"Am I still human?" The thought mused in his head while he cleaned his helmet. Looking it over, every dent and scrape brought memories back. He was trying to forget about todays events, he did something incredibly stupid. He hurt his friend. He yelled at Ruby for something so stupid. The guilt was eating him and he would apologize soon, when things were more calmer. His snapped out of his thought when he turned it over to face him, he stopped cleaning and stared at the metal face mask fashioned into a skull. This was common for those that survived long enough in the Death Korps. He sighed and put it down, he walked over to his desk to grab some more cleaning spray but stopped when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He was wearing a greyish tank top with his usual pants, he looked at himself. From his neck length blonde hair to the various scars that adorned his body and face. He ran his finger over the scars on his face, some were small and barely visible while others were long and somewhat deep. It had only been 6 months since he vanished but to him, it was five years.

"I was a sacrifice, just like the others. To atone for a past sin that we didn't do." he mumbled, staring back at the metal skull face plate, previous battles flashed into his mind the more he stared.

(Years Earlier in Imperial space)

A massive gunship flew overhead as hundreds of soldiers ran across a battlefield, evading artillery and gunfire coming from a massive walled city. The battlefield was littered with bodies from both sides as a tank like vehicle exploded from being hit. A soldier fell out of it as fire engulfed his body, he screamed as he tried to put himself. Other soldiers ran past him, one shooting him with a weird rifle that fired a red beam at him, killing him. The soldier wore a gas mask like respirator that covered his entire face with a black helmet on top. His uniform consisted of heavy trench coat with metal chest armor and shoulder pauldrons. His heavy boots made it easy for him cross the blood drench battlefield as he tried his best not to trip over the hundreds of body of his fellow Kriegsman. What made him stand out was his black metal skull face mask, it made him appear menacing to the enemy soldiers.

"This is Valkyrie-14, I've s-sustained h-heavy damage. D-don't know if i can s-stay in the a-air…" a voice said over the radio. The soldier placed his finger near his ear and clicking sound was heard,

"Titus! You need to get out of here!" pleaded the soldier to the pilot. He looked in the sky, ignoring the bullets and explosions as he watched smoke emit from the gunship. It was evading the anti-air flak while shooting at the enemy soldiers below, ripping them apart into chunks with its cannon.

"Can't do that Arc...t-too much damage. W-won't make it back to base. Flak got me as well, b-bleeding out in here." the valkyrie took another hit as fire erupted from one its back engines. "A Kriegsman never retreats. You know this brother." he said between labored breaths. Jaune couldn't help but still plead but it fell on deaf ears. "To all my fellow Kriegsman, fight on for the God-Emperor! Fight on for Krieg!" he yelled into the Radio as the gunship flew low, all weapons firing at the fortified city gates. Jaune knew what he was doing and looked away in sadness

"All Guardsmen that can hear me. Charge at the Enemy Gates! Don't allow Titus sacrifice be for not!" Jaune yelled into his radio as the other Death Korps charged with renewed vigor. The gunship kept firing, taking on more flak damage but still flying, straight into the gates. A massive explosion covered the large doors, killing most of the defenders. Once the smoke cleared, the gates were breached, a gone thanks to the explosion.

"PUSH FORWARD! THE CITY GATES HAVE FALLEN!" yelled a voice over the radio as more Death Korps guardsmen ran to the breach, Jaune was one of the first to enter the city and witnessed the massacre of the civilians.

(present; in JNPR's room)

"Titus…" he solemnly thought as he cleaned the other parts to his Death Korps uniform. As he cleaned the chest armor, more memories of that battle flashed before him. He kept cleaning though, he didn't care if he remembered. It could be punishment for what he did earlier, along with whatever Yang does to him. He didn't care, he deserved it.

