After 5 minutes had passed, the 4 rescuers went in search of the 16 classmates.

"Toshi! Do you smell anything?" Sero asked the furry animal. Toshi took a second to sniff the air around him. He caught a whiff of something that smelled faintly of gunpowder and manliness. Toshi barked and ran to follow the scent.

"Me and Ashido will go and follow Toshi! Shoji, Sero, try and find some other people!" Midoriya shouted slightly to the group. Everyone nodded their heads and went to find their classmates, with Midoriya and Mina following Toshi. They arrived at building and rushed inside. It looked like there had been a tornado inside the room. Everything was flipped over. Toshi sniffed again and turned to see a large table flipped on its side. Toshi ran and jumped over the table, landing on the other side.

"Gah, get the hell off me!" Someone yelled from the other side of the table. Midoriya and Mina immediately knew who it was and ran over. Midoriya moved the table and saw Bakugou and Kirishima sitting there. Toshi was softly licking Bakugou's cheek.

"Hey, you guys found us! Good job!" Kirishima exclaimed as he stood up.

"Took you idiots long enough." Bakugou said as he grabbed Toshi and put him down gentler than anyone would've imagined.

"Alright, Mr. Aizawa told us to send anyone we find back to him." Mina explained as she pointed towards the door. All four of them stepped out. Bakugou and Kirishima went back to Mr. Aizawa. Toshi then sniffed the air again and smelled a frog, mochi, and something cold...but hot at the same time. Toshi barked again and started to run in the direction of the smell. Midoriya and Mina quickly ran after Toshi.

They arrived at an alleyway. Mina melted a hole in the wall and looked around inside.

"Midoriya, there's nobody in here." Mina said slightly disappointed. Toshi sniffed the air again. He looked upwards and started barking. Midoriya noticed where Toshi was looking.

"Maybe they're on the roof." Midoriya said to himself with his chin in his hand in a thinking position. He activated Full Cowling and wall-jumped up the walls of the alleyway. He landed on the roof of the left building. He looked slightly to the right and saw Uraraka, Asui, and Todoroki all sitting there with shocked looks on their faces. Since it was still cold outside, Todoroki used his flames to provide some heat. Asui was MUCH closer to Todoroki than Uraraka was.

"There you are! Ashido, I found them!" Midoriya shouted. He could hear Mina cheering from below. The three rescuees stood up with disappointed expressions.

"Dangit. I was sure that this would be a good hiding spot." Uraraka muttered as she slightly pouted. Midoriya smiled sadly at her childish behavior. Asui lowered Midoriya, Uraraka, and Todoroki down from the top of the building. Then, she jumped down herself. The three rescuees than made their way back to Mr. Aizawa.

The process continued until all 16 of the classmates were found. Mineta hid inside a trash can since he was the only one who could actually fit. Hagakure was specifically hard to track down because...it isn't hard to guess why. Sero and Shoji provided a good aid to the team, rescuing 6 of the 16. Midoriya, Mina, and of course Toshi, rescued 10 out of the 16. After everyone was rescued, they all gathered back to Mr. Aizawa for further instruction.

"Midoriya, Ashido, Sero, Shoji…" Aizawa started to say. The four students stiffened and stood up straight.

"Good job today. You used your quirks well and gathered everyone in a reasonable timeframe." Aizawa finished in a calm tone. The four students felt a new sense of pride inside them from the compliment by their teacher. They loosened up a little bit.

"And also, good job to Toshi. I could tell that his sense of smell was a major asset to finding the rescuees quickly. Midoriya, it looks like your carelessness has somehow given you an advantage today." Aizawa continued as he looked down at the golden furry animal. Midoriya scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously. Toshi's eyes lit up and he ran to gently rub his head against Aizawa's leg. A small smile crept its way on Aizawa's face but he coughed to cover it up before anyone could see.

"Now, switch into your P.E. clothes. It's time for some endurance training." Aizawa announced as he walked off. Every student groaned loudly. This was going to be a nightmare. Midoriya crouched down to the puppy next to him.

"You know what Toshi? I'm glad you came to class with us today. Maybe just don't sneak into my bag next time." Midoriya said to the golden puppy as he ruffled his fur. Toshi woofed with satisfaction and licked Midoriya's hand. Their friendship was going to last for a while.

The next morning, Midoriya was walking to class until he heard a chorus of screams coming his way. But they weren't the 'Help me' kind of screams. They were the 'Crazy fangirl' kind of screams. A crowd of girls came running towards him and surrounded him.

"Oh my gosh, you're that famous boy from the internet!" One girl screamed. Midoriya was completely confused, but still extremely flustered from the attention from multiple girls.

"From that picture! I've never seen something go viral that fast!" Another girl screamed. Multiple girls were trying to take pictures with him.

"OH MY GOSH, THAT WAS THE CUTEST PICTURE I'VE EVER SEEN!" Yet another screamed louder than anyone else.

"I KNOW RIGHT? I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA PASS OUT!" Another girl screamed at the same volume of the last one. All of the boys who were in the hallway just watched in shock, some with jealousy. Midoriya couldn't take it anymore. What the heck were they talking about?

"U-um..I-i'm s-sorry. W-what..uh..w-what p-picture exactly?" Midoriya managed to stutter out, face still completely red.

"This one!" The first girl from before said with excitement as she pointed her phone towards him. Midoriya managed to take a peek at the screen. On the phone was a picture of him on the ground laughing, with Toshi licking his face on top of him. He saw that the photo had over 200,000 likes. Midoriya was even more confused. When was this picture taken? Then, he remembered something that someone said on the day that he rescued Toshi.

"These are the cutest pictures ever! I can't wait to share these!"

Midoriya remembered what Mina had said when she was taking multiple pictures of him and Toshi. He grew slightly annoyed. It was her fault he was in this mess right now.

"DANGIT ASHIDO!" Midoriya shouted as the girls continued to bombard him with questions and take pictures. It was going to be long day.