
The final frontier.

For years it's infinite void remained unexplored by any forms of life, but once we learned to traverse the empty black void that surrounded our planet.

You can bet your ass we took advantage of it.

Much like the crew of what could only be described as interstellar vigilanties as they zoomed across space's empty darkness, as flashing lights zoomed by them as they flew at the speed of light. Inside, the crew could be heard listening to the Rubberbaand Man by the Detroit Spinners. A classic, yet a bit outdated song. But did they care? Of course not.

In the Captain's seat, Katsuki Bakugou sang along loudly next to the song itself, grooving in his seat as he polited the ship along it's course, as he zoomed by the ringed planet of Saturn.

"Sing it Kirishima!" Bakugou shouted to the red-haired man sitting below him, who was soundly snoring away in his seat.

Next to him, Kyoka Jirou lip synced to the sounds of the song, seeming to be enjoying it almost as much as Bakugo himself. At the back of the ship, Mina Ashido focused mostly on their course as Tsuyu Asui sat sloppily in her chair, playing away at her handheld video game.

"Why are we doing this again...?" Toru Hagakure asked after yawning, having already been tired from the trip.

"It's a distress signal Toru, someone could be dying!" Jirou called up to the girl above her, speaking as if she's had to explain this at least 13 times already.

"I get that..." Toru responded as she tightened the camouflage bandana around her head. "But, why are we DOING it?"

"Cuz we're nice!" Bakugou answered as he looked down to Jirou, and then to Toru as he spoke a little quieter. "And maybe whoever it is will give us a little chadda' cheese for our effort~"

"Which isn't the point." Jirou said pointing judgingly to Bakugou.

"Which isn't the point!" Bakugou repeated after Jirou. "But i mean... If he doesn't pony up..."

"We take his ship!" Kirishima said suddenly awake.

"Exactly!" Laughed Tooru as Bakugou shouted a 'BINGO' as almost the whole ship erupted in agreement.

All except Jirou who looked up at Katsuki with a stern look on her face. Bakugou managed to quell her temper though as he silently assured her that this wasn't the case. In return, Jirou simply rolled her ees as she looked back at the monitor in front of her.

"We are arriving." Mina Ashido said as she looked down at the screen in front of her.

"Alright Guardians, don't forget this might be dangerous so let's put on our mean faces~!" Bakugou said as Mina made an attempt at a serious face behind him, clearly the only one taking the order seriously.

Maybe Toru was doing something, i dunno. Kinda hard to tell. Speaking of Toru, behind her, Tsuyu's game was beeping loudly as her face was practically buried in the screen.

Looking back in annoyance, Bakugou gave her an order sounding just a little father-like. "Tsu put that thing away. Now. I don't wanna tell you again... Tsu!"

"I am Tsu!" Tsuyu spat back with a snarky attitude as the whole ship erupted in 'hey's and 'whoa!'s at her foul language with Bakugou.

"You got some tadpoles on you kid!" Bakugou snapped back at the girl.

"Ever since you got a little length to your tongue you've beena total D-hole!" Tooru shouted back at Tsu as she pointed to the gaming device in Tsuyu's hand. "Now keep it up, and i'm gonna SMASH THAT THING TO PIECES!"

After the miniature little feud in the ship, they crew came to a halt at their ship stopped in the middle of a horror show... Bodies and pieces of debris floated all around them, as the crew looked on in horror.

"What happened...?" Mina asked as she looked on in terror, gripping the arms of her seat.

"Oh my god..." Bakugou said with disgust as he watched the countless, lifeless bodies floating around his ship.

"Looks like we're not gettin paid-" Tooru started before a body slammed onto the front window of the ship, the crew exploding in yelps and screams.

"Wipers! Wipers- get it off!" Tooru shouted to the crew.

Suddenly, the Guardians gasped as the body on the window opened on of his eyes...

Throwing the body onto the table, Jirou sighed and groaned as she was finally able to let go of the heavy body of Denki Kaminari. Laying unconcious on the table, the Guardians all looked over the man, especially Bakugou who was peering closely at Denki's face.

"How the hell is this dude still alive?" Bakugou asked with clear confusion.

"He is not a dude..." Kirishima said as he looked over Denki. "You are a dude. This... This is a man... A handsome... Muscular man..."

"... I'm muscular!" Bakugou said offended by Kirishima's words.

"Oh who are you kidding Bakugou?" Tooru said with a snide attitude. "You're one sandwhich away from 'fat'!"

"Yeah right~" Bakugou chuckled before being interrupted by Kirishima.

"It's true Bakugou. You HAVE put on weight." He said as he gestured to his neck and abdominal area, indicating a little pudginess around the area.

"What...?" Bakugou said as he was now starting to get worried as he looked to Jirou. "Kyoka do you think i'm-"

Jirou didn't even respond, too busy as she was looking over Denki closely.

