One good thing about smaller updates? They come a whole lot faster...

Oh! Also, there'll be a one-shot collection called "Shades of Blue" that'll tie into this. It'll show some bits and pieces that we don't see here in the main story. ;)


DISCLAIMER: Of COURSE he belongs to me! Don't you see my name on the copywrite? *sarcasm* XD

Sonic never questioned why he could do what he could.

Never questioned why the chaos emeralds whispered to him or let him use their power.

Never questioned why he was blue. There had never been a blue hedgehog before.

Never questioned why he was so fast, why his quills were so sharp and light, and could slice through anything as if it were hot butter.

Never questioned why all he remembered from before Eggman's first siege and Tails were open fields, by himself.

Never questioned why only he seemed to be able to see the little blond haired, blue eyed human girl that had appeared after the first time he went Super. Maria, he learned, was her name.

To him, it just... never mattered. He never had a reason to search for answers. It was just the way things were.

Until Maria somehow KNEW the infuriating faker in standing in front of him. Answers would be nice right about now.

Alas, he didn't really have the time to ask, as the faker (and he refuses to call him anything but that... at least until he found something else. This "Shadow" didn't act anything like the one Maria used to tell him stories about.) kept trying to pound his head in.

When they'd first run into him, Maria had been ecstatic and tried to talk to him... only to find, just like everyone else, he couldn't see her. To him, she was long dead and not standing about three feet in front of his nose.

Though she tried to hide it, Sonic had known her long enough to see the signs. It tore her apart. That only fueled his desire to stomp the faker into. the. ground.

Then the "authorities" got involved, and got him stuck in a cage... Well, not really, as he could break out anytime. But it DID give him some time to recover. Sure, he'd fought metal doppelgangers multiple times, but fighting another flesh and blood? With his abilities? It kinda threw you for a loop. And not the ones he liked to run through.

Maria had no answers, horribly confused herself. She didn't know how her brother had changed so drastically...

Ever since the girl had told him stories about the black hedgehog, Sonic had always imagined someone he could relate to. Someone who could keep up with him, give him a friendly challange. Not this bitter, angry being who hated everything.

Something about that description tickled something at the back of his mind, but Amy storming into the prison block had him shrugging it off, forgotten.

Time to get back to work.

K, just in case I didn't make it obvious in this chapter, Maria is not a hedgehog. She's still her adorable humie self. ;) I have no plans to change this, and my Rule of Romance is still in place. Sorry shippers!

Also, thank you guys SO MUCH for the warm reception to this story! I honestly didn't expect this. Like. At all. XD *hugs everyone*

Did this seem rushed? Probably. Will it get better? Eventually. Once the story is fleshed out a little more...

The length of this story hasn't been determined, bit it's looking like it'll be a pretty long one. Guess we'll just have to see, huh? ;)

Onto the reviews!

fanakatsuki: Hopefully it'll get even more interesting as the story goes on. ;D

Nifty Productions: I haven't seen it yet, cause I keep forgetting, but thanks for the tip! Maria isn't a hedgie here, tho. X3

suicuneluvr: Well, here you go! If you mean how their first meeting goes, that'll show up "Shades of Blue". :)

MelGamingPlays: YUR ALIVEEE! *hugs* Hehehe... x3 Thanks, I'm gonna need it. ;D

See you next time!
