What are you doing Felicia?
An question that keeps racing through his mind. The very same question that has continued to echo through his head as he tries to keep pace with her through the city.
Tries to catch up to the one woman that has constantly been on his mind when she shouldn't. Her heroine known as Black Cat.
But she would always be Felicia to him. Felicia Hardy. A once famous burglar that had taken up the mantle her father had left behind.
Taken up the mantle until they had crossed paths. Until she had decided to help him watch over the city.
Help him take out the occasional goon now and then. Help stop a city wide panic from spreading. Help him take down one of the big man's heists ticked against his competitors.
But that leads up to why? Why did he just see her exiting out of his enemy's hideout? Why was she avoiding him like the plague right now?
A question that he wanted answered right now but that wouldn't stop him from enjoying the view in front of him right now.
Firing off another web out of his web shooter instantly connecting to a glass window on a nearby window catapulting himself off towards another building with a flick of his wrist once again Spiderman lands another web against a nearby building and swings himself around the corner that he had seen Black Cat disappear around.
Disappear to find her landing on a rooftop not that far away. A rooftop that he quickly makes his way over towards to only land down in a roll on the cold surface.
Land down in a roll only to be surrounded by darkness. A slightly chilling darkness. Darkness that he cautious glances around in looking for even the slightest of movement as he slowly takes a few steps forward.
" Here kitty,kitty,kitty."
Keeping his eyes constantly moving making his way over towards the edge of the roof looking down as he finds nothing but an empty alleyway down below just as he turns his body around instantly as his spider senses go off in a sudden move Spider-Man ducks his head down nearly avoiding be hit by an incoming high kick.
An kick that is quickly followed by another that forces him to raise up his right arm to block the strike before in a sudden move he pushes his attacker away only to watch her do a few flips to land a few feet away from him.
" Cat!? Cat what are you doing!?"
Feeling her lips curling upright slowly Black Cat rises up out of her kneeling position to look Spider-Man deep in his eyes.
" Hello lover. May i have this dance?"
Without giving him a chance to respond instantly Black Cat bursts from her spot to throw a right hook towards Spider-Man feeling her closed fist hitting nothing but air before she quickly whirls around to deliver a high kick only to watch him duck down avoiding her attack.
" Felicia!? Stop!"
Continuing her attack feeling every single one of her kicks hitting nothing but air whirling around the deliver a back elbow to him only to feel him catch her attack in his hand without having a chance to react Black Cat feels her arms being pinned down to her sides and his chest up against her back holding her in place.
A position that she can't help but smile at as she leans back relaxing into his embrace. Relaxes seeing him tilt his head slightly causing her lips to widen even more before slowly she leans her head forward towards his own.
Leans forward seeing him doing the same before in a sudden move rearing back she smashes her heel down hard onto his foot causing his hold around her to disappear as he hobbles back to hold his foot.
Hobbles back presenting her with an opening to kick out his leg from under him sending him to the cold surface before without giving him a chance to react she pounces on top of him pinning his hands over his head as she straddles his lap.
" That wasn't fair."
Smiling down towards his face leaning down to gently peck his cheek suddenly without having a chance to react Black Cat feels herself flying through the air when she feels him kneeing her in the behind only for her to catch herself a couple of feet away from the rooftop edge.
Snapping around as she sees Spider-Man leaping up to his feet rearing back just as she is about to charge forward instantly as she sees his suit change colors almost instantly Black Cat's eyes widen.
Colors that she had never seen on him before. Colors that she instantly liked seeing on him. Instantly liked seeing the red and blue of his costume replaced with black and white.
Instantly caused her attraction to the hero to deepen from seeing this sudden change causing her defenses to go down.
Causing them to go down just long enough for her to feel a web hitting her straight in the chest sending her soaring back and off the rooftop.
" Cat!?"
Racing over as fast as he can without any hesitation diving off the roof instantly as he spots Black Cat descending quickly down towards the empty alleyway increasing his speed to catch up with her in a sudden move Spider-Man wraps an arm around her waist as his other hand shoots off a web back up towards the roof.
A web that instantly connects causing their descend to halt drastically just a mere few feet from hitting up against an closed dumpster just underneath them.
Letting out a sigh in relief turning his attention over towards Cat just as he opens his mouth instantly Spider-Man lets out a groan when he feels himself landing back first on top of the dumpster with a tremendous thud with her on top of him just a mere second after he sees her cut his web with one of her claws in a swift motion.
A thud that could be heard echoing through the air as he groans in pain unaware of the weight leaving his chest.
Feeling his back aching opening his eyes to look around as he sees Black Cat quickly racing out of the alleyway reaching out only to retract his hand and place it down on his back slowly Spider-Man turns himself over to rest his back firmly on top of the dumpster.
" That hurt."
Ignoring the slight pain in the middle of his back swinging himself off into the distance towards a large penthouse building just overlooking the outskirts of the city shooting a web into the building without any delay Spider-Man swings himself over towards the building before reaching out he sticks his hands up against a wall and slowly makes his way up towards the very top.
Up towards the last floor of the building where he knew she would be. The residence of one Felicia Hardy.
One of the best places you could buy in town. Great view of just about anything. Best room service anyone could buy.
Best place to keep away hidden secrets and desires that you didn't want anyone to know about. A place that oddly felt like home to him.
A place that as he ascends up the last of the building and leaps over the railing to land on the smooth service he can't help but smile underneath his mask.
Smile seeing the personality of Felicia Hardy on full display. A glass table with two chairs stationed near the edge of the floor.