(In the city within Imperial space)

"Open fire! Kill these traitors!" Yelled his fellow guardsman as they stormed the hive city. Opening fire on the civilians that tried to run. Traitors. That's what they were told. Filthy traitors and heretics that have turned away from the God-Emperor's light and allied themselves with the filthy Xenos of the Tau Empire. He watched as the horrified people tried to run for safety, some trying to leave in ships, only to be shot down. His fellow Death Korps gunned them down with no hesitation or mercy. Some used their mono knives attached to the barrels of their rifles to stab some. Grenadiers, the same rank Jaune was, blew up homes and set fire to others with their flamethrowers. The light from the fire reflected off their respirator lenses and their metal skull face plates, giving them a much more grim appearance. The Death Korps of Krieg were earning their name this day.

Pleas for forgiveness were answered with the sounds of Lasguns. "In death, atonement." Death was the only way to be forgiven. He stood there, his lasgun aimed at a small group of people, crying as they held each other. A family he had cornered. He was shaking a bit as he held his weapon at them. His breathing heavy as he gulped.

"Please! You don't have to do this!" Yelled an Elderly man, stepping in front of the group. "Take me instead but let my family go! They will be loyal to the imperium, I was the one who betrayed it!" He pleaded, Jaune stared at him and the others. Could he kill them, have them also pay for the sin another committed? He was slowly lowering his weapon when a voice came from behind him.

"Arc! What are you doing? kill these traitors!" Yelled his Watchmaster as he stepped forward. Five more Kriegsmen walked behind him, rifles raised as the slaughter was still being carried out around them.

"Sir. This old man is saying that he was the traitor, not his family." He said, looking at the old man then to his Watchmaster. "Sir, they don't need to pay for the sins of another." Jaune pleaded, if the Watchmaster could see under his respirator, he would see Jaune's eyes filled with hope. Hope that he would listen allow these people to live. The family watched on with horror as the Watchmaster quickly raised his laspistol and shot the old man in the head.

"You are Krieg Guardsman," he looked back at Jaune while one of the people knelt down to the body. "Loyal only to the God-Emperor and his imperium! You, like the rest of us, must atone for the past sins our planet has done. These people must pay for they have done!" he said, looking at them then back at Jaune. He stood stoic as his Watchmaster yelled at him, though under that respirator was a terrified boy. He was trained to fight the enemies of man, but unarmed civilians? People who were most likely innocent? No he couldn't bring himself to do it. He wouldn't! He knows the penalty for disobeying orders but he would rather die than do this.

"I refuse to kill them." he said, placing his rifle to his side as he closed his eyes, waiting for his death. But instead, the Watchmaster looked at him.

"What the High Lords want with you is beyond me. But i can't kill you despite wanting to, so let's do this." he said as he signaled the other Krieg guardsmen to aim their weapons at the family, ensuring they couldn't escape. A gunship flew in the sky, dropping bombs near by as more screams filled the air. "Jaune Arc, War is all you know," he said as Jaune looked at him confused. A began to feel a headache coming on as the watchmaster spoke. "You are a soldier of Krieg. A soldier of the Imperium. A sacrifice for the sins of Krieg." he continue as the headache worsened and Jaune fell to his knees. He clutched his the sides of his head in pain as he threw off his helmet. His respirator keeping his gloves from making contact with his flesh.

"Agh whats g-going o-on?!" he demanded as the pain got worse.

"In life, war. For that is all you will know. In death, peace. For that is only when duty ends. In life, shame. For you carry the sins of Krieg's past. In death, atonement. For only then can you be forgiven and only then can Krieg be forgiven. That is the duty of The Death Korps of Krieg! Your duty!" he yelled as the pain suddenly stopped and Jaune stood up at attention.

"Grenadier Jaune Alexandros Arc." his voice stern and devoid of any emotion. "I'm ready to fulfill my duty as a Death Korps of Krieg sir." he said as the Watchmaster looked to his men and waved them away. They stood back.

"Arc, I order you to execute these traitors. They have betrayed the holy God of mankind and joined a heretical Xenos empire." he told the soldier before him.

