Chapter 20

Everything seem dark, but warm, like nothing seem wrong as though everything was just right and steady. Ariel slowly flicked her tired eyes open, parting the sleep dust on her eyelids and tried to see through her eyelashes. Her first view of the morning was a bright light, the sun light shiny through a wide window, the light glittered softly on her eyes lids as a warm welcome. Her gaze spotted the clear blue sky through the window and two small orange seahorses swimming pass in a flash. Ariel rolled her eyes down noticed the softness her head was resting on was a big, purple pillow, her own pillow. Gradually, Ariel roll her head around scanned the quite area she was staying in, and she was sleeping in no other than her own bedroom, she was back at the palace, back in the kingdom of Atlantica. Looking around and noticed six beds all empty yet neaten, the quilt was over her body and surprising Ariel found Aquata's bed toy Mr Fuzzyfinkles resting in between Ariel's arms. A small smile grew on Ariel's face as Mr Fuzzyfinkles clues her that her sisters knows that she's back home safe.

"Ariel" a low, anxious voice suddenly entered in the silent room through the doorway, Ariel turned her head around and saw her father standing by the door entrance.

Triton was back in his true mermaid form with no bruises or scars that marked on his body from last night, the big, golden crown arrived back sitting on his head. He swam through the purple seaweeds that were hanging down on the doorway, heading towards his daughter and sat by the edge of the bed. Ariel didn't know if she should if either narrow her eyes in wonder if she's dreaming or widen in shock as her father was back and for once there was no strictness or disapproval painted on his face.

"Daddy?" Aric asked, Triton only response was a small, sad smile on his face, but it was good enough to know it was real.

"Oh daddy!" Aric leap over and wrapped her arms over his large shoulders around his neck, closed her eyes and cried, "Daddy, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean anything of this…"

"Hush now… It's alright" Triton irrupted softly as he wrapped his left around her back and the other one placed her red hair, "I'm the one who say sorry. I just didn't want to lose you like…"

"Like what happened to mother" Ariel finished the sentence, then she gently whispered, "I know. I missed her too. I wish I should have talk to you sooner."

"And, I should have listened. I… just didn't want to hear the truth, never wanted anyone hurt, for your or your sisters or the entire kingdom."

Ariel moves back and gazed at her father's sorrow eyes, "It is difficult trying to be a good king and good father at the same time."

They both shortly chuckled, then Ariel wondered, "How did you changed back?"

Triton explained, "Honestly, I'm not quite sure. All I could remember was a fast wave from above rolled back over the surface. Then a fast current from it blew down, spinning around me and changed me. Apparently, there were like me trapped in the enchantment."

Ariel nodded slowly knowing the fast current must have been from the huge wave she stopped and calm it down back into the ocean. Thinking that when she used by the trident to calm the huge wave, possibly the blue lights of magic in the wavy water sunken down to bottom and broken the curse from all of those poor souls trapped in those forms of little, ugly things by Ursula and kept hidden in her home cave.

She looked back up at her father and asked, "And, what about Ursula?"

Triton sign sadly before he answered, "There was no sign of her anywhere. No one has seen her after that night."

Ariel lowed her eyes as she remembered the night in terror of gigantic Ursula and how she and Eric nearly died. She remembered Eric sailing the wrecked ship towards Ursula and stab her with the sharp bowsprit, she remembered Eric saving her life. The best answer Ariel could think was that the sea witch was dead, it was the only possible answer there was after that night. Her eye which were filled with terror transformed into grief because Ariel quickly remembered who Ursula truly was to King Triton, Ariel whispered, "She was my aunty."

Triton looked down at her daughter and his face couldn't hide the grief he was feeling, he slowly nodded as his response. "I was meant to bring her back home, to Atlantica. It was your mother's idea, believing Ursula deserved another chance. But after your mother's death, I thought Ursula's troubles will bring ruins to the kingdom, to our family. So, I left her, because I didn't want to lose any of my daughters too."

Ariel remembered the rage and the disapproval from her father for her misbehaviour, he hated those moments, she never understood the reasons behind those strict moments. Right here right now, those reasons have been clearly explained, right after losing her mother Ariel and sisters were thinking of losing their father. Maybe following his strict rules and laws would have brought them closer, meanwhile all of this time unknowingly Triton was trying to do the same thing to keep his daughters safe even it means no more playing music, having fun and laughter.

