Author's Note:

This is an "action chapter" so I hope you all enjoy fight scenes.

The title for the chapter is longer than what the site allows you to enter. So the chapter title when clicking on it is an abbreviated version of what it actually is. The chapter title below is the true one.

I also read some of the reviews you all left, as always, I love both the criticisms and the praise! I understand I'm not a perfect writer and I do this in my free time, so mistakes are bound to happen.

That being said, some of the flaws in the story that some have mentioned are not holes in the plot but rather a combination of two things. My writing has improved in a way that some of the previous chapters hurt me to go back and read; so some confusion comes from poor writing early on that didn't explain points very well. The other is that I simply haven't gotten to that part of the story yet. I just wanted to let you all know that I read every comment and encourage you to leave more. Especially if you feel like it's constructive criticism.

With that out of the way, enjoy the chapter!



Disclaimer: I do not own Fallout, RWBY, or any associated characters.

Remnants of a Courier

Chapter 27: The Invincible Girl Versus Mister Untouchable

It was only one week out now. One week out from the operation that Roman had planned. Then he'd become the Mimic once again.

Right now, Six was an instructor and very much trying not to blow his cover.

That fateful day had finally come. The training for team JNPR had been mostly theoretical teamwork stuff up until today. Now was the first real sparring session.

Six stepped to the side just as Nora's hammer sailed past him and collided with the ground. The force of it shook the ground but he maintained his balance.

The student had a wide smile on her face as she turned to him. "You're quick!"

Nora's partner—Ren—circled the two before opening fire on their instructor. The Courier responded by grabbing hold of Nora and pushing her into the dust rounds.

"Oooh, quick and clever," the girl continued as Six kicked her towards Ren. Nora stumbled forward and tried to find her balance. Her partner didn't have a clear shot due to their instructor's tactic.

House used this opportunity to dart forward before planting a boot on Nora's back and using her as a jumping platform.

Ren's eyes opened in surprise as his instructor sailed through the air towards him. This was followed by frustration as several rounds from House's gun pelted him.

The future huntsman brought his dual pistols to bear too late as the underside of his instructor's boot met his face.

The Courier effectively curb-stomped the student as he descended. It was a tactic that was done in the spur of the moment as Ren's auto pistols were Six's biggest threat in this fight.

Nora had already recovered and was bringing her weapon back around. This was a perfect opportunity to use his enemy's strength against them.

As Ren tried to bring his pistols back up to Six, two hands caught the quiet teen's wrists; Six dropping Maria to do so. House had gripped the boy's wrists tightly before bringing them together so he couldn't fire.

A smirk formed underneath Six's helmet as he stepped off Ren's face. This was followed by him gripping the teen's wrists tightly and hauling him up by them. In one fluid motion, the Courier pulled Ren up to his feet before throwing him over his shoulder and into Nora's weapon.

The quiet student's aura dropped into the red as he let out a yelp from being hit by the hammer. This was followed by the student soaring past Six and into one of the walls of the Murder Box. The student didn't bother to get back up as he slumped to the ground.

"Oops, sorry Ren!"

With the larger threat out of the way, it was time to deal with Nora. The girl suffered many of the same weaknesses as Cardin.

Unfortunately, Six had dropped his gun to throw Ren. This forced him to wait for an opening as he lunged back and away from the girl's attack.

The future huntress didn't disappoint as she came at him with wild swings. It looked like she was avoiding using the overhead attack that smashed her weapon into the ground. A smart move.

Six was forced to back up further and further as she continued swinging back and forth at him. Still, this only served to delay him from closing in. His back hit the wall and House knew there was no more stalling.

When she swung again, Six ducked before lunging forward and under her swung. Nora's weapon connected with the wall; tearing and smashing chunks off it. This also meant her weapon was momentarily slowed by its collision with the wall.

A moment was all Six needed to move under Nora's weapon before rising back up to deliver an uppercut to her jaw. The girl's head tilted back as she tried to regain her bearings.

At that time, Joshua grabbed the girl's wrist tightly before giving it a hard twist; making the girl choose between letting go of her weapon or twisting her wrist out of place. Nora chose the former as her hammer fell to the dirt below.

