"Brute, scoot over, would you?"

From her nickname, Yang smiled. There was a time when that name would cause her to erupt, but now all she could do was grin.

To tease her teammate, the blonde spread out her arms and legs. Her entire body covered the couch as she laid on it like some golden retriever.

When Weiss scowled, Yang sent her a cheeky grin.

"I'm way too comfortable like this, princess."

Pouting, Weiss put a hand on her hip. "I guess that means no cuddles, then."

An excited gasp. That's all Yang needed to hear to bolt upright and give her some space.

"Please forgive my incompetence," the blonde said jokingly.

That earned a light smile.

It wasn't often that Weiss initiated physical contact with her girlfriend. By far, Yang was the one who initiated the cuddling sessions, the hugs, the kisses. She figured her girlfriend would in due time when she got used to being in this relationship.

Happily, Weiss sat next to her girlfriend. Yang couldn't stop grinning as she slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

It hadn't been long since the freezerburn pair became a couple. Just a couple months. The relationship was fairly new. Because of this, the two were still learning the little things about each other.

It didn't take Yang long to learn that Weiss didn't like to be cuddled all day every day. Rather, every now and then when the time was right. Yang didn't mind. She'd noticed that overtime, her girlfriend was taking baby steps, and she was happy with the progress.

It seemed like just yesterday the two were at each other's throats. Occasionally, they still got into trivial arguments, but it was all in good fun.

Fondly, Weiss snuggled up to the blonde and rested her head on her shoulder.

In response, Yang nuzzled closer. "What do you wanna watch?"

The T.V. in front of them blasted an action-packed movie. A genre Weiss didn't particularly like.

"This is fine," Weiss said.

That earned a skeptical look. Yang looked down at her, suspicious. "I thought you didn't like movies like this? Whenever Ruby watches 'em you give her crap."

Slowly, Weiss leaned up to meet those lilac eyes. "But you like them, right?"

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Upupupup," Weiss hushed her. "Let's finish it, brute. I'm sure it's not that bad."

"How gracious of you," Yang faintly laughed. It was nice to know that Weiss was only giving this movie a try because Yang liked it. "You know, this movie is actually one of my favorites."

"Why didn't you say so?" Weiss quirked an eyebrow.

If she'd known sooner, she would've been quieter!

To reassure her, Yang pecked her on the cheek as a blush took hold. "I-it just didn't come up."

From the contact, Weiss returned the kiss. When lips pressed on skin, she realized that her girlfriend was warm. Very warm. The blonde was a natural heat incarnate, but she was a little warmer than she'd liked.

"Are you feeling okay?" Weiss leaned back, cautiously eyeing her girlfriend.

Yang's face was red. She was either sick or that flustered.

"I-I'm good!" Yang practically exclaimed. "Just a little nervous…" her voice became barely audible. "With you being close to me and all…"

From the confession, Weiss' jaw almost dropped, and her heart simultaneously throbbed into her ribcage. The Yang Xiao Long was flustered around her? The Yang who appeared fearless in front of any grimm? Then again, Weiss was a little nervous as well. She was just good at hiding it. She wasn't exactly an expert in relationships.

"Yang Xiao Long is nervous?" Weiss quirked a small smile to ease her nerves. "I must be dreaming."

"It's not my fault you're so beautiful!" Yang blurted.

Azure orbs widened from the sudden yelp. If Weiss wasn't red before, she certainly was now.


That wasn't expected at all. Was that what was on Yang's mind this whole time?

Weiss' questions were answered when Yang gingerly placed her fingers under her chin. The touch was so soft that it almost tickled. Slowly, the blonde tilted her head upward. Knowing what she was trying to do, Weiss leaned in. At last, their lips pressed together in a kiss.

It was a surreal feeling to kiss each other. That never got old. However, the couple was at an awkward angle. To get more comfortable, Weiss adjusted herself and sat on Yang's lap. Unable to help herself, Yang smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around the smaller girl to pull her closer. In response, Weiss enveloped her arms around her shoulders.

