AN: Hello, and welcome to the newest story for my RWBY-collection. However, most of you guys know that the stories that are RWBY-AU's have Jaune, who is different from his canon-part, as the main character for most of them. But for this story, I am planning on something different, so I will be using an OC as the main character, who just happens to be Qrow's son.

I know that most people aren't interested in a story with some OC as the main character, but I figured it might be a nice change of things. So please bare with me as I continue with this story, and consider favoring and following the story.

Also, if you guys haven't noticed, the story is called; "Unfortunate Son".

...I have no idea if the title is a reference to something.

Not only am I creating this story, but after this one, I am going to create ANOTHER RWBY-based story. Probably a crossover, considering that I haven't wrote an actual crossover ever since I became a writer for the website. Just for the record: I am planning on doing a God-Of-War x RWBY story if I do make a crossover.

Anyways, time to start the story.


Beacon Academy: Ozpin's Office -

Qrow Branwen - a member of Team STRQ, and Ozpin's field-agent - was genuinely shocked. Normally, the drunken badass would never admit to such a thing, but from what he heard right then and there had honestly shook him to his core.

Before he received whatever news that had shocked him, Qrow was on a reconnaissance mission, trying to find out more about the attackers that put Amber in her coma. But, all that had momentarily stopped when he received a message from Ozpin, who wanted him to return to Beacon immediately. He was confused at first, that was until another message came to him, something that was related to his family, which made him immediately book it all the way back to Vale.

Unlike his sister, Qrow actually gave a damn about his family: his true family.

When he returned to Vale, he immediately headed for Beacon, and finally found himself in Ozpin's office, with both Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch waiting for him. Before the two could speak, Qrow had immediately asked questions about what happened while he was gone.

It felt like he was gonna be doing so for hours, that was until Ozpin had simply told him -

"I have a SON?!"

"Now, Qrow, I understand that you're confused - "

"You're damn right I'm confused! I mean, HOW is this even possible?!"

Even though Qrow was a bit of a skirt-chaser, he had always made sure that the women he met were going to be one-time flings: that, and to be sure that he had protection on him at all times. But then again, there was the fact that his Semblance was plain-old misfortune, but there was no way that his Semblance would make a condom brake, right?




Qrow cleared his head of the idea of his Semblance quite literally screwing himself and the women he's been with, and returned his focus towards Ozpin. He questioned him,

"Oz, how can we be sure that this is even my kid? What if he's Raven's son?"

Even though it was his sister that he was talking about, Qrow wouldn't put it past Raven to accidentally have ANOTHER child, and then ditching said-kid. He was still mad at her about leaving both Tai and Yang behind, only to lead the tribe they were born into.

Ozpin agreed,

"I would be inclined to believe you, Qrow, but that was until I was given an image of the young man, and results of a DNA-test, proving that you are indeed the father."

"I'm gonna need a lot more than just a pic - wait. How exactly did you get DNA-test results?"

That was when both Ozpin and Glynda actually looked worried, which made Qrow even more concerned as to what was happening right now. Both the Headmaster and Deputy-Headmistress looked at each other, having a silent conversation as to what they were going to say, until Qrow interrupted,

"PEOPLE! Can we return to my 'son', please?!"

"Qrow...when we received word of your...son, it was from a doctor from Vale General Hospital. Apparently, your son was taken in, after passing out in the middle of some alleyway, multiple injuries were found on him."

It was needless to say that Qrow was even MORE shocked. After all: the guy just heard that he might have a son, and that his supposed son was taken to a hospital, probably holding onto dear life. Both Ozpin and Glynda had given him a few moments to himself, both having no idea on what to say to him. However, Qrow managed to keep his composure, and asked,

"So...can I check the results? And what he looks like?"

"Of course."

Ozpin placed his Scroll onto his desk, in which two screens had popped up: one of the screens showing Qrow the results of the DNA-test, which Qrow had began to skim through it, muttering under his breath as to see if he was actually a father all this time. By the time he actually got to the results, his eyes widened, and he decided to take one of the seats that were in front of Ozpin's desk. He pulled out his flask, and took a long swig from it, afterwards he muttered,

"I don't believe it...I have a son...I actually have a son."

That was when he looked at the other screen, which showed him the image of a young man. When he saw it, it made Qrow accept the whole idea even more, because he felt like he was looking at a mirror. The young man on the screen happened to be about eighteen-years-old, and was nearly the spitting-image of himself. There were some differences in his appearance, like the young man's hair was long and had to be tied into a small ponytail with a few strands of hair over his right eye, and noticed there were dark circles underneath his eyes.

But, the biggest difference between him and Qrow, was the fact that there was a massive scar on the bridge of his nose.

