You catch Steve's punch in one hand, and swing your leg, knocking him to the ground and quickly spin around as you hear Bucky launch his own attack. You're a little slow dodging Bucky's punch and it clips your jaw, sending you to the ground next to Steve. He's at your side in a second, "Shit, sorry doll."
"My fault," Your rub at the tender area, "Should have been faster. And I must have been crazy when I said two on one."
"I don't know Gale," Steve says as you both climb to your feet, "I think you're losing your edge. We first found you after you had single handedly taken on twenty men-now you can't handle two?"
"Hey!" You cry out indignantly, "Those guys didn't pack the kind of punch you two do, alright? Come on, let's go again."
"Can't," Steve says, "Wanda and I are cooking tonight."
"One more-and I'll come help you guys." You insist, pulling a smile and a reluctant nod from Steve. You take a few steps away from the boys giving yourself some room before giving them a cocky smile. Steve lunges forward unexpectedly and you leap back avoiding his fist and then quickly duck as Bucky's leg sweeps over your head. You catch his ankle and pull, sending him careening into Steve who's once again forced to the ground when Bucky uses him to rebound back towards you. You leap into the air, wrapping your legs around Bucky's neck and use your momentum to force him onto the ground.
"Been trainin' with Romanov?" Bucky asks as you release him so he can sit up.
"She's the only one who'll train with me," You laugh, "Alright Steve, let's go make your spaghetti dinner."
"How did you know what I was making?" Steve sounds surprised and you grin.
"It's literally the only thing you know how to cook," Bucky retorts, helping you up to your feet.
"That's not true," Steve frowns, "Last time I made-"
"Lasagna," You cut in, "Which is literally just layered spaghetti-But it's okay Steve, we all love your spaghetti. Now let's go make your secret sauce."
"You'll never guess my secret ingredient."
"Fennel?" You and Bucky say at the same time drawing a groan from Steve.
"Somehow I actually kind of miss when you two fought all the time. This is just too weird."
Bucky throws his arm over your shoulders and grins at his best friend who shakes his head in response.
You snag the last piece of garlic bread just as Sam begins to reach for it and rip a huge bite out of it, earning a glare from the darker skinned man.
"Too slow," You tell him through a mouth full of bread.
"Yeah what else is new?" Sam rolls his eyes before turning them to the single meatball still resting in the pan instead. So fast you would have missed it had you not been watching, Bucky snatches up the meatball between two fingers and pops that into his mouth, while you hide a smile behind your hand.
Sam is now glaring at both of you, his dark eyes flickering between the two of you sitting side by side at the table.
"Alright, I'll bite," Stark's voice says from the head of the table; you hadn't realized he'd been paying attention. "What the hell is going on in this place?"
"Pardon?" You ask, turning in your seat to look in his direction. Beneath the table Bucky's metal fingers have begun to draw tantalizing patterns across the skin of your thighs left uncovered by your shorts.
"It's been quiet-don't get me wrong it's a vast improvement, but weird. Okay, I'll buy it, don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that, but this-" he gestures between you and Bucky, "Is unnatural." You raise your eyebrows at his words, while his eyes suddenly drop to the edge of the table, taking in the positioning of Bucky's arm. "You have got to be fucking with me," Stark says suddenly. "Sorry, I phrased that wrong because you two," he points across the table, "Are fucking each other."
"Right," Sam snorts, "And I'm the Tooth Fairy."
"Put on your tutu bird-boy, because the Iron Giant over there is feeling up Gale under the table as we speak." Bucky's fingers freeze on your skin, but the lazy smirk he sends Stark speaks volumes.
"I'm sorry, let me wrap my head around this," Sam starts, while Natasha sends you a knowing smile; although you and Bucky weren't a secret, you weren't trying to publicize it, because of this exact reaction. Natasha had told you that Stark would catch on within a month; it had been 28 days. "After all the shit that you guys put us through-"
"All the damages-" Stark cuts in.
"Both emotional, physical, and to the compound," Sam continues.
"The stress, the inconveniences, the money," Tony lists on his fingers.
"All it took was a little hanky panky to bring peace?"
"The gym," Stark says suddenly, "You deleted the footage! Because you two fucked in the gym! Honestly-I have no words."
"Doubt that," You mutter, while Steve looks at you with something like horror, the words "The gym?" leaving his lips.
"We all use that gym!" Sam sounds just as horrified. Part of you wants to tell him that just two nights ago the two of you had gone at it in this very kitchen, but you keep quiet. Bucky's face says that he's thinking about the same thing.
"I don't hear any denial coming from the two psychopaths down the table, now do I?" Stark crosses his arms, his eyes falling on your face.
"To be fair Stark," Natasha's lips curl into a devilish smile, "Bucky and Gale aren't the only ones to have used the gym for recreation." She shoots the older man a wink, while Bruce's face turns a startling shade of red.
At this an all out bickering match ensues when Stark turns his attention to Natasha. Bucky's hand curls around yours under the table and you look at him, his blue eyes soft and content as they meet yours. Your lips curl into a smile and in the moment it's just the two of you sitting at the table-until an indignant squawk from Sam brings you back to the argument at the table.