Title: And Every Winter Change To Spring

Rating: T

Pairings: Éomer/Lothíriel

Genre: Romance/Drama

Summary: Having befriended Éowyn in the aftermath of war, Lothíriel travels north to help her prepare for a new life in Gondor. But in Rohan, she finds more than she expected: a land still fighting to survive and a young king struggling to find his own peace.

Disclaimer: The Lord of The Rings is the property of J. R. R. Tolkien and his estate. This is a work of fanfiction, written for the enjoyment of myself and others. No financial profit is made by writing this.

Author's Note: Here is my brand new Éothiriel story! It took me a while to figure this one out, but I think I've got it now, and I've already got some more drafted. I guess this is more of a traditional kind of Éothiriel fic, if you get what I mean. At any rate, I hope you will enjoy, and let me know what you think!

The title of the story is from Alfred Tennyson's poem In Memoriam.

Then suddenly... he woke again, and looked up, seeing leaves against the sky; and he heard beneath the leaves singing soft and slow beside him Lúthien Tinuviel. And it was spring again.

- Of Beren and Lúthien


August 3019, Dol Amroth

My dear Éowyn!

I was glad to receive your letter today when my father and my brothers returned from their visit to your country. I could hardly wait to start and compose an answer, and it is already late, as we spent many hours talking about Rohan, your uncle's funeral, and your betrothal to Faramir. It is so good to have my family home again, Éowyn; it feels like we haven't been together like this in such a long time. While the war was going on, most if not all of them were away, and I was left alone and dreading the arrival of every messenger that rode through the gates. I know Father will be needed in Minas Tirith very soon, as the new king has need of him, but at least we are able to enjoy a few weeks of respite.

Yet it seems like such a short while has passed since you rode back to Rohan with your brother and your warriors. I have missed our talks and your company. You said you were not good at bringing comfort to anyone, but I did feel it on those dark days when we waited news from the Black Gate. The waiting was much easier to bear when I could count on sharing our fears and hopes with you. And when peace was won and we were given those golden hours of victory, it was such great fun showing you around in Minas Tirith and teaching you all the court dances of Gondor. You know, some might say that a deep friendship cannot grow in such a short while as we have known one another, but already you feel like a sister to me. I never had a sister, and though I do love my brothers with all my heart, it was not always easy being the only girl among them. You perhaps better than anyone know what it feels like.

It is for these reasons I must say that your favour will be easily and happily delivered. In fact I feel it's no favour at all! I would be glad to spend the autumn and winter in Edoras with you, though I wonder how much teaching you truly require as far as the customs of Gondor are considered. My cousin Faramir loves you either way, Shieldmaiden or Healer. But you are also right to write that your position as his wife will be easier to manage when you know your way around. There will be much to be done in Ithilien, and there court etiquette won't help you, but the consort of the Lord Steward of Gondor won't be spending all her time rooting around in a kitchen orchard.

In case my long-winded waffling hasn't already made my answer clear, then let me try and be straightforward: I will come indeed! And I shall be happy to stay with you until the wedding, if you have need of me until then. Father has already given his blessing and I believe he's fairly delighted about the affair. He thinks highly of you and of your brother the King, and is eager to encourage all interaction between our realms and especially our families. He has promised to give me no less than twelve Swan Knights to escort me to Rohan, and this coming week we will all be very busy making everything ready. I hope to travel soon, as I am impatient to finally see your legendary homeland – and of course meet you again, my dear friend.

Éowyn, I admit this also feels like my small chance to join inrebuilding of our world. There's not much I can do to help, yet perhaps by aiding you to prepare I can contribute. You warned me that the coming winter won't be easy in Rohan, but I'm not afraid. I know it won't be even half as bad what you already went through. I may seem like a pampered little maiden, but I don't think you ever believed that was the whole truth about me. If you did, you wouldn't have asked me to stay in Edoras until spring.

There's only one thing I wonder about, Éowyn. I have thought whether it is all right by your brother that I come. He must have given his consent, as you wouldn't otherwise invite me, but I hope you didn't have to pressure him hard. I know it's probably silly thing to think of, but at times in his company I feel like he's not particularly fond of me. Not that he has ever said anything of the sort – he was polite on the two occasions we actually talked back in Minas Tirith! But your brother is such an intimidating man, and I often feel like a fool when I'm in his vicinity. Please, Éowyn, don't say anything to him! I do not wish to make him feel uncomfortable in my company. We are like to run into each other many times over the coming months and in the future as well, as you are about to join our family through your marriage to Faramir. It would be dreadful to make him feel as awkward as I already do.

Maybe my concerns are just because of my youth and inexperience and uncertainty when faced with a legendary character like your brother, and I will get over it when I know him a little better. It worked with you, didn't it? As such, I ask you again not to speak of this to him. He has more important worries in his kingdom now that the war is over and I'd rather not bother him with my foolish doubts.

Please, don't let this disconcert you, or think I do not look forward to staying with you for the coming winter. I am truly honoured to have your faith and good opinion, and I promise to do my best to help you get ready for the new life ahead of you. And after all, you are my friend. Soon you will also be family.

In a few days, perhaps a week from now, my escort shall depart for Rohan. We'll sail the river and land at Harlond, and then ride north. It is hard to believe I am soon to see the famed land of horselords for the first time. I have a good feeling about it, Éowyn – I think this is going to be the start of something good.

With warm regards,

your friend

Lothíriel of Dol Amroth