Chapter 9

Tsunade was able to check Tenten out of the hospital for a few hours because of an "ongoing investigation" with the promise to return her to the hospital as soon as they were finished with her. Overall, Tenten was fine, however the doctor still wanted to make sure that she would stay fine. Her doctor also had concerns of Tenten's psychological state, which she mentioned to Hizashi, who had papers to prove that he was Tenten's legal guardian.

"I'm surprised you had Tenten's birth certificate," Tsunade said while she, Hizashi, and Tenten made their way down to the hospital's lobby.

"And her adoption certificate. I took them, Neji's birth certificate, and my marriage certificate with me when I left the compound just in case I'd ever have to prove legality in the real world."

"That was very smart."

The three of them stepped off the elevator and followed the hallways to the emergency room waiting area where they had come in. Itachi Uchiha was waiting for them. He was as handsome as Tenten remembered, even more so now that he was a few years older. His hair was longer, which Tenten always found attractive on men, which was probably why she thought both Neji and Itachi were so attractive.

"Itachi," Tsunade said extending her hand to him, "thank you for meeting us here."

"Of course," he said. "Hizashi, glad to see you. And Tenten, it's good to see you again, am I correct to assume that you were the anonymous source that tipped off the detectives?"

"She is," Tsunade answered for her. "She's been through a lot, I'm assuming Minato filled you in on everything?"

"Yes, he did."

"Good, you're driving?"

"Car's out front," Itachi replied.

"Itachi's been an informant for us ever since leaving the compound. Hizashi too," Tsunade explained. "And Itachi has also been pursuing a criminal justice degree, so once he graduates, hopefully he'll be working for me."

"Only 2 more years Tsunade."

They crossed the parking lot. Tenten still didn't have a coat, but the hospital found her some shoes to wear. Hizashi took off his coat and wrapped it around Tenten's shoulders when he noticed her shivering. They made it to Itachi's car. Tenten stopped like she wasn't sure what to do.

"Allow me," Hizashi said opening the door and motioning for Tenten to slide in. Hizashi slid in next to her and closed the car door. He reached across her to grab the seatbelt and buckle her in. "For safety."

"I've only ever seen pictures of cars before. And a few on the street when I was walking to the police station."

"Tenten, you've been so brave and so strong," Tsunade said, "this is going to be hard, but once we arrive, I need you to stay put. The only reason the three of you are even being allowed at the raid is to convince the civilians that the outside is safe and that they are in good hands. We're going to need to build a lot of trust with the survivors."

"My brother's in there," Itachi said, "and my parents. I need them to be okay."

"Minato texted. The S.W.A.T. team was already able to infiltrate the facility. They're working on arresting the leaders and securing civilians. So far, no reports of casualties, but its early."

Tenten felt her fear in every inch of her body. Her hands shook. Her hair stood on end. Her heart raced. Her stomach dropped. Hizashi noticed her unease and took her hand.

"I'm scared too," he told her, "but this team of detectives are so good at their job and I promise you we're in good hands."

That made her feel a little better. But she still felt like she couldn't catch her breath.

"Tenten," Itachi said, "how is Sasuke?"

She looked up to meet Itachi's eyes in the rearview mirror. "He's really good. He was matched to Sakura Haruno about a year ago. She's pregnant. Due in April. I've never seen two people so in love before. He's happy I think."

Itachi's grip tightened on the steering wheel at the news of his fifteen year old brother's marriage and unborn child. But his grip quickly loosened. "It makes me sick that the elders forced them into marriage at fifteen, but I'm happy that he's finally happy after so many years of anger." He was quiet for a moment, but then started again, "Sakura Haruno huh? I always liked her. She was very sweet."

"Sasuke was really angry when you left," Tenten told him, "which I think is the real reason they matched him and Sakura early. The elders made up some feud between the Uchiha family and the Haruno family—said that was the reason for the early match—to hopefully solve any issues between them. But it never made sense to me, or anyone for that matter, because Mikoto—your mom was always friends with Sakura's mother. Ssakura and Sasuke grew up together. They were friends."

"It makes sense…Sasuke was always a bit of a troublemaker," Itachi said, "They probably thought that matching him would chill him out. And if he was as angry as you said he was when I left, then of course they'd force a marriage."

"Nothing changes a man more than giving him a family," Hizashi added.

"Do you know if they're having a girl or a boy?" Itachi asked Tenten.

"A girl I think."

It was quiet for the rest of the ride to the outskirts of the city. It was a forty minute drive from the hospital to the compound. Tenten wasn't sure what to believe anymore, but regardless of whether her teachings were real or fake, she closed her eyes and sent a silent prayer up to the ancestors. In this moment, praying made her feel better.

"Can I pray with you?" Hizashi whispered to her.

"Please," Tenten replied.

He squeezed her hand and together they prayed silently. Please let them be okay. Please protect Neji, Lee, Hiyeri, Hinata, Hababi, Sasuke, Sakura, and all my friends, and all the villagers. Please keep the children safe. Please don't let anyone buy into the elders' words. Please let them feel like they're in danger. Please don't let anyone die. Please. Please I can't be alone. I can't lose anyone else.

Neji is the love of my life. If anything else happens to him, I will die. I'll never forgive you if you let him die. I'll never pray again. I'll never believe in the ancestors ever again. If he's dead…If Lee is dead…If Hiyeri is dead…I will throw my life away. I will kill myself. I'll walk in front of a car. I'll hang myself. Anything to spite you. Anything to get back at you for what you've taken from me.

She cursed the ancestors and the elders in her prayer. She opened her eyes as she felt something wet drip onto her hand. She was crying. Hizashi noticed and pulled her into him. He held her tight as Itachi pulled up to the police tape set up around the property.

Lights flashed all around them. Tenten looked up when she heard the sound of a siren—a huge red truck was pulling away at lighting fast speed and headed in the direction of the hospital. There were people in uniform everywhere. Tsunade flashed her badge to an officer patrolling the outside and allowed the car through. Itachi parked his car when he saw Minato wave at him. They got out of the car and he handed Tsunade a bulletproof vest. She put it on and joined Kakashi further away.

"Stay here," Minata told them, "we're about to get word from the S.W.A.T. captain."

Hizashi, Tenten, and Itachi waited patiently. Then, there was a loud bang. And then another bang, and another and another. Gun shots. Then officers from every direction were running inside the compound, and civilians were running out. There were screams as officers tried to intercept civilians and take them to safety.

Itachi grabbed onto Tenten, "don't move," he told her. "We have to stay put. I know you want to help, but you'll only get in their way."

Another rapid fire sounded in the distance. More and more people came running out of the compound. Tenten twisted free of Itachi's grasp and took off. He needed her. Neji was in danger.