"Holy shit...look at him. He's practically a grown man."

"Qrow - "

"He looks like he's about eighteen! Don't you see what that means, Oz? I - I was missing from my SON'S life for a long, fucking time!"

"Qrow - !"

"Then again, maybe it was best that we don't know each other. After all, I could've gotten the kid killed with Semblance."

"Qrow, you need to - !"

"Oh gods, my Semblance. What - what if he got my Semblance?! I - I need to - "


He snapped out of his miniature meltdown, and looked at Ozpin, who was standing at this point. He told him,

"You need to calm down, Qrow. I admit that this is shocking news to you - to ALL of us, really - but you need to calm down. Panicking like what you just did will do nobody any good, especially for your son. Now, your son is still in the hospital, so you should visit him, okay?"

"Y-yeah...I probably should."

"Good. careful, Qrow. It's like you've said, you haven't been in your son's life for nearly eighteen years, so he might reject you if you come on too strong. Just...take things slow with him."

Qrow had only nodded, and was about to leave the office, but that was when he realized something. It was probably the first thing he should've done as soon as he accepted the fact that he had a son. He turned around, and asked Ozpin,

"What's his name?"

Vale General Hospital -

"Your son is in room 503, Mr. Branwen."


After making sure that his son was still checked into the hospital, Qrow made his way towards his son's hospital-room. On the way to the hospital, Qrow had awkwardly bought a balloon that had the words: "Get Well Soon!" written in a cartoonish-like font. He didn't know why he bought the thing, but he was visiting someone in the hospital, so the balloon seemed appropriate by the time. He immediately regretted buying the thing as soon as he entered the room, an aura of uneasiness was around him as he looked at his son.

Just like the image he had seen nearly two hours ago, the young man in front of Qrow looked exactly like him during his youth. He had some strands of hair covering right eye, while the rest was tied into a ponytail, which the tail had a few strands of hair sticking out at the end. He still had the dark circles under his eyes, as well as the scar that was on the bridge of his nose.

Qrow had believed that it was the only scar he had, but he was wrong.

"Holy crap..."

His son was only wearing the sweatpants that was given to him from the hospital, which allowed Qrow to see more markings all over his body, which were either scars or tattoos. On his back were two diagonal scars, most likely from a long, sharp object. On the side of his neck was a small scar, which appeared to have healed over time, probably due to a knife or something. Two scars had formed an "X"-shape on his chest, while three horizontal scars were visible on his abdomen. On his right shoulder appeared to be, much to Qrow's horror, was some sort of brand mark that resembled some sort of hand-print, as the rest of his right arm was littered in smaller scars. Telling from the scars alone, it was obvious that he fought more humans then Grimm.

It was only his left arm that seemed normal, if not for the tattoo that covered his forearm. What looked like his personal emblem, his son had sported a black bird, with its wings spread out, standing on top of some sword.

The two looked at each other for a couple of minutes, that was until Qrow started to speak. He was unsure of what he was going to say, but Qrow knew that he needed to do something in order to break the ice between himself and his son.

It might be best if he started to call him by his name.


AN: That was the first chapter for "Unfortunate Son", so tell me guys what you thought!

Since this story is going to be based around an OC, I might as well give you some background information about him.

Qrow's son is named Sparrow Branwen, and to be honest, I had some difficulty naming him. I wanted to keep the whole "Branwen-Vibe" alive, so I wanted to stick the bird names - Qrow and Raven - and decided to look up bird names. At first, he was going to be named Merlin, but I decided against, mostly because I wanted to do some symbolism into his name. Which is where I got to the name "Sparrow". Apparently, the sparrow would be an omen in European folklore, how they would symbolize impending death if they were to fly into your house. I am not sure if this is an actual thing, just know that I am sticking with Sparrow Branwen for the name.

Also, I am not sure if any of you guys do this when reading, but have you actually wondered how OC's would sound like if they had their own voice-actors? Because if you guys do, imagine Sparrow Branwen sounding like Johnny Yong Bosch, who has done the voices like: Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach, Lelouch vi Britannia from Code Geass, and probably the most current character he's voicing - Nero from the Devil May Cry franchise.

Actually, some characteristics about Sparrow might be similar to Nero, which is most likely due to his background in the story. Then there's the whole thing with Sparrow's weapon - or weapons as the story progresses, I am still not sure about the idea - Sparrow's weapon will be a bit basic in terms of RWBY-standards, but I figured it might fit with how his Semblance is.

Know that I plan on revealing his Semblance around the third chapter or so.

Anyways, the second chapter will be continue from where I left off, with Qrow and Sparrow having a conversation, in which more people will be added to the story.

See ya later!