Rated M for Sexual content
Chapter 3
Nikita woke at the alarm signalling for the recruits to wake and get down to there training room. She felt rested, like she had the best sleep of her life but something or someone was missing. Nikita sat bolt upright and looked around her room as though Michael would just pop up and be there again, but he wasn't. She was alone as usual, his intimate touch no longer a hold of her. She felt empty and used as she looked down at naked body. She swallowed the lump in her throat and quickly got changed, trying to ignore the fact she had slept with her handler and how wonderful perfect it had been. Choosing to forget it happened and pretend like she didn't care. After what she had told him she didn't expect to wake alone, she didn't think he would use her like so many before and be gone by morning.
Michael stood on the training floor scanning the recruits, looking for Nikita, but she wasn't amongst them. His heart beat just a little faster as he tried to find her through the crowds of recruits moving about the room. Fight training, it was her favourite practice, the thing she excelled at, he expected to see her down there, he wanted to see her, see those eyes so big and beautiful but fierce and determined at the same time, he turned to look behind to see if she was late but she was no where. He sighed sadly and gave his morning speech to the others, his heart beating a little faster with fear that somehow Nikita had got herself in trouble, or worse had he been spotted entering and leaving her room last night, had Amanda found out?
Nikita sat in the tech lab working her way through hacking systems and operational shortcuts under Birkoffs instructions. Her eyes focused angrily at the screen as she hurried to beat the other recruits.
"Done!" She yelled slamming her hand against the desk and making the others jump.
"Impressive, but still not as fast as me" Birkoff said smugly.
"No one is as fast as you Birkoff, you have nothing else to do but hacking, you've every second to practice" Michael joked as he entered from the back of the class.
Nikita froze and felt a slight blush form at Michaels intent at protection.
"Well thats why i'm the tech expert" Birkoff muttered as he moved back to his own tasks.
"Nikita can I borrow you" Michael asked his tone authoritative and firm.
Nikita rolled her eyes and pushed back her chair, following Michael up the stairs and down the corridor.
"I was worried when I didn't see you on the gym floor this morning" Michael began.
"Worried?" Nikita scoffed as she lent against the wall and ignored his eyes.
"Yes…why did you choose the tech lab this morning?"
"I didn't want to train on the floor today"
Michael could sense something was up.
"I thought you were okay with last night?" Michael asked, the concern evident in is voice as he reached out to touch her shoulder.
Nikita let his hand linger for a moment before shrugging it off.
"Nikita whats wrong?" Michael asked growing more concerned.
"You left me" Nikita spat
It was then it dawned on Michael. She had woken up alone, without him. She was always alone…and maybe that was okay, but last night after telling him what she had she needed to not be alone, and maybe for once in her life she hadn't felt alone, until this morning.
"Nikita I…"
"Look forget it Michael, you had your fun I hope you enjoyed yourself but this isn't happening again. I don't need you I don't want your company, just leave me to get back to training" Nikita rambled.
"Hey hey stop" Michael said as he pulled Nikita into an alcove of the wall. "I had to leave…I have to be at Amandas office every morning before the recruits wake. If I had been late there would have been questions. I stayed as long as I could." Michael said with a pleading tone.
Nikita suddenly felt bad for assuming the worst. She bit her lip in awkward embarrassment and prayed Michael wouldn't this she was crazy.
"I didn't think" Nikita mumbled as she looked to the floor.
Michael smiled and tilted her chin back up. He leaned in and kissed her softly, taking his time to explore her lips and then her tongue. Savouring the taste of her he bit gently at her bottom lip before running his tongue of the mark to soothe the sting.
Nikita moaned slightly as Michael pulled away, stepping forward and reaching for his hands, just taking a moment to touch him.
"So…. is this more than just last night" Nikita asked sheepishly.
Michael grinned and moved his lips to her ear.
"I hope so, if you want it to be?" He asked huskily.
Nikita smiled now, nodding in agreement and turning so there lips met once again in a kiss. A kiss so breathtaking Nikita didn't even notice when her head hit the wall behind her.
"That was…"
"Hot" Michael offered with a cocky shrug.
"Michael if we get caught.."
"We won't, we just have to be careful" Michael replied confidently. "Just remember sometimes I will have to be your superior, I cant act differently towards you"
"I know"
Michael pulled Nikita into his arms, snuggling his head into her neck and taking in her scent before leaving a trail of kisses down her neck.
"You should get back to the tech lab, I need to meet with Percy anyway" Michael said with a heavy sigh.
"Will I see you later?" Nikita asked.
"Yes" Michael simply answered before heading off.
Nikita paced her room waiting for Michael to show. She was desperate to see him after a day of secret glances and lust filled eye contact. He had said she would see him. It was 11.05pm, way past lights out and she knew all to well Devon would not be on her side of the building no more. So why was Michael not here. She began to get herself angry, she couldn't deal with the let downs.
"This is what happens when you open up" She muttered under her breath.
*Knock Knock*
Nikita smiled some silly schoolgirl and headed to her door, opening it slightly to see Michael standing before her.
"I was beginning to this you weren't coming" Nikita whispered as she let Michael inside.
"Sorry, late night debrief with Amanda" Michael replied softly, his eyes avoiding hers for a moment.
It didn't go unnoticed by Nikita.
"Everything okay?"
"All good now" Michael grinned as he pulled Nikita in for a kiss.
Nikita wrapped her arms around his neck and let him lift her into his arms. Her legs coming around his waist and crossing at her ankles, holding herself in place. He had one hand supporting her under her bum and the other intwined in her hair, cradling her neck. He kissed her hard, harder than last night, like he was desperate, like the need to have her was all consuming. But she didn't mind. She needed him, needed that touch all over again. He pushed her roughly against the wall, the cold brick against her lower back where her shirt at risen up, contradicting the heat coming from between her legs. The feeling of warmth spreading in her belly and Michael ripped her top over her head, throwing it somewhere behind him. Her boobs perfect and waiting to be touched as Michael took them in before kissing them and sucking her nipples. Nikita moaned in pleasure, her need growing greater and her hips bucking in desperation to be touched.
"Please" She begged unashamedly.
Michael groaned at her need, his own painful hard, restricted against his jeans and boxers. He somehow managed to remove Nikita bottoms and panties without dropping her, her flexibility working to there advantage. He could feel her heat grinding against his covered erection, his dick throbbing painfully as he ripped open his jeans and pulled down his boxers enough to free himself and push into her without warning.
"Ahmmmmm" She moaned as she took in every inch of him.
The feeling was like nothing else. He was hard and throbbing and she was tight and wet, there rhythm matching perfectly as they moved as one. Both growing more and more desperate, each thrust harder and fast than the last. How they were still in this position against the wall Nikita would never know.
"I cant hold it much longer" Michael groaned, not caring that he couldn't last. This women was to exquisite and he was to desperate.
Nikita bite down on Michaels neck as she clenched around him, her orgasm ripping through her from head to toe as Michael followed, thrusting everything he could into her, his moans buried deep within her neck and hair.
"Arghh" Michael huffed as he dropped to the bed, Nikita still wrapped around him.
"That was amazing" Nikita smiled.
Michael couldn't speak, he juts kissed her, hard and passionate giving everything he could as there lip bodies remained entwined with one another until they fell asleep.