Chapter 7

Weifang stands outside the tent pacing back and forth while rambling. Uragi watches him while sitting on a large rock.

"I just can't believe it" said Weifang. "How can Zuko do something so stupid? He should know not to challenge such a high ranking officer in the fire nation. Dad's just going to get more pissed off with him if he continues like this."

"It's Zuko" said Uragi. "He's always been a little…impulsive. That is exactly why he was banished to begin with." Weifang stops pacing and remains silent. Uragi crosses her arms. "You know, it's kind of odd. With how things are now, You seem like the real son of the Fire Lord and Zuko's the adopted one. Though that would make Zuko my biological brother, and a pathetic one at that."

"Zuko's not bad, he's just misguided."

"Misguided, you're misguided, your blind faith for Zuko is questionable."

"It's not blind faith."

"Than what else would you call it? You have always sided with Zuko on everything even if it's his fault. You are the only one that was visibly upset about his banishment."

"If you knew the full story, you would side with Zuko too."

"No, I wouldn't. I've always hated him since the moment I've met him."

"That's kind of harsh."

"But it's the truth, Zuko never seemed like a good person. Always trying to better himself trying to prove that he's the rightful heir to the Fire Nation throne. That pride must run in the family cause Azula is no better."

"Zuko is nothing like Azula."

"And what makes you so sure?"

"Cause I know he is a good person. He's my brother after all."

"Brother?" said Uragi in a offended voice. "Then let me ask you this. If it came down to saving your life or capturing the Avatar, what do you think Zuko would do? Would he give up on his whole notion of capturing the Avatar or will he just let you die?"

"Obviously he would save me of course; he's not blinded by his obsession that he will choose such a thing."

Uragi glares at Weifang. "I'm not convinced. I feel like he would reclaim his honor over saving someone's life, even his own family."

"You worry too much, that scenario will never happen." Weifang looks up and notices the sunset. "It's almost time, we better head to the arena."


Sunset comes. Zuko and Zhao are in a large arena with their backs to each other. They had no shirts on and wore red pants and were completely bare foot. They had a small cloth on their shoulders with a fire shape texture on it. Iroh and Weifang were standing near Zuko. Uragi stands near Zhao.

"Remember your fire bending basics Prince Zuko" said Iroh. "They are your greatest weapons."

"I refuse to let him win" said Zuko. The two get up and face each other letting the cloth fall to the ground.

"This will be over quickly" said Zhao. Zuko and Zhao both take a stance. The gong is rung. Zuko fires a large fireball. Zhao shifts to the side to dodge it. Zuko sends a few more fire balls at Zhao and Zhao dodges it with ease. One fireball get sent directly at Zhao. Zhao crosses his arms and repels it away from his body dispelling the fire. He gives a smirk as Zuko breathes heavily. His arms start shaking a little. Zuko starts to kick some fire with Zhao blocking the attack. Zuko sends a large wave a fire at Zhao and Zhao summons his own fire to repel the fire away from him.

"Zuko, stay focus" yelled Weifang.

"Basics Zuko" said Iroh. "Break his root."

Zhao starts his attack. He sends fire at Zuko. Zuko repels it from his body. He does it again and again Zuko repels it. However, the more he does, he further back he gets pushed. Zhao fires a large attack and knocks Zuko down on the ground. Zhao fires one more as Zuko attmpts to get up knocking him back. Zuko lands hard on the ground getting the wind knocked out of him. Zhao then jumps and lands near Zuko.

"It's over" said Uragi.

Zhao prepares to fire at Zuko while he's down on the ground at point blank range. Zuko sees the attack coming quickly rolling back and triping Zhao at the same time. He kicks himself up from the ground landing on his feet.

"Good Zuko" said Weifang. Uragi stands there in silence just shocked by what just happened.

Zuko then smirks as he delivers low fire attacks at the feet forcing Zhao to stumble back. With each wave of fire sent in Zhao's direction the more and more he loses his balance. With one final kick, Zuko knocks Zhao onto the ground. Zuko stands above Zhao with his fist extended. He pauses.

"Do it!" yelled Zhao. Zuko fires a point blank attack missing Zhao. "That's it? Your father raised a coward."

"Next time you get in my way, I promise, I won't hold back" said Zuko. He starts to walk away. Zhao slowly gets up. He clenches his fist and kicks a fireball at Zuko. Weifang jumps in the way and delivers a kick of his own blocking the fire and blowing Zhao back at the same time. Zuko goes to try and strike Zhao but Iroh stops him.

"No, Prince Zuko, do not taint your victory" said Iroh. Iroh turns to Zhao. "So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat? Disgraceful. Even in exile, my nephew is more honorable than you." Iroh pauses. "Thanks again for the tea. It was delicious." Iroh starts to walk away. Zuko follows after. Weifang looks at Zhao for a minute and turns to leave with Iroh and Zuko. Zhao starts to chuckle.

"You've gotten stronger Prince Weifang" said Zhao. "Amazing how much one can grow in two years. Heed my advice Weifang; you will receive nothing but pain and suffering by staying with your brother. You know what happened last time you took a blow for him." Weifang stops and stares at Zhao. "You may not be so lucky this time around." Weifang glares at him.

"Weifang!" yelled Iroh. "Let's go!" Weifang slowly turns around walking away. Uragi runs to catch up to them.

The three of them get back to the ship. Zuko and Iroh get on the ship. Weifang is about to head on when he stops and looks back. Uragi was standing a few feet behind him. They approach each other. Uragi lets out a sigh.

"Alright, I'll admit, Zuko is…strong…but that won't mean anything he will still have to capture the Avatar and Zhao still has the advantage." said Uragi.

"Well he won't give up" said Weifang. "And neither will I."

Uragi smiles. "I know." Uragi hugs Weifang. "Promise me something little brother."

"What is it?"

Uragi gets into Weifang's ear. "Don't let Zuko be the death of you. I've already lost Mom and Dad. If I was to lose my little brother too then…."

"I know, and don't worry, I will be fine."

They let go of each other and Weifang walks onto the ship. The ship pulls of as Weifang waves goodbye to Uragi. Uragi waves back as the ship disappears in the sunset.