All of her life, Ariel wanted that old version of her father back, she knows she can't change the tragic past of her mother's death, but she could change the views of the present by letting go of the past. If she wanted her father back, this is the moment. Taking a deep breathe in and whispered, "After everything that has happened, I understand now. Music reminded you of mother, and it hurts. But it helps us to get through the pain. I understand why you banish music, and I forgive you because you forgotten what happiness felt like. And, I still love you."

Ariel prayed for a small miracle hoping this is the right moment of change, Triton shifted his sad smile to a happiness as they both reached over and hugged again softer. Triton whispered in a gentle tone, "My greatest love wasn't just music or your mother, it was also you and your sisters."

Hearing those words healed a small, deep crack on Ariel's heart from the past, for once in her life she didn't have to tough or strong to stand forth whenever her father is around, her heart was calm and steady. She tighten her arms around her father's neck showing how much she really respects and cares for him. They unhurriedly they let go and parted themselves then Triton reached over to the bed next to Ariel's, and picked up a small, dark purple box.

Ariel curiously narrowed her blue, thinking to herself, "How did I missed that?" then though of the purple colour camouflaging with the purple bed sheet.

Triton brought it over and opened the lid revealing the whole blue music box, Ariel open her mouth is shock for Ursula smashed the music box straight after the wedding. "What… How did you?" Ariel was completely speechless.

"One of the mer-people found the broken pieces in a bag, resting on the floor" Triton explained, Ariel wondered how it all ended in a bag at the bottom of the ocean, then realised it was possibly Eric before he sail out to find Ariel. Triton added, "I had the creators of the music box before to recreate again."

Triton gently lifted the music box out, opening it as the same beautiful melody of the music began playing and the two small, golden figures of her father and mother magically appeared in the centre floating and dancing. They both widen their smiles a little, Triton mouth slowly open and quietly sang, "Endless sky…"

Ariel watched her father continued singing in a soft, low tone, "Waves try to measure. The days that we treasure…"

Slowly, Ariel joined in singing with her father, "Wave hello and wave goodbye…"

At the end, they smiled widely and laughed thinking this is the first time in a long time they had happy together. Then Triton asked, "Though there is one thing I don't understand; where did you find it?"

The answer Ariel had in her mind would be a lot for her father to take after finally discussing openly about the loss of his wife, but the worst part was link to the humankind above the surface. Ariel took in a deep breathe and answering shortly but clear, "Eric gave it to me."

Triton looked at his daughter with confusion in his eyes, "He is… was my fiend…" Ariel tried to hide her struggles from thinking of Eric then she rolled her eyes to the top then back at Triton, "from the surface."

Tritons widen his eyes in surprise when he realised Ariel was talking about the human, she began close to from above. Ariel gazed in her father's eyes and she knew his mind were scrolling back with the horrible memories of humans that examples them of being terrible creatures. "Eric said that his parents found the music box, brought it up out at sea" Ariel started explaining to clear Triton's thought about what happened. Ariel continued, "They kept it because it symbolises their love, it brought them closer like it did with you and mother."

After a second Ariel thought of what she just said and realised that Eric gave the music box to her even though he didn't know it belong to her mother. Remembering the beautiful night, she and Eric had with each other before they had their dance, he gave the music box to her forgetting what it meant about how close and special their relationship was. Ariel easily hidden her secret sadness behind her blue eyes, thinking about how she left Eric back on land without saying goodbye or anything. Rapidly, a small laughter echoed from the hallway arrived through the doorway and entered inside the bedroom. All of the Ariel's sisters swam through the purple seaweeds hanging on the doorway, and spotted their little sister awake.

"ARIEL!" They all rushed over and tackled Ariel all around. Their loud cheers echoed in the entire bedroom as they surrounded Ariel and wrapped their arms around their little sister. Ariel grew a wide smile as she was the warm pearl in a round oyster, reached her arms out to let them be tangled up with whoever's arms in the circle.

Soon it was getting tight, Ariel whispered breathlessly, "Guys... I missed you too... But I can't breathe at this moment..."

They quickly released Ariel yet they most of them still softly cuddled around their little sister. Aqauata was the first of them to spoke as she picked up Mr Fuzzyfinkles, "I thought Mr Fuzzyfinkles would have helped you slept well."

Ariel chucked with a small smile, "Thank you."

Alana stated, "We took of the clothing you wore. But I'm not sure why human wear them when they're all draggy and messy and ripped?"