"Of course Sir." he said as he stepped forward and raised his lasgun. "No wait whats going on?!" he internally screamed as he aimed at the family, who were begging to be spared. "Why can't I stop? Please!" he thought. "In Death, atonement." he told them

"PLE-" one begged but was cut short as Jaune opened fire. Under his respirator was a face devoid of all emotions as he fired at the family, but tears slowly began to build up and stream down his face as he finished firing. The family laid dead, smoke emitting from their seared wounds as Jaune lowered his rifle. The last thing they saw was that skull face plate as they were mercilessly gunned down.

"What are my orders now Sir?" he asked as the Watchmaster looked at him.

"You are to join the others and ensure not a single soul is left alive in this city! Shoot them, Stab them, Burn them! Do what must done to ensure the enemies of man are gone." he ordered as Jaune saluted and made his way past them. His weapon drawn as he aimed at a running woman. For three days, he followed his orders without question. His expression never changing under his respirator as he spilled more blood. If anyone could see under that respirator, they would see a face devoid of emotion but his eyes bloodshot as his eyes had run out of tears to spill. Jaune completed his mission, but not of his own free will.

(Present; JNPR's Room)

"No. Not anymore." he told himself as he continued cleaning the rest of his armor. His Death Korps uniform laid out on his bed, the burn and bullet holes present on the fabric of the trench coat. The flak armor laid out neatly next to it. He continued to inspect every piece, looking at every scratch and dent, continuing to remember what caused all of them. He was still trying to get his mind off from earlier. Before he could continue on, his door flung open.

"Arc!" Came an angry voice. He didn't bother looking up, while surprised a bit on who it was, he still didn't want to face her. "Look at me!" She demanded, the anger in her voice rising. He sighed, placing the skull helm respirator down as he looked at her. Weiss was standing in his doorway, an angry scowl on her face as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Would you mind explaining your actions earlier?" Crossing her arms. "Your outburst at Ruby was uncalled for."

"I know. I will apologize for it and make things right. I shouldn't have yelled at her." He answered, looking at her in the eye, hoping she would be satisfied and leave. But that didn't happen. No she pressed the issue.

"That still doesn't explain why. I wasn't present as to what caused it but I saw the pain on her face. I'm sure Yang would have beaten you if not for Ruby intervening on your behalf." She said, still staring at him with that scowl. It was annoying him at this point.

"It doesn't matter. What's done is done. Now please leave me alone." He requested, looking at her. Weiss didn't move but got more annoyed at the lack of an answer. Yes Jaune did go through something bad in the 6 months he was missing. Found in Emerald forest in that strange armor and covered in scars raised many questions. But he didn't provide much answers. He just said he went somewhere and had to fight, that was all he gave them. Weiss wanted to know more, where was he? What did he do? What caused him to he injured like so? But also why did he blow up at Ruby? Jaune wasn't the kind of person to lose his temper. Infact, before he disappeared, he was patient and happy. Always had a smile on his face and was there for his friends. Never once had she seen him angry at any of them, not even her when she turned him down everytime he asked her out. But now? He was different. Closed off and quiet. He kept to himself and tried to lead his team as best as he could. He didn't smile much anymore nor did he call her that ridiculous name. She needed to know what happened, maybe it will prevent future outbursts.

"No I will not. You need to understand that such outbursts can have a negative effects on the receiver. Ruby was heartbroken!" She stated. Looking at him, she saw he was hurt that he hurt the young reaper. She looked away from him."Look, i understand you went through something bad. You have this weight on your shoulders, I can see that. But that does-"

"Shut up." He told her. She was surprised by this. There was anger in that response. When she looked at him, she was taken aback by the clear angry expression on his face.

"E-excuse me?!" She responded, she was livid at this point. Yes she was angry when she came in here but that's because he had yelled at her partner, his friend and she wasn't gonna stand for it. "How dare you Ar-"

"I said shut up!" He stepped forward and stepped back. She'd never seen him like this. It was starting to scare her but she wouldn't back down. "You understand? Is that what you think?" He asked her. "That you can relate to what I experienced and did? That you can understand the blood that's on my hands?" That last response startled her. Blood? Did he- but she wasn't able to finish that thought when he threw some of his flak armor on the ground. The heavy metal hitting the wooden floor was loud.