This was going to require a good ole fashion beat down. With her wrist immobilized, Six delivered a jab to her face, sending it rocking back again. Nora's face contorted into a grimace of pain before another jab collided with her nose.

Before he could get the third one in, Six's student sent a fist his way with her free arm. It was sloppy and uncoordinated. Six often found that without their weapons these future huntsmen and huntresses were much easier to handle.

Joshua deflected the blow by bringing up his forearm and batting the attack aside. He pushed his advantage by sending a knee into Nora's side causing her to double over.

Not letting up, he brought his fist down to the back of her head, bringing Nora to her knees. Six backed up only to use his grip on her wrist to pull her forward. This sent the girl down face-first into the dirt.

The Courier checked his Pip-Boy to see her aura in the low yellow. The fight wasn't quite over yet.

He brought his boot back just as Nora was getting to her feet before sending his foot into her side. The girl rolled onto her back as she had a coughing fit. They may not take physical damage but it still hurt to get kicked around from what Six noticed.

With that, the fight was finally over. A sigh of relief escaped the Courier as he stretched out his back.

"Good work, both of you," Six complimented as he began walking over to the duo watching their fight.

"In the future, you need to work better to not get in each other's way. And Nora, your attacks are too easy to see coming. Make yourself less predictable." It was a bit of an insult to call Nora predictable as the girl was a walking storm of chaos but her oversized hammer limited her movement and speed.

Nora was already back on her feet despite the fight and walking over to him. "Sure thing Housey-Pousey. I'll get on it!"

The "nickname" made his skin crawl. "Stop that."

"You got it Pouty-Housey."

"Nora, stop annoying instructor House," Ren said as he finally caught up to Nora and House. "You know it's rude."

"But Reeeeeen."

"No buts, get against the wall. I need a break…" Ah Ren, the voice of reason that made Six's day much better. A model student that kept to himself and kept Nora in line. Who could ask for more?

"So, I take it we're next," Jaune muttered as he approached House. The boy's partner strode with confidence that the boy severely lacked.

"You are, get in position," Six responded as he turned and grabbed Maria from the ground. It was the moment of truth. The best of the first years versus him.

As he moved, Joshua could faintly hear his opponents whispering to each other.

"So, you've got the plan, right?" That was Jaune, a rushed and hushed tone to his voice.

"Don't worry Jaune," Pyrrha replied as she gave her partner a soft smile. "You've more than thought this through. It will work."

Oh, so they came with a game plan? This would prove interesting.

"Nora, start us off!"

At Six's demand, Nora hopped to her feet from her seat next to Ren. "Yes sir!"

"On three!"

An eerie silence filled the Murder Box as Six's grip tightened around Maria. Nora loved to draw things out for a dramatic mome-

"One two three go!"

Nora blurted out the start of the fight in an instant and even took Six by surprise for a moment.

Joshua barely recovered in time to avoid Pyrrha's spear; being forced to dodge to his left as to not be impaled. The blade sank into the dirt behind him as Nora charged.

Jaune was lagging behind her as it seemed the boy hadn't been as quick on the go. That and Pyrrha was a more competent fighter.

Six opened fire only to have his rounds bounce of Pyrrha's shield as she acted as a wall for Jaune. An issue he had been hoping to avoid.

The duo closed the distance before Pyrrha brought her shield around to bash Six. In turn, Joshua leaned back and out of the way.

His opponent didn't stop as she brought her leg up as a high kick to his head. Six was forced to duck under the blow before rolling away from her. The girl was an absolute monster at close quarters.

To Six's surprise, Pyrrha didn't press the attack. He turned back to spot her picking up her spear as Jaune came at him.

The blonde boy's blade sailed past House as he stepped to the side. In a move that seemed uncharacteristically competent for Jaune, he brought his shield around to bash Six when his sword missed.

The Courier's eyes opened in surprise but Six brought his hands up and grabbed the sides of Jaune's shield, stopping the boy's momentum entirely.

There was a sense of danger from the current position he was in. Instead of countering Jaune's attack, Joshua pushed him away and jumped back. This proved to be the right move as Pyrrha landed where he had just been.

Six fired the rest of Maria's current magazine at Pyrrha who brought her shield up again and charged him. This time she began firing her weapon back at him while charging.