Ariel understood that Alana was talking about the blue dress, knowing it was possibly ripped and messy from the Ursula's large eel attacks last night. She only giggled quietly at the fact that her sisters were thinking that is what humans wear from the surface.

Afterwards, Sebastian crawled into the bedroom in a straight position with a small smile, "Your majesty, your subjects awaits in the hall."

"Thank you, Sebastian" King Triton nodded.

Triton lifted himself up and slowly swam to the door while the sisters flowed behind, Ariel looked up to them in wonder, "Wh-What is happening?"

"You just have to get up and see" Attina answered as she low her hand to grab Ariel's and lift her up off the bed.

Ariel still felt a bit tired and some short pains in parts of her body, but she bravely ignored as she would rather spend her time with her family instead of staying in her bed, especially since what has happened in the last few days. Triton and Sebastian left the room as the daughters began rushing to their large wardrobe where special dresses where made for them hanging inside. Attina picked up two dresses from the wardrobe, one for herself and one for Ariel. Their dresses were all very similar to each other; long sleeves covering their arms up to their wrists with glitterly see-through fabrics, same for the V-shape shirt flowing at the back of their tails. Their dresses were in the same colour as their tails, with matching sparkly pearls attached to the edges of their dresses.

Once they were ready, they all entered out of their bedroom as Ariel could feel the cool shadows in the long hallways of the palace welcoming her back by their soft touches on her skin. Along the way, her sisters have been chatting quietly about how sorry they were for being unsupportive to their little sister and Ariel repeated the same way for running away and getting everyone in danger. All was forgiven and forget, as fast as a blink of an eye, which builds up with huge hugs and huge smiles at the end. One thing that bothered Ariel though was that the hallways are usually quiet except when it comes with her sister's small giggles echoing, alternatively her ears caught the echoes of small cheers up ahead of them. They finally reached to the huge hall and Ariel's blue eyes widen in surprise from the amount of people were inside covering all of the spaces in the hall, believing it was everyone in the entire kingdom.

The daughters formed a line behind their father who stood up higher than the crown with Sebastian and Flounder standing on the other side. All eyes locked up and focused their gazes on their king as Triton finally began his speech, "To Kingdom of Alantica, and to my daughters. After these years of silence, hereby decree that music will once again ring clear from one end of my kingdom to the other!"

The crowd quickly cheered out loud, clapping their hands, fins and tentacles together, there wide smiles covering every face in the hall including the daughters, including King Triton. The king continued, "Therefore, I hereby present Atlantica's first official Court Composer."

Sebastian swam out form the edge of the crowd to the side of King Triton, the red crab bowed down before his king, "Thank you your majesty."

The crowd still loudly cheered, Attina hugged Ariel from behind and whispered, "Thank you, Ariel." They both smiled at each other happy that they bond has finally been rebuilt stronger than ever.

The Catfish Club has been invented back to the Kingdom of Alantica and was asked to be play their delightful music on this special day. Before they start, they brought Arista into the group and gave her a flute. "A girl in a band?" Flounder joined in and just heard of Arista becoming a new member of the band.

"That's right" the band replied as Arista tried out the flute.

Flounder smiled "Not a bad idea."

The band began playing their musical instruments and the crowd started dancing around the huge hall, the seven daughters joined in the dance King Triton swim around the hall and waved at some of his subjects. Soon, the daughters began singing a familiar song they remembered from when they were little.

My love is higher than the sky
Depper than the ocean
Warmer than the sun
Shiny down on me

Quiet as a prayer
Louder than a whale
Faster than lightly
Because, all my love

Ariel began dancing around with Flounder and Sebastian.

I will sing, for joy and glory
I will sing, the look in your loves
I will sing, till the world knows your story
I will sing, for the rest of my live

Unknowingly, Triton swam out of the hall and entered outside of the palace into the back garden. There was huge statue of his young self and of his wife dancing together, they were in a similar position like the small ones in the music box, the statues were cover in green moss and seaweed and grey shells stuck onto the tone skin. The face of his queen hit the hard sadness into his face, but Triton stood calm and still before he kneeled down and gently placed the music box on side of the large statues. When he opened the blue box and the soft music started playing and their smaller golden figures appeared, within a minute lots of golden bubblies began floating up from the music box. The bubblies waved around each other in a line and slowly swirled around the two large statues, magically the statues became brighter and all the moss and shells became to peeled off from the skin of the statues. Next, it magically lightened up the view of the whole back garden making it bright and beautiful to look at. Triton looked at the new view of the garden and the statues, especially at the face of his queen, the new looks reflected the beautiful self of Athena which grew a small grin on his face as he remembered all of the happy memories he had with her and their daughters.