A place he could easily see her sitting at every morning to read the paper just planning her next heist. Just planning her next score.
Much like the treasures that he knew he could find inside of her room. Her greatest achievements hanging on display like trophies.
Something that was so Felicia to him. Not afraid to show everyone her personality. Not afraid to show her true self.
Something that he could only wish he had the courage to do. Have the courage to truly be himself. To truly be selfish for a change.
Much like she has wanted him to do with one request. To give up Peter Parker and just be Spider-Man. To embrace truly being the masked hero and not be ashamed of it.
To embrace that life with her. A request at the time he had to think long and hard about. Had to think about all of the people in his life.
Had to truly think if that was what he truly wanted. And at that time it wasn't. He couldn't give up being Peter Parker.
Not then anyways. A decision that lead them each down different paths. Lead her back down the crime path.
As for him? Well that was a whole different story.
" Felicia? You in there?"
Coming to a stop next to her closed off door reaching up gently Spider-Man knocks on the door.
" Here kitty,kitty…."
" I'm right here you idiot."
Snapping his head around instantly Spider-Man jumps back slightly in shock when he sees Black Cat sitting on the bottom step with her hands on her knees.
" Are you okay? I'm not sure what's going on…."
" I'm a screw up okay?"
" You think? You do a heist for Kingpin. Try to kill me…."
In a sudden move snapping up to her feet Black Cat makes her way to stand within inches away from Spider-Man.
" I was working from the inside. I got in over my head and i couldn't get out of it then you show up way too early and i get this huge rush from seeing you…."
" You attacked me and what do you mean i showed up too early?"
" I was doing it for you so that you would see that we were made for each other."
Suddenly as he sees her head bowing down to look towards the ground Spider-Man can't help but do the same.
" Oh i'm sorry. I had no idea you still felt that way."
" Really!? Well guess what? I still do. I still love you."
Letting out a sigh Black Cat throws her head back in frustration before slowly she starts to pace around.
" Look at us. Wearing these stupid masks. Who are we really? We have all these powers and act like we're ashamed of them."
Shaking her head turning to look back towards him reaching out gently Black Cat lays a hand down on his cheek.
" I once asked you this but i didn't think that you were truly ready. I know Peter about everything. I know about how hard of a year you've had.
Losing your aunt feeling absolutely useless to help her despite the amazing abilities you possess. She would want you to be happy.
Right now despite that ridiculous mask, I know that you're not happy. I know about how you and the red head have a rocky relationship right now at best.
I know that you visit your aunt's and uncle's grave each and every single day. They wouldn't want this for you.
They would want you to be happy. Be with me. Let me take care of you. This whole place. Everything that you see around you can be ours.
Just embrace this side of yourself like i have. Embrace being Spider-Man and be proud of it not ashamed of it.
Join me. Wake up every single morning next to me. Breathe with me as if it was your last. Embrace the side of yourself that has been calling out to you for so long."
Words that he knew to be so true. Words that was like a stab to his chest. A pain of the truth. This year had been the longest of his life.
All starting with his aunt. His beloved Aunt May. An aunt that he had watched with a heavy heart be diagnosed with cancer in an already late stage when he had taken her to the hospital one day when she wasn't feeling well.
A stage that he had watched her painfully try to carry on with a smile for the remaining months she had left on this Earth.
Months that went by too fast. Months that were so painful. So painful to watch his last living parent die slowly.
So painful he couldn't talk to anyone for a while. Couldn't allow anyone in. Couldn't allow anyone to see him so vulnerable.
Not even Mary Jane. His girlfriend at the time. A woman that he could talk many things with. But not this.
A strain that had quickly lead to a crack in their relationship followed by another. Then another to the point where they were not seeing each other at the moment with only a promise of needing to find themselves giving the other hope one day they could be together again.
A blind hope with only one major obstacle in their way. The woman in front of him. A woman that even from afar he knew deep down was still looking out for him.
Was making sure that even if she wasn't there that he would be okay by doing some of the mysterious things that he couldn't figure out for a while who was responsible.
Things like his rent being mysterious paid for without him knowing. How sometimes when he would fall asleep next to this aunt's grave he would find himself covered up with a blanket with only the memory of seeing a glimpse of white and silver hair moving away.
Glimpses that instantly solved the mystery of who was looking out for him. The very same woman that stares deep into his eyes now just pleading with him.
Just pleading to listen to her voice. Just pleading to listen to her words. Words that made so much sense.
Has made his heart beat faster in his chest as he stares into her eyes. Eyes just begging for him to take this leap of faith with her.
Just begging to be given a chance. A chance that would change everything. Change the makeup of who he is.
The makeup of what he used to be if he so chose. To leave another life behind in exchange for a fresh start.
In exchange for a new start with the woman of his dreams in his arms. But what choice would he make?
Remaining motionless just staring into his eyes feeling her heart racing with every passing second she waits suddenly as she sees movement coming out of the corner of her eye slowly with a held breathe Black Cat watches Spider-Man reach up to grab the bottom of his mask with his right hand as she feels his left circling around her waist gently.
An motion that causes her eyes to widen slightly and her heart to race even faster as she watches him rip the mask off to stare at her with watery eyes before instantly her eyes go wide as saucers when she sees him dropping his mask down to the ground.
Turning her eyes back up to meet his own suddenly without having a chance to react a lone tear escapes Black Cat's eyes as she feels his lips pressed against her own before in a sudden motion she feels herself being pulled into his chest and his hand resting firmly down on her ass as her hands wrap around the back of his neck.