"You need to calm down Arc!" She demanded, she stepped forward a bit as they stared each other down. "Don't let this go to your head, I understand you have a lot on your mind. Believe when I say I can relate. Sometimes the pressure of being the Heiress to my family's company eats at me but I don't let it get like this. You can't le-"

"You have no idea! You can't possibly relate to what I've been through!"

"Then enlighten me Jaune, instead of being childish and lashing out at your friends who simply want to help." Her anger was seething at this point. She clenched her fists a bit as she looked at him, waiting for answer.

"Do you know what it's like to watch your friends die Weiss? Do you understand the feeling of walking into a home after a battle and see the remains of a family you were unable to save?" He said bluntly. She was caught completely off guard by his response. The anger on her face was fading, replaced by shock.

"W-what?" Was her only response.

"Or how about the feeling of helplessness as I walked miles with the body of a boy in my arms to the nearest stronghold because you were presumed dead and left behind? He was a new recruit in the Death Korps and I promised him he would be alright. But when I get to the doors of that base you know what I realized?" He looked at her, anger still present on his face as she was starting to tremble.


"He was dead Weiss. He died hours before I reached the base and I didnt even know it. Maybe I did but didn't want to face that reality." She was quiet. She was a loss for words. If what he was saying was true, then Jaune went through something worse than they thought.

"I promised my squad mate, my friend and brother! That I would bring him home to his family. I cradled him as he died and I was forced to abandon his body." His hands shook. He turned around and picked up the skull helm respirator, looking it over. "After the battle, I tried to find his body. But there were so many bodies. As far as they eye can see." He said turning around looking at her. Helmet still in hand. "I never found him. I never kept my promise." There was no anger now. Only pain. He stepped forward as she stepped back. "For Gods sake Weiss, I slaughtered a Family! I killed so many innocent people and I couldn't stop myself!" continued

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't know. You never told us what happened to you." She was trembling, visibly disturbed by this information.

"No. You didn't. That's my fault but I wanted to spare you all the horrors I saw. The monsters that dwell out there make the grimm look like fucken insects. I've watched guardsmen ripped apart. Eaten. Burned alive. Every painful death imaginable, I've seen it Weiss." By this time she was against the wall outside team JNPR's room. She was trying to be calm but was starting to feel sick as to what he said.

"Jaune i-"

"You wanted to know why I blew up at Ruby? She saw the names on my armor. The names of my old squad." He explained, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "She asked about them. I told her I missed them and she said that they are probably alright and maybe I'll see them again." He choked a bit. "I said it wasn't possible. She asked why and I told her I just knew. But she kept insisting I would. That's when I blew up. I told her I would never see them again. I shouldn't have yelled at her but how do I explain that I watched them be brutally slaughtered by monsters?" Tears ran down his face as Weiss was starting to develop tears. She saw his pain. He wasn't lying. No he watched them all die right before his eyes. "When I close my eyes, I can hear them calling out for help. Reaching for me and I reach for them, but I couldn't help them." He handed the helmet to her and turned his back towards her, walking to his door. "I regret for what I did to Ruby. She didn't deserve that. I'm sorry I yelled at you as well but I will not listen to someone who thinks they can relate and understand the pain and guilt I went through. Now, please Ms. Schnee. Leave me alone." He finished, walking into his room and slamming the door. Faint crying could be heard on the other side. Weiss. She was speechless. She had no words and retort to what he said. If she had words of comfort, well it was too late late now. If she did earlier, his constant interruption were keeping her from voicing it. He didn't want to hear her. She looked down at the helmet and cried. Tears falling down onto the metal skull face plate as she slid down the wall into a crouch. She saw the bullet holes and the small amount of dried blood. The dents and scratches. Parts that were patched closed or welded shut from battle after battle. His words lingered in her head. The Jaune Arc they all knew and considered a friend was gone. That happy, annoying but sweet boy was gone. Replaced by the broken shell that they found.