Kaoru always knew Kyoya was skinny.

It was obvious, and hardly a secret. His blazer used to emphasis his nipped in waist, the cut of his trousers showing off a slight gap between his thighs, and his collarbones peaked out of his porcelain skin so daintily. His wrists were small, veins painted in light blues and purples, and his fingers were thin and delicate. He was the thinnest one there, proportions wise.

After all, both he and Hikaru had lean muscle, and shoulders that would surely broaden as they got older. They ran around, making mischief and playing games. Mori might as well have been chiselled out of marble, and any one who even had the slightest inclination towards men would just drool over that muscular frame. Even Tamaki, who was supposed to be the token het of the group, confessed that, if he had to do a dude, it would be Mori. Then there was Tamaki himself, who was rather toned with some softness here and there, which most of the girls only found cuter.

In sort, Kyoya just had a different sort of body type to a lot of them. He didn't exert himself in gym, because he wasn't the type to, even if he did still take it because it was healthier than sitting around all day, not doing anything. Still, Kaoru always liked that, despite the fact Kyoya was all knees and elbows, softness still stayed in his face. His cheeks were even somewhat chubby, and it was just plain adorable, especially paired with his expressive eyes.

He might have had a… minor crush.

Well, that image of Kyoya wasn't really up-to-date, as such. His uniform was too big on him now, and it wasn't the only thing; his hoodies and other tops were all slack also, swallowing him up as if he was wearing them purposely oversized. His collarbones strained against his now translucent skin, and his cheeks were nowhere near chubby.

It wasn't like no one said anything, Kaoru must have asked a dozen times just by himself, confused as to how his already-thin senpai had weight falling off him as if he were stripping off layers of clothes. All he got in return was a smile and something along the lines of him feeling nauseous, his metabolism already naturally high. It was a plausible explanation, of course, but there was something about it that just didn't seem right.


Speak of the devil, Kyoya's voice cut through his introspection, an eyebrow raised in a question than Kaoru answered with a smile. "What's up?" He asked, taking note of the costume he'd put together for Kyoya. Granted, the theme "cozy" was very vague, but seasonally appropriate and gave him creative freedom. Not to mention, the freedom to put Kyoya in a skirt; that was always nice.

"Do you have a belt and some sock glue? These won't stay up…" Kyoya requested, and sure enough they weren't. He could see the other boy's hand clenched around some fabric under the cream jumper, preventing the little pink skirt from falling, and the stripped socks were halfway down his shins, rather than up to midthigh. It all looked too big, and it didn't make sense as he used the measurements he'd been given.

"You've got to start trying to eat more," Kaoru sighed, rummaging around for the glue and a belt, "It's dangerous, being that thin. I bet I could fit my hand between your thighs…"

"Well, if you're offering," Kyoya smirked, a flirty lilt to his voice, and Kaoru scolded himself for the admittedly Freudian slip. He did want them to get distracted from the situation at hand, the whole thing too important to ignore in favour of Kyoya's not-so-subtle invitations.

"This isn't some joke," He sighed, passing over the stick of sock glue he'd managed to find among the disaster that was the host club's back room, going back to search for a belt as Kyoya attempted to secure his socks without dropping his skirt, "Tamaki told me what happened in gym. You're sick, yet you tried to keep running? If you can't eat, with your metabolism, you shouldn't even be attempting gym classes –"

"He had no right," Kyoya murmured angrily, almost to himself, before he looked at him once more, attempting some sort of placating smile quirking the corners of his mouth, "I might have been pushing myself too hard, but I'm okay Kaoru; really. I'm not participating anymore, so it's not a problem. I'm trying, I just feel nauseous…"

Kaoru wanted to argue further, unsure as to whether Kyoya could be in denial of how much weight he'd lost, but something stopped him. The words lost momentum between his lungs and his teeth, petering out on his tongue, nothing but awkward silence remaining as he finally found the thin, white belt and passed it to Kyoya.

All was going well until, having threaded it through the skirt's belt loops, Kyoya's brows furrowed once more. He let out a small huff of frustration, and Kaoru felt something in him just freeze. If how thin Kyoya's thighs were made his blood run cold, then the sight of the belt's holes far from where the buckle rested turned it arctic. Kyoya had narrow hips, but it was absurd how big the belt seemed in his bony, almost blue fingers, encircling bones and skin in some effort to hold the clothing up.

"It's too big," Kyoya commented, and Kaoru bit back the reaction of 'it's not too big, you're too small' as he removed it once more. There was no hope in finding a smaller one, so Kaoru could only really cut another hole in it. It was with no small amount of revulsion that he wondered if he'd have to get a child's belt. If Kyoya even could lose more weight, his knees already wider than most of his leg, he certainly would. Perhaps if he tried looking for more female clothes, that might work, although Kyoya was too tall for any of the trousers.

That was an altogether disturbing thought. Kyoya was almost an adult, yet he had to consider ways of adapting the clothes to his tiny frame. He'd never thought of Kyoya as delicate, despite the boy's stick thin build, but now… It almost seemed to fit.

Unlike Kyoya's clothes.