This deepened the kiss as their tongues met.

To Yang, Weiss tasted like peppermint. Like she just applied chapstick.

To Weiss, Yang tasted like sweet vanilla. Like she just sipped on honey.

In the background, the sounds of punches and kicks echoed. A stark contrast to the sound of affection that lingered.

It was pure bliss.

Unfortunately, the kissing session ended earlier than they both liked when a phone rang. The ringing was incessant. The moment Weiss flinched from the noise, Yang took that as her cue to gently separate.

When they pulled away, Yang didn't miss the disappointed look on Weiss' face.

"Are you gonna get that?" the blonde asked, curious.

She didn't want her girlfriend to miss what could be an important phone call.

Weiss frowned and looked troubled. "Trust me, it can wait. You're far more important."

From her words, Yang felt touched. At this moment, Weiss looked at her like she was her world.

The blonde almost got lost swimming in those blue pools.

Judging by her tone, Weiss knew who the caller was and that he or she could wait. Despite that, Yang didn't want her girlfriend to miss what could be a crucial call. "Are you sure?"

To reassure her, Weiss leaned in and closed the gap.

Within seconds, the couple melted into the kiss. The phone rings finally stopped, so nothing distracted them now. Not even the movie still playing in the background. It became white noise when the two came together.

Loving the softness, Yang deepened the kiss and simultaneously brushed her fingers through the white waterfall. Weiss' long hair was just as soft as her lips. Silky, even.

Fondly, Weiss curled her fingers into the blonde's hair. It was true that Yang's hair looked wild and untamed, but it felt heavenly. It reminded Weiss of how her girlfriend was in combat. Rough, but during times like these, gentle.

Before Yang could flip her girlfriend on the couch, the sound of the door flying open slammed against the wall.

Instantly, Weiss placed her hands on Yang's shoulders and forcefully yanked away. In a split-second, she stood as Yang sat there in a daze.

"We're home!" Ruby announced.

Before anyone could say anything, the leader was a blur that trailed into the kitchen.

Just behind her was Blake, who wore a poker face at the sight of the freezerburn couple. Weiss stood directly in front of Yang, who was still on the couch. She looked out of it and appeared to be blushing. They both were. And the T.V. was blank.

"W-welcome back!" Weiss stammered, trying to gain her wits. "How was grocery shopping?"

"Good," the faunus blandly replied. "How was your make-out session?"

From the question, Weiss looked like a deer in headlights. It was then that Yang decided to stand and give Blake the widest grin she'd ever seen.

"It was aweso-"

Before the blonde could finish, Weiss covered her mouth.

"You brute!" Weiss scolded, but not harshly. "Things like that are private!"

Instinctively, Yang licked the palm over her mouth. That made Weiss recoil with a disgusted expression.

"You and your sister do that?!" Weiss yelped and wiped her hand on the blonde's shirt.

"It's a reflex, I can't help it," Yang couldn't wipe the smug grin from her face.

"Oh, yes you can…"

As Weiss went off on a rant, all Blake did was smirk when she watched the couple bicker.

Blake's attention was stolen when a cat ear flicked. She caught the noise of Ruby dropping something. Sounded like a can. Without missing a beat, the faunus went over to help Ruby unpack the groceries. By the time she got there, most of the food was placed in the respective spots.

"Thank you, Blakey~" Ruby practically sang and pecked her on the cheek.

"It was no problem, my rose," Blake replied with a blush.

The ladybug pair has been together longer than the freezerburn couple. It was them becoming official that actually compelled Yang to ask Weiss out on their first date.

The sound of feeble shouts caused them to look over at the bickering pair.

"They're a little preoccupied," the faunus observed.

Ruby just shrugged. "What's new?"

"You know," Blake said with a smirk. "We interrupted them again."

Ruby groaned in disgust. "They should really put a sock on the door."

"I know."

The best pairings doing their own thing. This is posted monthly.

Stay dandy,
