(A/N:) So I know I haven't updated my other stories in forever but I've hit a terribly rough writer's block. I can't update them for a bit more until I can get past it. Anyways, in the meantime I'm going to upload some one-shots to get back into the writing feel. Hope you like this little addition to Take A Break from Hamilton. Please comment and favorite if you liked it. Thanks.

Daddy, daddy, look

My name is Philip

I am a poet, I wrote this poem just to show it

And I just turned nine

You can write rhymes but you can't write mine

I practice French and play piano with my mother

I have a sister, but I want a little brother

My daddy's trying to start America's bank

Un deux trois quatre cinq

I wish you were home more and weren't always away

You said you'd be home more before saying I'd blow you away

You said that your father was never around

I wish I could say you were but that's not what I've found

You know mother cries when you aren't here

I try to comfort her

And keep her from tears

But it's kinda hard

I'm not good with women

I'm getting better though

Being softer if they're timid

And strong only when they want me to be

But it's hard to help her when I can't even help me