Swimming from behind, Ariel was the only to notice that her father was out form the crowd, so he followed him to the back garden. "Daddy?" Ariel started to get his attention only to see a glimpse of happiness in his eyes, "How about a dance?"

"I won't miss it for the world" Triton took Ariel's hand and spin her around like a twister.

"Conga" Till they heard Aquata's screams.

A line of mer-people and some sea creatures joined in the conga dance and doing Aquata's weird dance moves. They circled around the back garden and continued performing the strange dance, soon everyone slowly broke off form the conga line and began dancing together in a large group circle. Ariel was spinning around with flounder by holding onto his fins, until the little dolphin got a bit too sick, so they slowly stopped. Then, Ariel spotted Adella in the crowd and followed her sister's gaze at the cute merman Adella was interested in.

Ariel swam to Adella's side and whispered, "Go to him."

Adella looked at Ariel then back at the boy, "Oh no, no, no. I can't... He's there... And I'm..."

"Hey, you'll never know if he likes you, if you don't try to talk to him" Ariel gently smiled at Adella.

"What should I say?" Adella's voice crumbled into anxious.

"The first thing everyone says starts with one word" Ariel explained, waiting for Adella to guess but her face looks confused, so Ariel answered, "Hello."

"Then get to know him, as much as he gets to know you" Ariel good advice lifted Adella's spirit.

Sucking in a deep breathe in then out at the same time when she decided to swam up to the cute boy. Ariel watched from a short distance of Adella talking to the merman and soon they quickly started dancing around with the other dancers. Ariel grew a happy grin for her sister, but her smile slowly sucked when they reminded her of herself and Eric together dancing. Triton noticed Ariel's gaze at Adella and the merman, releasing the connection Adella is developing is somewhat how it happened between him and Athena, but he soon looked deeper beneath the surface that it reminded Ariel of the human she truly cares about.

Triton moved over behind Ariel and revealed the truth she hidden silently, "You miss him, don't you?"

Ariel was to about to question her father about who is 'him,' till she understood what he was talking about from the look where Adella was dancing with the merman. She didn't want to lie so she answered, "He nearly got killed because of me. It's best he stayed up there."

Unexpectedly, Triton grew a small grin on his face and added, "You know, I was quite shy when I was around your age. But your mother was a brave person, a rule-breaker." That caught Ariel's attention as she turned her head around and looked up at her father, Triton continued, "She always encourage me to try new things, explore everything, always saying to take risks. And, if she was here, I think she would say the same thing."

A bolt out of the blue, shoot straight into Ariel's blue eyes as her wet mouth was dry, "Really?"

"Really" Triton smiled softly, "Sebastian told me everything. After the wedding, he came back and saved you."

Ariel nodded with a small grin, "Yes he did."

"Go on" Triton encouraged, then he quickly made his face into a strict expression, "But be back in an hour."

Ariel grew a cheeky smile, "An hour, and a half?"

Triton was silent for a second and replied, "Not a minute later."

Ariel leaped in and wrapped her small arms around Triton's neck, hugging him gently and whispered by the side of his ear, "I love you daddy."

"l love you too" Triton replied.

After they slowly release their grips, Ariel swam up above the crowd and asked Flounder if he wanted to come with her to the surface, while Triton and Sebastian watched happily at the little mermaid. Ariel and Flounder traveled through big holes of large corals stretching out from the great rocks. They laughed and giggled as they discussed the whole battle they fought in with Ursula and her huge, scary eels. Flounder explains to Ariel how he beaten one of the huge eels by getting it taken down by a killer whale. Then, Ariel described how Ursula nearly killed her, and how Ariel used the trident to stop a massive wave made by Ursula from flooding the entire kingdom above the surface.

They finally reached close by Eric's castle by the seaside, they popped their heads out the sea water and scanned around for any humans around so none of them will spot them. They swim closer to the shore by the castle, they stopped by behind a big rock still scanning around the area.

"It's seems really quiet" Flounder stated.

"Maybe Eric's out with his friends" Ariel guessed.

"Hey Flounder" Ariel started a new conversation, "You're a good friend. You were always there for me, even when it could of, or was going to kill us. You never left. And, I never thank you."

