This fanfic is about Borderlands 2.
It will be told in the POV of my OC, Terra.
It will contain lesbianism, possible lemon, cussing, violence, gore, blood, and character death.
With all of this out of the way, let's get started.

Chapter 1

I didn't know where the hell I was when I woke up... nor did I remember who I was. I had forgotten my name, my origins, and almost everything else. The only things that I remembered right now were that I was a strange creature known as a Siren, I had magical tattoos on my entire right side of my body, and that it was incredibly cold wherever I was at. Like, bone-chilling cold.

And it was then that I heard a voice as I opened my eyes. "Another dead Vault Hunter... Handsome Jack has been busy," said an annoying, yet cute robot voice as I saw a singular robot trying to dig into the cold snow that surrounded us. "Vault... Hunter?... Handsome... Jack?" I asked as I got the urge to get up, my bones aching from the sheer cold I was currently in.

"Hey! You're not dead! YES! Now I can get off this glacier!" the robot said as I finally got up and was able to stand on my own two feet... which is when I noticed that I was actually incredibly tall... like, I was about as tall as say 8 feet, which the robot acknowledged. "Wow! You're huge! You'll be perfect as my bodyguard!" the robot smiled as he handed me something that I had to reach down to pick up. "Take this device that I totally didn't loot from one of these corpses. It comes equipped with a map, inventory management system, Fast-Travel capabilities, and more!" the robot smiled. "Um... thanks?... Ugh, I'm so cold..." I groaned as I turned the device on and followed the little robot through the snow and blizzard... and when the computer fully booted up, I saw a strange face on the other side.

"I know that you're scared and confused, but trust me, I aim to keep you alive out here," said a face on the other side of a strange computer screen that the device had... but I was curious about something that I immediately noticed. "Are you... a Siren?" I asked, my words actually shocking her. "H-How could you tell?!" the girl asked in confusion and shock, the little robot not listening as he opened a door for us to enter. "I can see tattoos on your skin... they look similar to mine..." I said as I entered the robot's little house, warmth immediately covering me as I neared a fire that he had made. "Amazing... no one's ever been able to see through the codes before... what are you?" the girl asked. "I... don't remember... I don't know my name, where I come from, my family... all I know is that I'm very tall, I'm a Siren, and that I'm what this robot calls me a 'Vault Hunter'..." I said to her.

"You can't remember anything?" the Siren and the robot asked at the same time. "Not a thing... not even who I am..." I sighed as I looked at my tattoos and tried to see if I could still use the powers residing within them. And I was shocked to see that when I did so, a rocky stalactite formed at the top the ice cave just as I heard a fearsome roar... which was then followed by gurgling sounds and a gigantic corpse falling onto the little robot.

And this corpse... it was one of a monster! It looked to be a gigantic ape creature with giant fists and a horrid smell to it. "Yuck... what is this thing?... And by the way, I never got your name," I said, talking to both the computer girl and the robot at the same time as I picked up the monster off of the robot. "My am a CL4P-TP unit. But my friends call me Claptrap," the robot said. "And... my name is Angel..." the girl on the computer said. "Nice to meet you... but what should I call myself?" I asked as I looked at the rock that was on the ceiling that I had formed, it being the thing that killed this monster, and all completely by accident!

"Hmm... I have power over stone and rocks... so how about Terra?" I asked with a smile. "Sure, that could be a temporary name I could call you," Angel smiled. "You remembered your name?! Aw, sweet! Now let's get going over to Sanctuary! We'll need to team up with the Raiders if we're ever going to take down Handsome Jack!" Claptrap said with enthusiasm... which was then that I realized that he was incredibly stupid, but the fun kind of stupid, so I played along with him.

"So what is this place anyways?" I asked as I finally got my heat back in my body as well as put on a warmer shirt that Claptrap had... that was on a corpse... "Sorry about the mess, but everything that Handsome Jack kills, he dumps here. Bandits, Vault Hunters, Claptrap units... if I sound pleased about this, it's only because my developers made this my default tone of voice! I'm actually quite depressed!" Claptrap said, making me feel sorry for the guy.

"You are on the planet Pandora. It's a hellhole for anyone, especially those that are against the man named Handsome Jack. He is your enemy on this planet. Be wary, friend," Angel said to me, making me understand her as Claptrap then motioned me out of the place and I got an itch on my back... only to find that I had a large gun on my back as well as a cool-looking disc thing. "Huh..." I said as I smiled at the gun and saw that it was purple and had a green thing on the underside of it... as well as some words etched on the side. "Hmm... Veruc..." I frowned as I shot a blast at the wall, wondering what would come out. And color me shocked when I saw some green corrosive acid appear from the shots that I released and melted some of the ice!

"Well, this could be useful," I said as I then went after Claptrap after I noticed that he had left the place through the door already and I had to chase after him. "Come on, Terra! Off to defeat Handsome Jack!" Claptrap said as he then got surrounded by much smaller versions of that beast from before, resulting in me having to save his metallic ass, a single shot to each one melting their faces off and making Claptrap amazed. "WOW! That was awesome! Thanks for saving my ass, minion!" Claptrap smirked at me. "Uh... sure," I frowned, wondering why he would call me his 'minion' despite him being the weaker link.

But then I got another call. And this time, it wasn't Angel. It was someone I didn't recognize.