There was a fox who lived in a hole

Now, I don't think he was very humble

But anyone would do anything

To keep their family alive

Now, this fox

He cheated, he lied, he stole

And to what end?

So they could get out of that hole

In the end, he's just a wild animal

But aren't we all?

We dedicate ourselves

To living the best life

Now I may only be thirteen fox years old

But that's far shorter than any old fox's age

And that old fox is living in a nice tree now

But why? He's in constant danger

So this old fox did what he always does

He cheated and lied and stole

But I don't think in his hubris, he realized

He wasn't thinking of his family

This fox, who I shall not name

Was not the best husband, certainly not a good father

You doubt me? Just ask his son

Jealous of something he can never attain

And this fox did what he wanted

No cares in the world

Endangering his family

And now they live in a sewer

And he lost his tail

I know, I know

This wasn't what you expected, was it?

A sad ending A father, mother, son, and nephew

All trapped and starving

Well, this nephew had become ensnared

Because of the fox we won't name

And none other than the son saved him

Tired of being nothing

But in the end we were all okay

And I think that fox learned a good lesson

We are all wild animals

Prey to our instincts

Now here's the more personal part

I'm done giving you a summary

We cannot be blind to our family

That's how they die

So hold on to your vision

Your very life

A part of me is tired

I'm homesick, I'm stuck in a sewer

I'm cold, I'm tired, I want to see the sun

But having the fox I won't name with me, and his wife and son

It's not so bad, I guess

I'm a wild animal, so are you

And we all crave one thing

Something close and unattainable

Something temporary and constant

Here's to our survival

We can all at least agree on that, can't we?

- K