Normal P.O.V

Laxus and Lucy have been going out for six months. Months filled with romantic dinner dates, amazing sex, and blissful, love-filled moments. Both felt truly and happily in love. The only problem was their guild. Fairy Tail. The number one guild in Fiore, where overreacting and destruction reign supreme.

They loved their moments together when they could just be themselves. They weren't afraid of telling the guild. Well, maybe they were. Lucy really didn't want Laxus to be castrated by Erza and Laxus was terrified of what Gramps would think about him and the Light of Fairy Tail. Add on to the fact that Natsu would go on a reign of destruction with Gray acting like overprotective big brothers.

Honestly, Lucy's team was crazy and the major reason for not telling the guild. The Thunder Legion already knew. Thankfully, Mira hasn't caught on either as well.

Laxus P.O.V. (At the Guild)

'God fucking dammit' one day I'm gonna convince Blondie to leave that idiotic team.

Team Natsu just came back and Lucy's hurt again.

'I just can't wait for her to come home so I can spend time with her.'

'Honestly, Blondie turned me into a pussy with all this love shit'

Normal P.O.V.

Team Natsu just returned. Like always Natsu kicked the doors open and started a guild brawl. Erza came in with her cart of suitcases and Gray arrived in his boxers, clothes scattered across Magnolia. Last to arrive, the Light of Fairy Tail, Lucy. The difference though is that she is covered and bandages. Natsu accidentally burned her again. Just as Team Natsu comes in Laxus leaves the guild. To most, they think that he doesn't want to deal with Natsu demanding a fight. To Lucy and the Thunder Legion though, they know that he's going home to wait for Lucy as she'll be heading back to their house, telling the guild she needs time to heal.

Lucy's P.O.V.

Leaving the guild, Lucy started to walk into the forest, spraying a mist around her that hid her smell. This was how the dragon slayers didn't know about their relationship. Lucy had Crux and Virgo work on this mist that hid Laxus' scent on her, and her scent on Laxus.

Entering the forest, she was immediately engulfed in a hug. Before she could scream, Laxus' lips were on hers as he lightning teleported them home.

Lucy could remember the day he asked her to move in. It was two months ago, four months into their relationship. She wasn't concerned about her team as a month into their relationship Lucy had Freed put up runes so, that no one could enter but her and Laxus. Even though her team thought only she could enter freely without being invited in. When she moved in with Laxus she told her team she was moving but, that it was a private place where only her spirits knew where and that she promised herself she wouldn't tell as she wanted peace and quiet.

Laxus' P.O.V.

Once we entered the house I pushed Blondie against the living room wall, gently. I need her, she's been gone for a week and I've been going mad. I hungrily kiss her lips and she jumps up into my arms. Carrying her while she kisses my jaw, I head to our bedroom.

Dropping her on the bed, I quickly strip my shirt and capture her lips once more.

Lucy's P.O.V.- The Following Morning

As the sunlight streams in I slowly start to wake up. I feel a heavyweight beyond and snuggle deeper Laxus' chest. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. Looking at the clock, I see it's seven in the morning. I apparently only got two hours of sleep. Seeing as Laxus is still sleeping I get up, put on my panties and his purple shirt and go answer the door.

'I swear to god, if it's Freed, Evergreen, or Bickslow I'm gonna kill them for waking me up'

Normal P.O.V.

As Lucy opens the door she is greeted by Master.


"Lucy, what are you doing here, in Laxus' shirt? LAXUS!"

Hope you enjoyed! This is my first fanfic. It will be multichapter. Lalu is my favorite crack ship. Sorry for the cliffhanger. I will update soon though! Please comment and if you have any suggestions please tell me! I not sure about the title, I may change it. Any ideas?

Hiro Mashima owns Fairy Tail btw!