Flounder chucked, "Na... no need to thank me. You were there for and I was there for you."

Ariel her arm around the dolphin's neck and gently rubbed the top of Flounder's forehead by her other hand as they both laughed joyfully.

Next, they swam closer to the shore, yet they were greeted by peaceful silence, their eyes study the shore again but there was still no one around. Hope was just about leave Ariel thinking there was no, she left Eric last night on that beach alone without saying goodbye so why would he come back now.

Suddenly, a loud bark echoed from the start of the beach and reached over the ocean surface, their heads were lift in awareness and their eyes follow the sound. Ariel stare further across the surface and try to see what it was that made that bark, until it echoed again but louder. Ariel recognised that bark, so she swam a bit further forward and hide herself behind the first rock she swam to. Outside of the castle by the bottom side, the big, wooden doors opened slightly for Max the dog to jumped right now out and began jumping around in circles. Then Prince Eric entered out through the doors and walked down the stair with Max till they reached down to the beach. Eric stumped his way through the beach as his black boots brushed the tiny stones off from the sandy surface. His sad eyes rolled down on the sandy floor, even jumpy Max couldn't get the princes' attention.

Max was jumping by the side and Eric finally looks up to his dog, a sad smile grew on his face, "I know buddy. I love the sea too."

Eric looks up high and his eyes gaze across the beautiful view of the blue sea, he whispered to himself, "She's in there. I know she is."

He kneeled down for Max to come over, the dogs' head fitted in between his knees and his hands rubbed on the side of Max's fury face. Eric still held his sad smile, "I know you missed her. So do I..."

Eric huffed calmly and whispered one last time before rising up and began walking slowly again. "And I never get to say goodbye."

Ariel watched Eric from a far distance as he continued walking down the beach slowly and silently. She wanted to go over there to Eric and say something to him, she didn't know what to say but Ariel just wanted to say something good. But how could she, how could Ariel say that everything was going to be alright when she can't actually see the future.

"What are you waiting for?" Flounder unexpectedly appeared behind Ariel.

Ariel was lost with the words, "I... I can't..."

Flounder narrowed his black eyes in wonder "Why? I mean he knows that you're a mermaid now. So, what's the problem? Getting cold fins?"

"No. Just..." Ariel paused as she looks back at Eric then back at Flounder with anxious eyes, "After everything has happened, I just keep thinking that what it goes wrong."

"Well, you'll never know if it might work, if you don't give it a go" Flounder repeat the same advice Ariel gave to Adella in a similar way. Ariel grew a small smile on her face as she slowly took in some deep breathes.

Ariel swam underneath the sea water towards the shore, she looked above the water and realised that Eric was walking further away on the beach. She wanted to say something out loud to get his attention, but her heart told her to use her voice for something.

Now we could walk
Now we could run
Now we could stay all day in the sun

Eric stopped quickly as his entire body froze so still, his wondering sad eyes rolled off from eth sandy floor to normal eye-level. His ears caught that sweet voice singing close by the beach, Eric knew that beautiful voice, and so did Max. The dog was still jumping around but this time Max was jumping in joy and excitement, spinning around Eric like Max wanted the prince to turn around. Slowly, Eric slide his feet around like moving arms of a clock to turn his position, truth be told Eric didn't want to look thinking his mind was playing illusionary tricks with him. Eric finally turned around and looked behind him and that's where he saw her.

It was like the first day when Ariel meet Eric again on land, she was sitting on the head of a large rock that was above the seas surface. Ariel was in that same position, she looked up at Eric as she was half happy because she gets to see him again, yet half anxious for Ariel was unsure what Eric's next move was. Already visioning him walking off and pretend nothing happened, or perhaps he could just stay in his still position and let herself make the next move. However, Ariel didn't have to move when she noticed Eric was walking closer towards the sea, then unexpectedly his legs began from walking to running fast.

Eric didn't know if it was an illusion he was seeing yet he knew deep down it was real, she was real. He skipped over the small waves as he entered into the ocean, then he jumped into the cool sea waters. Ariel dived back into the water and swam towards Eric, they both felt edgy with over-joy which helps them to swim faster towards each other. Once, they both stopped only being arm-length away from each other, they only gazed at each other with small smiles on their faces till they grew by their half-laughs and spread from ear to ear. They both took the first moves and wrapped their arms tightly around their necks and backs, their heads rested onto the other shoulder. Eric managed to get his feet to stand on a rock below to keep himself balance while trying to keep his head above water. Meanwhile, Eric could feel Ariel green tail flipping steadily below in front of his legs, he didn't feel scared as he feels more delighted to see Ariel again.