Meanwhile, Mina had a hand to Denki's head as she read his emotions, her horns glowing brightly. "He is anxious... Angry... He feels tremendous loss and guilt..."

"It's like a pirate, had a baby with an angel..." Kirishima mumbled as he looked Denki up and down.

"Wow..." Bakugou said as he broke the tension. "This is a real wake-up call for me... Okay. I'm gonna get a Bowflex. I'm gonna commit. I'm gonna get some dumbbells-"

"You know you can't eat dumbbells right?" Tooru commented to Bakugou with an ainvisible smirk on her face.

While they talked, Jirou was feeling Denki's arms in awe. "It's like his muscles are made from Cotati metal fibers..."

Looking to Jirou with a hint of caution in his eyes, Bakugou felt a slight hint of concern at the way Jirou, his girlfriend, was massaging another man's arms.

"Stop massaging his muscles..." Bakugou requested as Jirou shot him a dirty look, dropping the arm like a dead weight.

Looking to Mina, Bakugou gave her the order to wake up the sleping god.

Nodding in response, Mina put a hand to Denki's head as she whispered to him... "Wake."

Suddenly, Denki shot up as he yelled out, the Guardians exclaiming in shock as they each grabbed the nearest arm in defense as Denki stumbled to staf up, leaning against the wall as he caught his breath.

Slowly turning around, Denki eyeballed the Guardians of the Galaxy, glaring as he asked only a single question. "... Who the hell are you guys...?"

Jirou sat in the window of the ship, staring out into the stars of the universe as she began to recall her past history with All-For-One.

"The entire time i knew All-For-One, he only ever had one goal..." Jirou spoke as behind her, Denki sipped froma bowl of soup given to him. "To bring balance to the universe by wiping out half of all life... He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre..."

"Including my own..." Kirishima growled as he recalled the death of his wife and daughter.

"If he gets all six Infinity stones he can do it with the snap of his fingers... Just like that." Jirou said as she snapped her own fingers as an example.

"You seem to know a great deal about All-For-One..." Denki commented as he drank from his bowl of soup.

"Jirou... Is the daughter of All-For-One..." Kirishima said as Jirou just stood there, a cloud of guilt hanging over her as she heard the one thing she hated about herself being said to a man she just met.

Looking up from his bowl with a fire in his eyes, Denki shot a glare to Jirou as he stood from his spot. "Your father killed my brother..."

"Oh boy..." Bakugou said as alarms went off in his head as Denki walked toward Jirou, trying to seperate them by stepping between them. "Stepfather, technically. A-And she hates him as much as you do."

Stepping past Bakugou, Denki looked down at the purple-haired woman, as he dropped the menacing expression, resting a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Families can be tough... Before my father died, he told me I had a half-sister... That he imprisoned in Hel. and then she returned home and stabbed me in the eye so i had to kill her... That's life though i guess... Isn't it? It goes round and round and... I fell your pain."

As Denki spoke on, Bakugou was getting a little uncomfortable with how long Denki was keeping his hand on Jirou's shoulder, once more stepping between them defensively.

"I feel your pain too-" Bakugou stated to Jirou. "Cuz well- i mean it's not a competition, I'VE been through a lot. Father killed my mother and then i had to kill my father..."

As Bakugou spoke, Denki slurped loudly from his bowl of soup that just never seemed to go empty, Tooru rolling her invisible eyes as she saw right through Bakugou's attempts to overpower Denki's tragedy with his own. Ironic in a way.

"That was hard..." Bakugou continued. "PRobably even harder than having to kill a sister... Plus i came out with both my eyes which was-"

"I need a hammer, not a spoon..." Denki interrupted as he looked at the spoon in his bowl, suddenly turning away and making for the escape pods, playing around with the combination lock. "How do i open this thing? Is there some sort of uh... Four digit code maybe? Maybe a birthdate..."

"Uh... What are you doing...?" Tooru asked judgingly as she watched Denki try and fail at the combination lock repeatedly.

"I'm taking your pod." Denki said as he kept up his futile efforts.

Clearing his throat and posing in a more masculine manner, Bakugou approached Denki as he suddenly both deepened and raised his voice.

" ' T." Bakugou barked as he mimicked Denki's voice. " R."

Okay now this was getting rediculous.

"Uh... Bakugou...? Are you making your voice deeper~?" Tooru chuckled mockingly at Bakugou.

Katsuki just stood there as he looked over to Tooru, Denki approaching him.

"N O." Bakugou said in his phony voice.

"You are!" Kirishima announced. "You're imitating the god-man! It's weird..."

" T." Bakugou growled as he kept up the act.

"He just did it again!" Mina gasped.

" E-" Bakugou retorted before Denki stomped in front of his as he glared at Bekugou, face-to-face.

"... Are you mocking me?"

" E?"

"Stop it. you just did it again."

"H E ' E~"

"Okay you need to stop that-"

"ENOUGH!" Jirou shouted as she interrupted the bickering of the two men. "We need to stop All-For-One! Which means we need to find out where he's going next!"

