J.K ROWLING OWNS H.P (I'm just borrowing her characters for one last chapter.)

1 year and 5 months later...

"Here's to 3 years" Hermione beamed, as she raised her glass into the air. "Im so proud of you Hermione..."

"I'm so proud of us Severus, who would of thought that we would be here now?" Snape snaked his arm around Hermione as they sat in the back of the Slanted Book, with a glass of firewhiskey in their palms.

The atmosphere was pleasant that evening. Since Severus became co owner of the Slanted Book, business for some reason became better. However it may have been because he moved his apothecary to the same building, so naturally the pub was given more exposure.

Light, gentle music filled and danced through the air as Severus and Hermione looked out on to their domain. The pair could not be any happier.

"I am so glad you found this place, even if it was upon accident." Hermione joked lightly. "As am I." Severus murmured to her as he looked into Hermiones oak eyes, filled with love.

"I used to wallow in my self made solitude, thinking that if I carried on drinking, eventually the pain would ease and melt away... However it lead to you. And several drunken nights on my part." Severus laughed, a deep and velvety chuckle that flooded Hermione's ears like a chorus of baritone angels. This made Hermione's stomach flutter with excitement.

However this was not the only reason Hermione was excited.

Tonight was such an important night for her, and Severus as well.

Hermione exhaled nervously, feeling the anxiety build up inside her like a card tower on a windy day, or like a game of jenga that had been going on for hours and would topple at any second. Her muscles tensed up around her, and Severus could feel it. And it concerned him.

He moved his body to face her and looked her deep into her eyes. He didn't want to use legilemency on her, she did not deserve that. So he came to the conclusion that he would just simply ask her what was wrong and hope that she wouldn't say... "Oh no, I'm fine..."

Which she did.


Hermiones mind spiralled out of control.

"Oh no... He knows, HE KNOWS! My plan may be ruined... Do I carry on with it? Act normal. For Merlins sake, ACT NORMAL!" Is what Hermione was saying internally.


Well, she appeared to be calm... too calm, almost suspiciously calm.


She waved her hand and vanished their drinks.

New ones appeared in their hands, this time, wine.

"You know I only drink wine on special occasions..."

"As you well know Severus. Tonight is a very special night, my pub turns three and we are still going strong."

Severus paused for a second. Looking at the glass suspiciously.

"Indeed." he purred.

"Drink up then," she smiled, as Severus eagerly pressed the glass to his lips. To injest the crimson liquid.

Hermione started to relax.

When Severus's cup was about two mouthfuls full, the wobbly game of Jenga had returned into Hermione's stomach.

The glass was almost empty now.

"Stop." Hermione urged, as Severus was about to finish his drink. "There is something I would like to say... To you." Right. This was it. The moment Hermione was dreading.

"What? You haven't poisened me have You?" Severus spoke with a slight concerned voice. "Oh God's No!" Hermione spat in surprise.

She stood up. Then sat back down, realising that she looked silly, so she grabbed Severus's spare hand.

She cleared her throat and began...

"I know this is not the most traditional way of asking... But we are not traditional people..." Her thumb rubbed the top of his hand. "You Severus Snape, have made me very happy. I never thought after the war I would find friendship and happiness. And yet here you are, sitting next to me, not just my companion, but also as a much needed friend and lover...

If someone came up to me, when I first opened this pub, and said, 'in three years time you would start drinking and fall in love with the dungeon bat himself, Severus Snape'. I would of told them to piss off. Why would the intelligent, sexy, Severus Snape fall in love with me?

And yet here, we, are.

I love you... And I will for the rest of my life. Will you, Severus Snape, please drink the last part of your drink?"

Once again, he put the glass to his lips to finish the rest of the drink. But just as he lifted the glass something solid and cold touched his lips. He looked down to see that inside his glass was a pure black obsidian ring.

Severus's heart stopped momentarily but suddenly sprang back to life, as his head whipped up to look at her...

And he laughed.

Hermione was confused. Very confused.

"Funny you should say that Hermione Granger..." He quickly put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a little black box. Hermione could feel the tears, like little pin pricks, hitting her eyes.

Severus slid a dainty platinum ring on to Hermione's finger.

"Hermione? Would you make me the happiest dungeon bat in the world and marry and bond with me?"

Hermione wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

In this very moment, Hermione Granger, was the happiest woman alive.

"Yes Severus, my dungeon bat, I will Marry and bond with You!"

The End.

A/N Here we are! The End! Thank you to everyone who has followed, favourited and reviewed! Please review, tell me what you think! Be nice!Even though we are at the end, I check the reviews regularly, so please show some love! It really keeps me inspired!Also, if you want to that is, let me know what you would like to see next!Thank You! Until next time!!!!