"I thought I lost you" Eric whispered.

"So, did I" Ariel replied.

Eric fingers felt the clothing Ariel was wearing that was covering her arms, Eric lean back and curiously looked at the clothing, "I didn't know you could wear clothes under water?"

"Oh, we don't. I mean it's like your type of clothes. It's special made from where I come from" Ariel explain.

"And where is that?" Eric wondered.

"To Kingdom of Alantica" Ariel smiled as she was happy to finally tell the truth to Eric, "Where the mer-people live."

"Where you and your six sisters live" Eric remember, and they both laughed shortly.

"Oh, and there's one thing I forgot to mention" Ariel revealed a Cheshire-Cat grin on her face showing her teeth. Eric narrowed his eyes in wonder, as Ariel reveled, "That song you sang about King Triton, ruler of the seas. He is my... father."

Eric couldn't help to widen his eyes and open his mouth from this deep surprise, he slowly nodded his head and tried to say something through his gasped mouth, "So... That would make you a..."

"A princess" Ariel ended his sentence, "I know it's a lot to take in..."

"It is" Eric couldn't lie, yet his gasp expression quickly melted away, "But I don't care. I still want to be part of it."

Then, Eric questioned, "Hey Ariel, you had your voice when we first meet, then you didn't soon after. How come?"

Ariel looked down in disappointment about allowing herself to trust Ursula, forgetting the high coast with eth high risks it comes with. She looks back up at Eric and answered clearly, "Before, my home has never felt like a true home to me." Eric remembered Ariel once explained to him about how broken her family was since her mother died, her father didn't allow music, no laugher or happiness. Ariel continued, "I made a deal with a sea witch, I had to give up my voice for three days as I can become human."

"Three days for what?"

"Three days for me to... to kiss you, so I could become human permanently."

Ariel could see how Eric was gasped again so she tried to explain herself, "I know it was stupid, because I shouldn't have force you into this. Now that I have, I don't how it works because you're a prince and I am..."

Ariel was interrupted by Eric warm lips touching hers for only a split second till he slowly moves back and their eyes were locked onto each other. Confusion splatted hard across Ariel's face as she finished, "Am not someone who saw that coming."

Eric chucked, leaving Ariel to wonder, "You kissed me?"

"Yes I did" Eric replied.

A confused grin faded into a happy smile on Ariel's face, then she noticed that Eric's were getting wet from the tears escaping from his eyes. Her fingers rubbed underneath his eyes feeling the warm tear as bitter yet sweet as the sea, Ariel wondered, "You're crying? Are you sad?"

"No. No, of course not" Eric chuckled at the fact that Ariel doesn't understand these kind of tears, "They're tears of joy, Ariel."

Ariel chuckle at this fact for humans to cry when they're happy, but joy quickly filled her veins when she realised that Eric was crying for. Within a second, she leaped forward to kiss Eric again and their lips never left each other's warm touch as their eyes were closed and their arms wrapped around their necks and backs again. Feeling like this moment was going to last forever as they hold on each other tight like they never want to let the other one go. Until their kiss were unexpectedly interrupted by a soggy lick across the faces by Max who was swimming by them then suddenly jumped in between them. laugh

"Hello Max!" Ariel rubbed the sides of Max's wet fury face, noticing how the dog was over-the-moon to see her again.

Next, a loud squeaky sound jumped out of the sea waters, a small dolphin arrived to the others. "This is Flounder" Ariel stated to Eric

Flounder was swimming around the three, then slowed himself down when Eric was touching gently on the Flounder's back. "Hello Flounder" Eric has seen dolphins swimming the sea from his travels, but he has been up to one so close. Eric softly rub the sides of Flounder's side as he cheered whenever Flounder did a jumped above the water. Ariel and Eric both loudly cheered and Max started barking at Flounder's neat flips above the water, while the young couple wrapped their fingers together like tangled seaweed and stayed close together.

When the tide was coming out, Eric managed to stand on his own two feet and managed to romantically carried Ariel in his arms. He wondered, "You're actually quite light."

"Thanks" Ariel laughed as she pulled Eric head in for her lips to kiss his.

Ariel broke away too early as she asked, "I wonder what the others might think."