All of the Courier's faculties shifted to predicting where Pyrrha was going to fire, resulting in him just barely avoiding and sidestepping her rounds. This also meant he didn't attack the girl as she closed in.

The teenager's weapon had shifted to its short sword form as she swung downward at him with precision and speed. Six sidestepped the attack, using his hand to press the blade away mid-swing, before sending a jab at her face.

In turn, the girl brought her shield up and not only blocked but instead deflected Six's fist to the side. The shift in momentum threw the Courier off balance.

This left an opening that Pyrrha exploited as she brought her blade back up at him. The Courier was forced to bring his hand down and grab her wrist to stop the blade. This was followed by him grabbing her shield in a death grip as well; dropping Maria in the process.

There was a contest of strength for a few moments as the two fighters sought to overpower the other. Pyrrha to free her weapons and Six to disarm her. Their limbs shook but slowly Six began prying her sword and shield to the side; leaving her midsection vulnerable.

The red-haired fighter took a short breath before jumping up and sending her feet at Six. Was Pyrrha really attempting to dropkick him? The gall on this one.

This forced Joshua to let her weapon and shield go as he quickly gripped her feet and stopped her kick. Pyrrha used his hands as a platform and jumped off him; performing a backflip before landing a good distance away.

In the next moment, Six was forced to duck under Jaune's blade as he sent a vertical swing his way. This was followed by another shield bash.

Joshua had been expecting this one. From his kneeling position, Six stopped his shield with one hand before tightly gripping its edge. He used his other to grab Jaune's sword arm.

Knowing that Pyrrha was probably already charging him, the Courier tightened his grip on the boy's arm before flinging him over his shoulder and at Pyrrha. With his death grip on Jaune's shield, he also successfully wrenched it from the boy's grip, sending it to the ground.

The girl in question jumped over Jaune who sailed past her before landing with a loud thud and moan. The fighter sent a front kick towards Six who saw his maybe one and only moment to gain an advantage.

Instead of dodging, he positioned himself so that her leg's momentum met his armpit. The direction of her momentum and his position meant her leg was stopped with little to no impact. The Courier quickly wrapped his arm around her leg immobilizing it. His free hand struck at her in that same moment but didn't aim for her leg.

That was all he got as Pyrrha yanked her leg back. But as she went to set her foot down, she collapsed backward letting out a small yelp of surprise.

In that grapple, Six had broken the heel of her boot. It was a stupid thing to wear high heels into combat.

Before Pyrrha could regain her balance, Six was on her. One hand gripped her shield and the other her sword arm. She fought to keep her weapons in hand but that wasn't what he was going for.

As she fell, he pulled her arms towards him before planting the bottom of his boot on her face. The shocked expression on the girl told House all he needed to know.

He sent his foot down with as much force as he could muster causing her head to collide with the ground. While not quite as strong Nora's hammer hitting the dirt, Pyrrha's head sank into the ground and left an indentation.

Joshua would've pressed his advantage if a screaming Jaune didn't come lunging at him. He was forced to back up as the blonde boy sent a wild swing at him.

Jaune didn't let up as he sent another swing. The Courier sighed as he once more sidestepped the attack before gripping the kid's arm.

"So… Can I give up," Jaune asked with a sheepish grin.

"Sorry," Six replied as he drove his fist into the kid's face. Then he did it again, and again, and again. The Courier began punching the boy senseless where he stood.

But as he continued to punch Jaune, Six realized the boy's aura reserves were tremendous as any regular huntsman would probably have their aura shatter by now. Six quickly checked his Pip-Boy to see Jaune's aura was only in the low yellow. The hell?

While he was distracted, Jaune let go of his sword and wrapped his arms around Six's waist. "Now Pyrrha!"

Six couldn't help but let out an "oh shit" as he saw Pyrrha jumping towards the two of them.

The Courier tossed the sword to the side before he brought both his elbows down on the kid, probably sending him into the red, but he still didn't let go.

Pyrrha landed on Jaune's back before sending a low kick at Six's head. Joshua caught the leg with one hand only to be forced to grip the handle of the red-haired fighter's sword as it came at him.

