Brian & Ellie 2: When Families Unite

Based on the TV Series "Family Guy"

Sequel to "A Love Story"


Goodbye Ellie, My Daughter

Somewhere in the state of Michigan, there was a hurricane headed towards this state as the father Saluki runs from it while he carries his young puppy Ellie that she cries over the storm. Suddenly, he saw the grey Sedan on the side of the road.

"Ssh, ssh, ssh. It's gonna be alright, Ellie." said the father Saluki calming her down. "I know you don't like the storm, but trust me, you'll be safe with your new owner." he then walks briskly to the Sedan with her, opens the passenger door and carefully placed her on the seat. Ellie sits. "I promise you as your father, I will never leave you behind and you promise me that one day, you'll find a boy dog of your own, when you grow up." he said as he leaves her the photo frame of her family. She looks and coos at the photo frame and then looks at her dad. "Goodbye Ellie, my daughter. Your father loves you, your mother loves you and your family loves you." he said, then he shuts the passenger door.

Ellie gives her father her last look before the Sedan drives off with her. "Mama, Dada." cooed Ellie looking at her family in the frame in her sentimental. As the car drives on, the storm crashes onto the tree behind the car causing it to fall and the tree lands onto the road. Ellie looks at the fallen tree from behind. "Dada." whimpered Ellie. As the thunderstorm claps, Ellie cowers on the seat and cries.

"Don't worry little girl, I'll take care of you." said the woman driving the Sedan. Ellie looks up to her. "I'm sure you'll get along just fine with your new owner, wouldn't that make you feel better, Ellie? Ellie, Ellie, Ellie," The woman repeatedly says Ellie's name as the dream fades to Brian Griffin in their bedroom shaking Ellie Griffin trying to wake her up.

"Ellie, Ellie, Ellie," said Brian while she quivers. "Ellie, wake up." he then snaps his fingers.

Ellie wakes gasping for air. "Oh Brian," said Ellie. "What time is it?"

Brian looks at the alarm clock. "It's six-thirty in the morning." he said.

"Oh my," she said as she yawns and stretches. "I've just had that weird dream." Ellie feels her forehead.

"What is it Ellie?" he asked. "What was the dream?"

"That dream I had," she said. "Was that when I was a puppy, I was afraid of thunderstorms. My father had to carry me towards the car."

"You have a father?" he said curiously.

"Yes, he was the last I ever saw." she said. "Anyway, he puts me in a car, the car drives off and the tree fell between us, because of the storm."

"Ellie, I hate to end your dream sharing abruptly, but I gotta go." he said as he gets out of bed.

"Where are you going, sweetie?" she asked.

"I'm going to work." he said wearing his collar.

"Really?" she said getting out of bed. "Without breakfast?"

"Why bother?" he said. "I have a protein bar."

"Okay," she said wearing her collar. "Have a good day, dear."

"You too, hon." he said as they both kiss.

"I love you." she said.

"I love you too, babe." he said.

Brian leaves the apartment on his way to work, while Ellie makes breakfast, before their puppies awake.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the Sequel to "A Love Story". Ellie's family name is yet to be revealed. Chapter 1 begins soon.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from Family Guy, which is a registered trademark of FOX and The Walt Disney Company. I do NOT own any of these Family Guy related characters, they belong to Seth MacFarlane, FOX and The Walt Disney Company. The story I tell here focuses on my fantasy of Brian X Ellie is my own invention and is not purported or believed to be part of Seth MacFarlane's story canon. This story is for entertainment purposes only and is not part of an official plot. I am not making any money of this fan fiction using any Family Guy characters. I am truly grateful for Seth MacFarlane for his awesome show taking place in Quahog, Rhode Island, for without his show, my story wouldn't exist.