A sleepy sigh of content left Laxus as he turned over in bed, body moving closer to the warmth radiating at his right side. Thinking nothing of the fact that Lucy normally slept on his right side, and burrowing his face deeper into his pillow, his allowed one heavy arm to sling over what he assumed to be Lucy, Laxus signing once more as sleep came to take him back to the land of dreams again.

But a wet lick to his neck prevented him from giving in to sleeps embrace. Still immensely tired from his last mission, Laxus let out a tired moan, eyes still closed and refusing to open as he hugged Lucy tighter, mind not noticing that his little wife was slightly... furry... or that the hot tongue languidly licking at his neck was larger and wetter than her small skilled tongue.

"Babe, not tonight."

Lazily scratching at the back of her head, Lucy stubbles her way through the dark hallway leading towards her room, yawning quietly as she gently closed the door behind her, mindful of her exhausted husband.

Turning to make her way to their bed, she froze. Their, laying down besides her sleeping dragon was the wolf dog hybrid she had found while on a mission with Cana. He was a beautiful creature with a fluffy coat of pure onyx black, a few scars of abuse littering his lethal form. The most noticeable, and admittedly the biggest reason she had taken him home, was the scar running down his missing eye, shaped almost like a bolt of lightning like Laxus'.

She had been hoping to tell him about Titan- the name she and Cana had chosen for him, when he got home, but Laxus has just wanted to go straight to bed. So, Lucy had hidden the large canine in their basement for the night. She was going to tell him in the morning about their new little friend, when he was well rested and in a good mood after a nice big breakfast but..

"Psssst," she tried getting Titan's attention as he licked at Laxus, frantically waving her hands in a 'come here' motion.

"Babe, not tonight." She heard Laxus groan.

Relief filled her as Titan stopped, only to silently groan when the damn hybrid returned to lazily licking Laxus again.

Tiptoeing her way to the bed, Lucy pulled at the black leather collar around his neck, mentally pleading with him to stop before Laxus woke up and realized it wasn't her in the bed getting fresh with him. She knew he wasn't going to be happy about Titan, and even more so if he woke up now.

Lucy felt as if she could have cried a waterfall in happiness once she got Titan to stop, the large black mass of dog moving to get up and follow her.

But alas, Lady Luck was not on Lucy's side that night, as Laxus finally opened his eyes, wondering just what his wife was up too, only to go stiff as blue meet a single bright amber eye attached to a dark face, Lucy standing above it with a wide eyed and guilty look.

"Please tell me," Laxus began, voice tired and exasperated. "That it was you licking me."

Lucy shuffled around on her feet nervously. "It was me? This is all just a dream?" At his tired but blank stare, she gave a nervous smile and tried again. "A very weird dream?"

Closing his heavy eyes, arm reaching up so he could run at the bridge of his nose in frustration, Laxus huffed. "I don't want to know. I'm going back to sleep. Put that damn dog away. And when I wake up, I expect Belgian waffles with Lightning Lacrima and an explanation, Lucy." He said before promptly turning his back to her.

Overjoyed at his lack of anger, beyond happy that he hadn't told her to get rid of Titan, Lucy leaped on to the bad, throwing herself over him to plant a big sloppy kiss on his cheek, absentmindedly noting to remind him to shave in the morning. "You're the best, Babe! And you can expect a mountain of waffles!"

Laxus only grunted.

Why him? Why, out of all the other Slayers, did he have to have the mate who constantly smuggled wild animals into their home?

Already feeling a headache coming, Laxus gladly allowed sleep to take him. He'd rather have a few more hours of sleep under his belt before dealing with Lucy and her new friend the morning.

Fun fact. I have a history of smuggling in pets against my parents wishes. Although, my mom and grandma have been my accomplices before for one of them, but the rest were all me lol. Those pets had been dubbed contraband, but after a little bribery I got my way.

Note: Not sure if I'll add to this again. I may just call it 'The End' right now. But I can do different animals Lucy had brought home, but only if you guys want me to. So let me know if you'd guys would like that. If so, I think I'll be changing the stories name to something funny.