Warning! This chapter contains mature content

I stood there for a moment, hand hovering over the handle of the door not in hesitation more in what the hell was I suppose to say when I walked into the room. he had come up with a few options all heart felt, all explaining what had happened and decided that was good enough before slowly pushing the door open and allowing it to softly swing open to reveal Clarke sitting quietly on a bed reading something, most likely to do with this new earth knowing her.

As she heard the door open Clarke lifted her head from the tablet in front of her and smiled up at him. Oh that smile, how he had missed it, it lit up her whole face making her cheeks seem fuller and her eyes shine brighter.

"Bellamy there you are I was just about to go looking for you, I was looking over these stats about the new planet and realised a few issu-" clarkes voice trailed of as she looked at him a frown gracing her features as she took in his flushed cheeks and swollen eyes.

"Bellamy what's wrong? Did something happen?...have you been crying?"

Clarke's stream of questions grew as she looked at him, as did her concern.

"Bellamy what's wro-"

"You're in love with me"

And in that moment if Bellamy could float himself he would have. He began to mentally curse himself.

Yeah great going douchbag all those ways you could have approached her and you just state that she's in love with you, of all the ways to sound like an over bearing, condescending jerk!

Before Bellamy could continue his mental slaughter Clarke's voice spoke up and when Bellamy glanced up at her she was now standing about a foot away from the bed, staring at him face as flushed as he guessed his was.

"H-how, I mean…what? How did you…how?" Clarke's voice spluttered, bearly able to get the words she was so desperately seeking out.

Seeing Clarke's panic, Bellamy instantly calmed.

"Does it matter how?" Bellamy whispered looking at her through think lashes "what matters is I know, and Clarke no matter how fucked up our history has been, no matter what we've done or what we've done to each other. I don't care, what I care about is that we're here now ready to start new lives and I know I want to face that with you as more than comrades, as more than friends"

"Bellamy" Clarke's voice was hardly above a whisper as she took an unsure step towards him.

In that moment Bellamy could no longer hold back the way he had been before, the way his name sounded on her lips in that moment said everything he needed to hear, in an instant he was in front of her, Clarke's eyes widened with panic until he gently grazed his fingers along her cheek before softly settling his palm there, after a few seconds Clarke relaxed into his touch.

"I love you, Clarke Griffin and if you'll still have me after everything that has happened, after everything that we've done. I'm here."

Clarke stared at him in silence eyes scanning his face like she was trying to find the truth in his words there, whatever it was she was looking for she must of found it because slowly she lifted her hand up to join his on her cheek and her face lit up into a dazzling smile.

"I'll still have you" she whispered.

Within a second Bellamy's lips were on hers, pouring everything he had felt for her over the years since the day that they had met.

Hate, trust, lust, friendship, grief and most importantly love.

Clarke kissed him back desperately hands leaving his to slowly rap around his toned torso, Bellamy's hand slowly sliding down to rest below her jaw and his other placed delicately on her waist. The kiss was anything but perfect it was messy and hard and unpracticed but it was also everything that both had been waiting for.

After a few seconds Clarke's lips softened on his, Bellamy ran his tongue along her bottom lip silently begging entrance to her mouth which she gladly gave, as their tounges met dancing around each other slowly, sensually both refusing to break for air scared that if they lost this small connection that they had made it would suddenly have become a dream.

Clarke moaned quietly into Bellamy's mouth the sound urging him on further.

His hand slowly slid from her waist and came to rest just below her ass, the hand that once rested on her face quickly coming to join it as he roughly picked her up.

Clarke's response was immediate, wrapping her legs around his shapely body, her hands wrapping firmly around his neck one of which gripped the the soft brown curls at the nape giving them a gentle tug allowing her deeper access to his mouth.

Bellamy pulled away from her just enough so they both had room to breath but not far enough away that their connection was lost, Clarke brought her forehead to rest atop of his, her warm breath tickling his face.

"Are you sure Clarke? Do you want this? Cause if we go any further I have no plans of ever turning back." Bellamy stated, looking her straight on.

"Bellamy, I love you too. Trust me when I say I want this. I've wanted this for so long."

As quickly as she had spoke Bellamy's mouth was already back on hers as he slowly walked them towards the bed, Clarke's legs still firmly wrapped around him.

With a heavy thump they both landed, Bellamy using his hands to break his fall as not to land on her.

He quickly began his descent to Clarke's neck leaving wet, open mouthed kisses as he went, Clarke tilted her head back into the hard, worn mattress giving him better access letting out a breathy moan as his hand worked his way up underneath her t-shirt before pulling it over her head leaving her half naked beneath him.