The three of them were locked together in a contest of strength. Jaune let out small moans of pain as House let out a low growl from the effort.

A shield began descending towards Six's head as he realized Pyrrha still had her other arm. Panicking, he used all his upper body strength to throw her off Jaune. He didn't bother watching the girl get thrown to the ground.

Instead, he grabbed Jaune by the hair before pulling as hard as he could. This brought Jaune's head back.

"You're in the red, you're out." Six's words were spoken through slightly labored breathing. The Courier was getting tired of this exercise.

"Oh, awesome…" Jaune immediately collapsed to the ground after he spoke. This in turn freed Six who spotted Pyrrha kneeling.

She transformed her weapon back into a spear and began firing at him. Six realizing she probably didn't have much mobility with the broken heel.

Using a tactic from a previous fight, he brought the metal cafeteria tray out from his uniform, materializing it in the uniform so no one would notice.

The Courier began closing the distance as she continued to fire. She only stopped to throw her spear at her assailant who let the spear pierce the tray before tossing it aside. That was two holes in the poor makeshift shield now.

This fight was just about over. Six figured she was probably somewhere in the yellow with limited mobility. Pyrrha brought her shield up as a defense as he got close.

In response, House gripped the edges of the shield before slowly beginning to pry away her last defense. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her reaching for Jaune's shield that had been discarded. Her arm was just a little too short to actually reach the weapon. Slowly but surely, the girl's strength began failing and her shield was being pried from her grasp.

Six smirked as he finally pulled Pyrrha's shield aside and brought his fist up to meet her face. Only to be greeted by the sight of an unnatural glow surrounding Jaune's shield before it seemed to fly to Pyrrha's grip.

The Courier's fist connected with Pyrrha's face as Jaune's shield connected with his helmet. Both their heads rocked back from the respective hits. A small scratch formed along the visor of the helmet as he let out a long sigh of disappointment. The dull pain on his face did little to dull the fact he had actually taken a hit. Unfortunate.

His form slowly relaxed as he stood back up to his full height. That was that.

"Congratulations, you got me." Six checked his Pip-Boy after he spoke, noting that she was still barely in the yellow.

"You," Pyrrha began as she realized what had just happened. "You don't…"

"Not here, get your gear and follow me."

"Jaune, don't treat yourself like a human sacrifice. That is all," the Courier yelled out as he retrieved his weapon before immediately heading for the door. "Pyrrha and I will be back momentarily. Take a break."

Nora seemed to be speaking in a manner that only Ren could understand as she hopped around. It looked like she had enjoyed the fight. Ren seemed content to listen to her every word.

Lastly, Jaune lay still on the ground, the rising and falling of his chest being the only indication he wasn't dead.

The red-haired huntress followed him out the door and into the hall. The familiar face of Cardin greeting both of them.

"Cardin, in a minute, I need to have a discussion with Pyrrha," Six said, cutting off the teenager as he opened his mouth. There was a disgruntled look that crossed the teen's face as Six turned away.

The Courier led Pyrrha down the hall, trying his best to think of what he was going to say to the girl. Turning back, he could tell that she had questions for him.

Their trip was a quick one that led to one of the "secret rooms" that some of the faculty knew about. Six made sure no one was watching, even using his compass features before opening the secret door.

The look on Pyrrha's face was almost worth all the risk she was posing him. The look of shock and "there's secret rooms in Beacon?" The Courier quickly ushered her inside before closing the door.

The inside of the room was relatively empty. A small desk with chairs around it was the only decoration for the room. A coffee machine sat in the corner and a small monitor was inlaid into the table.

"Alright, to get the obvious questions out of the way first," Six began as he turned to the girl.

"Yes, Ozpin built secret rooms for faculty. Don't tell anyone or it's my ass."

The Courier took a seat in one of the chairs as he continued, "yes, I don't have an aura which is why you hit my armor and not it. I don't have one because it's not unlocked. I don't want you to unlock it for personal reasons. Know I was hired here despite that fact and it's not supposed to be known by students."

All complete and total lies. None of the faculty knew about his lack of aura and it can't be unlocked.

Six sighed, leaning back in his chair after getting all of that out. "Last thing… You tell anyone about my aura or lack thereof, it's your head."

