Wistful Musings

By Priya-chan

*HUGE thanks to my lovely beta readers from Blossoming Affection! Thanks Ryoko, Miss Fi, and Handsome Puppy!*

Disclaimer: I do not own.

He watched from the shadows of the room as she spun the globe on its axis. Once. Twice. Her fingers softly tracing countries where she had traveled. He sensed her mind was not in the present; she usually noticed his presence by now. But her forlorn eyes fixed inward told the whole story – the story of a world lost and forgotten in the sands of time. A world where magic was common, the air unpolluted, and the stars far and bright in the expanse of an endless night sky.


He was back. Why had she ever doubted it? He always came back. It was a given. She spun the globe. So long… at least a thousand years since they had died. She spun the globe again. The world they knew was as gone as the flitting shadowy legends of their kind. It hurt.


She hurt. He could feel it. He sighed quietly. Why did she persist in picking old scabs? It helped no one – not in this bustling world of technology and humans. But he understood, deep down he sympathized. They were an unforgettable bunch on unforgettable adventures. Of six only two remain, and the young Ancient long lost to human wars.

How ironic that it would be them that was left behind. The two who could not tolerate each other. Now they were merely bitter enemies sticking together to ensure survival.


She smiled sarcastically. A thousand years, a thousand men, but none to fill her heart. None to fill the gaping void, none to share the sorrow. There was one, he who stood in the shadows, who fulfilled the requirements. He always returned to her, but he was out of reach, untouchable. Her smile softened. How ironic.


"Tea, Xellos?"

He stepped away from the wall, nodding slightly. His amethyst gaze never left her as she poured still-warm tea for him.

"Dave dropped by earlier and you just missed Matt…"

He felt a slow fire ignite in his stomach.

"… had to turn them down… persistent… mind acting like my boyfriend?… get them off my case…"

"I pity the men who love you." Quietly interjected.

Filia stopped her meaningless, falsely happy chatter. Azure locked with amethyst.

But I envy the man you love.



And, yes. I do realize that Xel and Fi are acting slightly OOC, but to heck with it! Filia is capable of changing over time. And Xellos, who seems to be contradicting himself, was "born" a mazoku, was "raised" a mazoku, and IS a mazoku. He is unconsciously struggling with his nature and the changes wrought in him over time. The emphasis, however, is not given on that, nor is it delved into. And I don't want to delve into it. My beliefs on what Xellos is and his potential don't need explanation, as yours don't.

Sorry for going on the defensive. But in some of my past fics reviewers have complained about it. Needless to say it annoyed me greatly. I don't complain about your interpretation so why do you complain about mine?

To the age-old argument, if dragons can hate, who says mazoku can't love? I believe that both races are capable of having the entire range of emotions. The problem lies in the fact that they don't acknowledge the opposite majority.

If you complain about how OOC Xel and Fi are after this explanation, I will laugh uproariously and then pity you for your narrow-mindedness.

Thank you.