"Knowhere..." Denki said walking past Jirou.

"He must be going SOMEWHERE!" Mina chipped in.

Bakgou, finally returning to his original voice, reponded to Mina, remembering she had never been to Knowhere. "No, No. Knowhere? It's a place, we've been there and it sucks."

Looking to Denki, Bakugou saw him suddenly raiding their fridge and taking their supplies.

"Hey! 'Scuse me that's our food!" Bakugou shouted to the god.

"Not anymore..." Denki responded with complete apathy.

"Denki..." Jirou said looking to him. "Why would he go to Knowhere?"

Taking a deep breath and sighing, Denki answered the girl's question. "Because for years the Reality stone's been safely storred there with a man called The Collector."

"If it's with the Collector then it's not safe!" Bakugou said chiming in on the conversation. "Only an idiot would give that man a stone."

"Or a genius..." Denki said as he started begging their food up.

"How do you know he's not going for one of the other stones?" Jirou asked wanting to be sure of All-For-One's movements.

Denki shut the door to the fridge as he made his way back to the pods. "There are six stones out there... All-For-One already has the Power stone because he stole it last week when he decimated Xndar. He stole the Space stone from me when he destroyed my ship and slaughtered half my people. The time and Mind stones are sae on Earth. They're with the avengers."

"The Avengers?" Bakugou asked with an eyebrow raised.

"They're Earth's mightiest heroes..." Denki explained quickly. "As for the Soul stone, well no one's ever seen that! No one even knows where it is, therefore All-For-One can't get it."

Jirou wore a worried expression on her face, as Denki was clearly clueless that she was the only person in the universe who DID know of he Soul stone's location.

"Therefore he's going to Knowhere, hence he'll be getting the Reality stone. You're welcome~" Denki said as he finished explaining.

"Then we have to go to Knowhere NOW!" Jirou said as he turned to Bakugou.

"Wrong." Denki interrupted. "Where we have to go is Nidavellir..."

"That's a made-up word!" Kirishima spoke to Denki.

"All words are made up." Denki retorted honestly blowing my mind a bit.

"Nidavellir is real? Seriously?" Tooru said chuckling exitedly. "I mean that place is a legend! They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the universe! I would very much like to go there please!"

"The ghost girl is correct~!" Denki said smiling, clearly misunderstanding Tooru's biology. "And clearly the smarted among you. Only Mineta the Dwarf can make me the weapon I need."

Denki then turned to Toru with a grin on his face. "I assume you're the captain mam?"

"You're very perceptive..." Toru said half-sarcastic half-trying to convince Denki for real.

"You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nidavellir?" Denki offered to the invisible thug.

"Yeah let me just ask the captain- oh wait a second! it's me! Yeah, i'll go." Tooru chuckled with glee.

"Wonderful!" Denki said before being interrupted by Bakugou again.

"uh... Except for that I'M the captain. And that's my backpack-"

"Quiet." Denki said as he had already lost all respect for the spiky-haired man.

"Go sit down~" Tooru said very much enjoying mocking Bakugou.

"Alright LOOK!" Bakugou shouted, fed up with the disrespect. "This is MY ship! And i'm not going to... Wait what- What kinda weapon are we talking about here!?"

"The All-For-One killing kind..." Denki answered blatently.

His ees widening, Bakugou looked back to his crew before talking back to Denki. "Don't you think we should ALL have a weapon like that?"

Denki chuckled as he responded. "ah- no. You simply lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies would crumble as your minds collapsed into madness."

The crew to kind of looked shocked as the mere mention of weapons so powerful...

"... Is it weird i wanna do it even more now?" Tooru commented as she crossed her arms.

"Mmm... A little bit, yeah." Denki said nodding to the Invisible girl.

"If we don't go to Knowhere and All-For-One retrieves another stone he'll be too powerful to stop!" Jirou said as she walked into the conversation.

"He already is-" Denki started before Tooru stood up and spoke up.

"Alright alright i got it figured out. We've got two ships, and a large assortment of morons." Tooru said as she suddenly had everybody's attention. "So me and Tsu will go with the pirate angel here. And the morons will go to Knowhere to try to stop All-For-One! Cool? Cool."

"So cool~" Denki chipped in with a smile.

"For the record-" Bakugou said confronting Tooru. "I know that you're onlly going with him because it's where All-For-One isn't..."

"You know you really shouldn't talk to your CAPTAIN like that Bakugou~" Tooru said returning his stare. "Come on Tsu... And put that game down you'll rot your brain!"

Tsu walked past the other Guardians and into the pod with Denki and Tooru, her face still buried in the game. Tooru, Tsu, and Denki then all strapped themselves in as Denki gave the others one last misguided goodbye.

"I bid you farewell, and good luck Morons! Bye." He said before the hatch closed and the trio took off for Nidavellir.