He let a silence descend over the room as he took his helmet off. The bandages did their purpose but caused more questions as Pyrrha raised a brow.

"Alright, now if you have questions, go ahead," Six said as he placed the helmet on the table. He produced several tools from his uniform and began working on the scratch that now adorned his helmet.

The girl seemed rather nervous as she didn't say anything. The two sat in the quiet room for a full minute as he worked on his helmet. What was wrong with this girl?

"Well, ask away," Joshua continued as the scratch slowly began to become less noticeable. Having to refurbish your helmet for one tiny scratch so no one would notice was annoying. "Or do you have a problem with authority?"

"No sir," the girl finally replied. "I just… Wasn't sure where to start. I believe in putting my best foot forward… I'm not in trouble, am I?"

Six glanced at her before shrugging. "No. You did a fine job. It's just problematic for me."

"Do… You always wear bandages under your helmet?"

"Yes. I'm not going to tell you why." Six was trying to keep his tone professional as he spoke. It was hard given his irritation and worry for the situation.

"Do you believe Jaune and I make good partners?"

What? "Come again," Six said as he blinked several times. Unsure if he heard that right.

"Do you believe Jaune and I make good partners?"

"In what context?" Six really didn't like where this was going.

"As Beacon partners of course," Pyrrha replied, causing Six to let out a small sigh. "I'm worried because Jaune has been acting strange around me for a week… I want to support him the best I can."

A week… Wasn't that when Jaune asked for his advice?

"He's been avoiding me and I'm worried I've done something wrong," she continued while crossing her arms together. This girl may have been a capable warrior but was wholly unprepared for the social world.

"I spoke with your partner around that time." Six paused as he tried to find the words to both comfort her and not give away his advice had possibly caused the problem. "Your partner's issue is not a simple one for him and it's not something you caused."

He waved a hand at her in a dismissive manner before continuing, "you shouldn't worry about it. This is something he needs to resolve on his own. When the time comes, he'll let you know when he needs you."

"You know what's going on with Jaune?" Her question indicated that she may have focused on the wrong part of what he said.

"Yes, but you shouldn't pry. Everyone needs time to figure themselves out. Give Jaune some time. He'll come to you, don't worry."

She didn't seem particularly thrilled with his response but Pyrrha bit her tongue. Whatever it was she thought, she wasn't going to tell him. That was fine, as long as she didn't make it his problem.

"Now, for my questions." Six's statement made Pyrrha turn to him with a questioning look. "You didn't think you'd be the only one asking questions, did you?"

The Courier leaned back in his seat before polishing the spot where Jaune's shield hit his helmet. The scratched was almost invisible now. He'd remove it entirely later when he had time.

He turned to her before saying, "your semblance… Telekinesis or magnetism?"

Pyrrha blinked a few times before a small smile spread across her face. "Polarity."

A snap of Six's fingers was his response as he leaned back before saying, "I was close." In actuality, polarity and magnetism were intertwined. It was a technical misnomer on his part. She didn't have control over magnetism in general but rather the poles of an object's magnetic field. The Courier had a fairly advanced understanding of the subject and thus understood what she meant.

"Now… Did Jaune come up with that little plan of yours during our sparring session?" Six was referring to when Jaune took him by surprise. Immobilizing him so that Pyrrha could strike.

"He did," Pyrrha responded while giving a nod. "Jaune's trained with you before and watched your other sparring sessions. He came up with the idea."

Was this what Ozpin had meant when he saw potential in the kid? A mind for tactics rather than strength? Jaune's performance today and his forgery to get into Beacon supported the idea. He'd keep a close eye on the teen.

"Very well, that is all. You both did well, let's get back to the others and call it a day." At his words, Six stood up before putting his helmet back on.

The trip back was short, lasting only a few minutes before they came to the entrance of the Murder Box. Cardin stood outside, waiting for the two to return.

Six ushered Pyrrha to go in as he approached the school bully.

"Something you need Cardin?"

"Yeah," the teen replied as he brushed back his hair. "I need some advice."

The guy crossed his arms before leaning back against the wall of the hallway. He glanced away for a few moments, building up the nerve to say whatever he had to say.