"Well, I could try to convince them that what happen at wedding wasn't a dream" Eric answered, then he point out something that just popped up in his head, "And Grimsby, always wanted me to be with a princess, and since you're technically a princess..."

They both chuckled together knowing what ever happens in the future, they will be there for each other. All that matters now to them, is that they have each other.

So, after ten years of silence, the little mermaid not only brought back music, but the love and happiness to the Kingdom of Alantica. And the love between her and the human prince had was the most powerful source of music that was ever played.

Boy, I wonder how that lass will deal with sisters when they meet him, especially Adella. Ah man!

Years have passed like the waves upon the sand shores, the law with humans had been bended and the mer-people have been bleeding in with human to understanding their lives. Thanks to King Triton's acceptance of that kind human prince. Same for the humans, revealing the truth of mer-people was quite a shock, won't blame them. Yet, soon they all blend in with it, that was thankful when it came the wedding.

5 Years Later

A wedding was set on the stony area which largely spits out across the sea, green trees grew by the edges and colourful flowers glooming around the sides of the stoney area. Ariel was wearing a beautiful white dress that flows down till it touches the floor like a calm waterfall. Eric was in his neat, military uniform; wearing a white coat with gold buttons and two vertical gold stripes lining the chest, a navy blue collar with gold cuffs and epaulettes, blue trousers, and black boots. They stood by the alter with the little priest saying the vows for them to speak to each other, afterwards the crowd cheered loudly. Grimsby handed Carlotta one of his white handkerchief for her to cry on. The mer-people were by the side in the sea cheering loud as well, including Ariel's sister, they all gave a small jewel to Ariel to wear on her wedding. Ariel kneed close by the edge fo eth sea and kissed on Flounder's forehead for being her best friend. Gabriella was the flower girl as she was wearing a red dress that glooms out wavily like a rose, she was jumping on her toes in excitement and in honor to be at Ariel's wedding. After the vows, Ariel came over to Gabriella first and hugged the teenage Gabriella as a thank for coming over.

Chief Louie baked and decorated a special wedding cake, thankfully Sebastian always manages to get away and hide from the crazy chief by riding on Max's head as the dog ride off the side of the sea. Then, Max accidentally knocked Johon over and made him splashed into the sea water, once he got up his eyes meets with Aquata. They were froze still at the moment as they lock their gazes at each other, soon they grew a small smile and their guts twisted with crazy anxiousness but excitement. Emil and Oscar hugged each other happily as they cheered for their prince's wedding. Triton swing his triton over using its' power to create a thin, long length of the sea water to wave up off from the surface to form a curve like a semicircle. With the shiny light from the yellow sun brightening through the flying glass of the water, the light and the water created glittery lines of colours based of a rainbow.

Years after the marriage, Ariel and Eric traveled across the huge sea on a gigantic ship as they stood in front smelling the salty air, feeling the fresh winds blowing into their faces and the splashed waters gently hitting. Ariel spread her arms out like she was a bird so she could capture that feeling of feeling above the sea, while they watched the sunsets over the blue, glitter horizon. When they reached to new place with the country or out, they picked a romantic where they go alone and swim together.

They swam down to the clear, cool sea where the little fish swim, where the bright and colourful corals spread out in different shape and sizes off from the grey rocks. The sun's light shine through the wavy sky and sparkled down on the sandy floor. Ariel worn her purple shell bra and a light green skirt, while Eric was wearing his white shirt and black trousers as they walked down a calm sandy beach. They climbed up some high rock and Eric was the first one to jump off and dive into the water, Ariel dived in perfectly, but she never reached to the surface. Eric took a deep breathe in and dive down deeper into the sea, he couldn't see where he was underwater but he felt Ariel soft hands guarding him in a upwards position. Straight after, they drew each other together and they kissed, their lips were warm even if they were underneath in the cool waters. Holding each other close with one of their hands holding on the side of the others' face and the waters waved around their hair form side to side. They slowly spin around like they were dancing under the sea, similar to how the small figures in the music box were like dancing like. Knowing how strong their love for each other was, they always hold it tight and strong together. Even when a current in the water was pushing through in between them, they never let go.

And so, they lived happily ever after...

Hey guys, welcome back to this final chapter. This blends in with the ending of the original and the prequel, and I included a small part of the alternative ending into this because I thought it looked so adorable.

I have really enjoyed writing this story and I hoped you guys had enjoyed it too.