Pleasantly surprised that Clarke had opted not to wear a bra that day, he took a moment to silently study her form, her figure was soft, curves gracing his eyes in the form of a rounded waist and large sharply breasts. He slowly ran his hand from the top of her collarbone to the tip of Clarke's hard, pale nipple before leaning his head down and running his tongue along its perk and then taking it in his mouth, his other hand sliding up to gently caress her other breasts, his fingers toying her nipple with almost professional expertise.

At this sudden advance on her breasts Clarke let out a deep, breathy moan gripping the sides of his face and pulling him up to look at her.

"We can go slow later." Clarke breathed, her chest heaving in ragid breaths "but right now I need you all of you, please"

Bellamy didn't need to be told twice, he needed her in that moment more than he had ever need any one, however he did make a mental not that once they were finished he was going to giver her a slow and tortuous night of sex.

Bellamy sat up, his legs straddling Clarke's as he peeled his shirt from over his head, giving Clarke a fantastic view of his tanned, tonned abdominal muscles, she leaned up as she ran her hands across his hard body, leaving a kiss on a few freckles that rested just above his belly button before her Eyes followed a small, dark trail of hair to his belt.

Instantly Clarke began tugging at his jeans before Bellamy shoved her back down and practically ripped the thin pair of leggings and boring grey underwear she had been wearing of in a swift move, before he finally removed his own.

Both stared at each-other for a second, Bellamy taking in Clarke's light, curly pubic hair his fingers running over it lightly causing Her hips to buck with anticipation, letting out a small whimper of protest when she realised his hand was not moving any lower.

Clarke took in Bellamy's defined figure her eyes trailing from his dark curly hair and freckles to his waist, his cock large and hard with anticipation.

Bellamy lifted Clarke's legs over his shoulders and began to send hot, wet kisses along the inside of her thigh, slowly, torturously giving attention to each thigh before Clarke felt his hot breath on her entrance, Clarke's centre pulled with heat and anticipation and she let out a loud moan, thrusting her hands in Bellamy's hair as his tongue finally found her.

Clarke's moans grew as Bellamy's tongue quickened, her hips moving to meet every movement he made, her hands digging into to sheets of the bed before she finally moaned out his name and came hard and fast around him.

As Bellamy's face came back into view his his smug smirk glistening with mousture, his eyes suddenly grew dark.

"My turn" he growled before lifting her legs and settling himself at her entrance and slowly he sunk into her. Clarke let out a startled gasp at the sensation as Bellamy moaned into her neck as he filled her completely.

"Fuck Clarke, you're so tight" he moaned.

Slowly Clarke began to move her hips, signally to Bellamy that she was ok and ready.

Bellamy's hips at first moved slowly, giving himself time to feel every inch of her, giving her slow open mouthed kisses as he went.

As his need for release increased however so did his pace he thrust into her fast and deep, Clarke however had other ideas, she quickly flipped them so Bellamy rested on his back and she straddled his hips.

"You're turn, right?" She whispered into his ear before sitting back up and began to move atop of him slow at first before quickly become desperate both wanting to find the release they so desperately craved after a few minutes Clarke threw her head back , her hands landing hard on Bellamy's chest as she came hard around him, his name escaping her lips in almost a scream.

Bellamy's hands tightened around her waist brusingly as he slammed into her harder allowing her to ride out her orgasm longer before he swiftly followed suit, pulling her down in one last feverent kiss before moaning deeply into her mouth.

Clarke collapsed onto his chest, her breathing ragid and sweat coating her whole body but in that moment, in the after math of sex she had never looked more sexy to him.

Bellamy wrapped his arms around her, breathing hard as he kissed the top of her head.

Suddenly however the moment was ruined and guilt came crashing down on him. Hard.

He did not regret what had happened, he never would not for a second, however that didn't change the fact that technically he was still with echo….

He pulled Clarke against him tighter and pushed strands of hair that Had stuck to her forehead away.

"Clarke, as amazing as that was we'll have to wait before we can do it again" he stated to her.

Clarke sat up suddenly eyes wide "what? Why!?"Bellamy had to laugh even with the situation as it was cause at least he knew based on her reaction he had at least done something right that night.

"Echo…" He replied as he absente mindedly drew patters into her leg with his fingers

"I owe her an explanation before we can continue."

Clarke looked at him for a second before sighing and nodding her head in defeat.

"You're right, I hate that you're right but you are"

Clarke had never regretted not going slow so much in her life.