Cardin turned back to Joshua before asking, "you know that kid I've been asked to teach right? Alex."


"I… I know I'm not Pyrrha. I'm not the best there is. And people around here don't like me. But uh…" The boy paused again as he tried to find his words.

Cardin scratched the back of his head before continuing, "I don't wanna fu-fudge this up. You train a lot of people. How would you start?"

Six crossed his arms as he thought. This was technically part of his job to give the students advice. And it was also true he had been at this for a few months now.

"Start with an assessment. Get an idea of what he's capable of physically and mentally." The Courier tapped the side of his helmet before continuing, "remember that mental fortitude and flexibility are just as important to a huntsman as strength. It also helps to determine what pace he should go at and what he's like."

Every leader should be able to train their soldiers. Having an army that you had a keen understanding of and that was disciplined was key to winning wars. Know yourself and your enemy.

Six turned his back to Cardin as he began walking back towards the door. "Learn not only about his capabilities but him as a person. If that all works out, feel free to come back to me for more advice."

The Courier's footsteps stopped as he turned his head back. "And Cardin…" A silence fell over the two as Six didn't continue.

The kid looked to him before responding, "yeah?"

"Get this "girlfriend rumor" buried. I won't ask twice."

With that, House walked back into the Murder Box.

"Well, you all did very well," Joshua called out as he stepped onto the grass. "Keep up the good work and you'll be huntsman and huntresses in no time."

"Oh, and Jaune," he continued, causing the blonde to turn towards him. "C'mere."

Jaune made his way over to his instructor, limping slightly. "Did you need something?"

"You've done good Jaune. Trained hard. Fought hard. And maybe learned something." Six let out a small chuckle after speaking. "But you need to keep your team in the loop. Understand?"

"Right, sorry House. I won't forget to."

"With that being said," the Courier continued while reaching into his uniform and materializing two items. "I'd be remiss to not reward you for your effort."

The first item he handed over was a white belt, it was made of a flexible alloy. It was not only high quality but military-grade. It could withstand quite a bit of punishment. On the belt's side hung a holster.

The second item was a gun. To Jaune, it would look similar to Maria in design but less ornate. To Six it was a .45 auto pistol made with materials from this world. It fired faster, hit harder, and was compact in design. A perfect weapon to give Jaune some range.

"Here's a weapon made by me for you. I guarantee it hits harder than even some military-grade Dust weapons. It's easy to use, maintain, and is nimble in combat. I've upgraded the weapon's standard capacity as well. Enjoy."

The blonde grasped the weapon in his hands, analyzing his new weapon with wonder.

The weapon was primarily a white color except for the sides of the grip, the trigger, and a highlight here or there that were black.

"I… Wow… Thank you House…" Jaune didn't look at Six as he spoke, turning over the weapon in his hands.

"Don't thank me, thank your hard effort." The Courier didn't really like receiving praise. He had better things to do.

After all, he didn't spend hours in the workshop just so the kid could ogle the weapon. It needed to be used. Though Six realized maybe someone else could train Jaune as Pyrrha put a hand on the blonde's shoulder.

"You've earned it Jaune." Pyrrha's words made it obvious that she was into Jaune as she supported him at every turn. He still wondered how the boy would handle that. Maybe he could help them along?

"Well, that's all… You'll still need the training to use it. Get Pyrrha to help you with that." Six pulled out a few more items as he spoke.

"You'll also need the magazines and the blueprint to make more ammo for it. It's a one of a kind weapon so you'll have to make the ammo yourself." The Courier quickly handed over the items after speaking.

"Alright people, that's it for today," Six continued, not giving Jaune a chance to give him more thanks or praise. "You're all dismissed."

The Courier turned on his heel before heading for the door. It was time to go take a break. That had been a hard session. At least his lack of aura wasn't exposed yet…

Author's Note:

Here's a small update for everyone.

First, I've decided to get rid of the stats and equipment as I think they're a bit obnoxious at the end of the chapter. I will only post the equipment or stats when something in them changes. The previous chapters will still have them if you forget what the current stats or equipment are.

Second, there is a grand total of 3 chapters left in this arc. Things are going to start building up again next chapter.