Disclaimer: I do not own Totally Spies or any of the characters. Totally Spies is the property of Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Micheal and Marathon Media.
Like father, like spy
Chapter 1: Surprising news
It was late at night in the prestigious, exclusive ever glamorous Malibu University, otherwise known as Mali-U by it's students. Since it was night, most of the collage campus's life was either out on dates, at parties, hanging out with friends and some even actually doing some studying.
In the University's Parking lot, two teenagers, a boy and a girl were about to go on a date together.
"I tell you Katie, you're gonna love this place, it's the hippest new sushi place in all of L.A and it's totally not easy to get in...'The guy said as he opened the door for his date to get in his red convertible.
"Like wow, Troy...I can't wait..."Katie said as she took her seat belt on.
Troy started up the car and was beginning to drive out of the campus parking lot, only to stop when they noticed a figure that was standing right in front of them.
"Hey dude, move out of the way..."Troy ordered but the figure didn't move or speak at all.
"Hey, move it..."Katie said but he still wouldn't move.
"Loser, I mean it...We got a dinner reservations to get to, so beat it...'Troy shouted as he honked the horn, getting angry by this.
However, instead of moving, the figure pulled out what looked to be a camera from his back, one of those classic kinds.
"What are you doing, you freak?...'Troy shouted.
Suddenly a very blinding light came, terrifying the poor couple.
"WHAT'S HAPPENING?...'Troy and Katie shouted in fear at whatever the heck is happening now.
The figure was laughing fiendishly as his device was doing exactly as he wanted it to. Once it was done, the figure looked on at the campus of Mali-U and continued to laugh in a psychotic way.
"Soon...'He laughed before disappearing into the night.
The Next Day
At Mali-U
It was an ever beautiful, sunny and overall fabulous day in fabulous Mali-U, where three fabulous students were enjoying having lunch outside today. They are Clover, Alex and Sam who were in enjoying their lunches and each other's company. They were talking about the important stuff, which to them includes: fashion, boys and most of all, their missions.
"Man, last night was a doozy...I'm glad that all the jewelry shops in town are safe again..." Alex said before taking a sip of her smoothie.
"At least we managed to nap the jewel thief before we had our papers to turn in..." Sam said before taking a sip.
'Paper nothing...I'm just glad we made it before the Kacy's shoe sale was over. ..I am loving my new platforms. .." Clover said as she looked down to her brand new shoes.
The blonde girl was about to go back to her salad, only for something to catch her eyes and Clover got excited.
"Like no way! Check this out..." Clover said excitedly as she ran to the nearby bulletin board.
"What is it Clover? A flyer advertising mani-pedi's? ..." Alex questioned.
"Even better than that...Mali-U is hosting a huge mid semester bash this Friday. ...There will be music, cute boys, dancing, cute boys, food and entertainment, cute boys, swag bags and did I mention cute boys?..." Clover said in a dreamy voice.
"Awesome, party time..." Alex said in excitement.
"You all know what this means?..." Sam said in a playful tone.
"Shopping for new party outfits..." Alex said gleefully.
"Not to mention shopping for dates to the bash..." Clover said in her giddy way.
Suddenly an annoying nasally laugh was heard and all three spies turned around to see their arch nemesis Mandy arrive with her intern Trent behind her, she was obviously laughing at them.
"Oh please, what guys in the right mind would be willing to scrape the bottom of the barrel with you three..." Mandy said in her snide way.
"I'll have you know Mandy, that there are countless guys who are just waiting to for the chance of having us as their date..." Clover said with her vein popping.
"Like yeah, maybe on the math geeks club and chess team..." Mandy said as she kept laughing..." Whatever, even if you three losers do manage to find dates, they are totally going to pale in comparison to my date. .."She said in a snobby voice...
"Oh Fabiano..." Mandy called.
The spies turned around and gasped in shock when they saw who Mandy's date is. It was a tall, totally buff and super gorgeous guy with long, wavy black hair, brown eyes and screams foreign hottie.
"Fabiano Bella, the guy who was on the cover of upcoming studs monthly is YOUR date?!..." Clover screeched in horror.
"Not only that but he works part time as a swim suit model and he's Italian. .." Mandy said as she snuggled closely to him.
"See ya losers..." Mandy said before she left with her stud and with Trent.
Clover felt a cold breeze and nearly broke down in the injustice of it all...
"I can't believe Mandy is going with a male swimsuit model...That's it, I need to find a stud and the kind that would make Mandy's date look like a total geek!..." Clover said with fire in her eyes.
Her natural desire to never be outdone by Mandy was acting up again...
"Are you sure that there's a guy like that out there, sorry Clover but Fabiano is a total hottie. .." Alex said and Sam didn't disagree with her.
"True, but Mali-U biggest contribution is hotties and they are all right for the picking..." Clover said as she rubbed her hands in determination.
However, before she could no anything, the spies were suddenly sucked in by a nearby soda machine and they knew that there were in for another WOOHP-ing...
"AH! ..."All three girls screamed as they were falling down.
"I wonder what Jerry wants..." Sam screamed.
"Whatever it is, it better be quick...I got date searching to do..." Clover screamed as all three girls landed in Jerry's office.
"Hello ladies..." The British gentleman said with amusement in his voice.
"Seriously Jer, whatever the mission is, I hope it's quick, I got to get back to Mali-U before all the cutest guys are taken..." Clover said in her drama queen voice.
"Actually Clover, you will be pleased to know that your next mission actually takes place at your university..." Jerry said, surprising the three girls.
"It does, what's the emergency? ..." Sam asked in concern.
"There is no emergency, the mission is actually relatively a simple one, no world rescuing or crazed villains involved..." Jerry said.
"Well, what is it?..." Alex asked out of curiosity.
" Well girls, there will be a new student from Oxford joining Mali-U today and I would like you three to be his tour guides. .." Jerry said.
"You WOOHPED us just to be some lousy tour guides?..." Clover yelled in disbelief.
"Just who is this guy Jerry?..." Sam asked, totally confused.
Jerry never just summons them without a good reason and so far, she's stumped on why he would care so much about this...
"I'm glad you asked, your new classmate is my son..." Jerry said.
The three girls were in shock upon hearing that information.
"SON? !..." The three girls screamed in surprise.
"Like, since when do you have a son Jerry?..." Clover asked in disbelief.
"And why are we just hearing about this now?..." Sam asked.
"I'll have you know I do have a life outside of WOOHP, you know...There was a time when I wasn't dedicating 24/7 to an organization of this size...and to why I am telling you now, well it just never came up before..." Jerry said.
"My son is named James Oliver...He's actually around your age and he is studying to become a Neurosurgeon and he's only a year older than you three..." Jerry said as he pulled out a picture.
"He lives back in England with my Ex-wife Charlotte...This is James when he was just a young child...about 13 years old...Cute, isn't he?" Jerry said as he proudly displayed the picture.
The three spies looked and cringed when they saw a red haired boy braces wearing kid dressed in a British school uniform...as well as having Jerry's eye color.
"Dweeb, much. .."Clover, Alex and even Sam thought in union.
"Anyway girls, James is joining Mali-U for the semester, as he is traveling abroad and he's chosen your school, I want you three to be there to greet him and help him get settled in...after that, you can go back to your..um...dating emergency Clover..." Jerry said.
"Fine...where is he?..." Clover said, wanting to get this out of the way.
"James's plane will be landing in a few moments, I am going to pick him up at the air port...so you will be meeting us at the University entrance in exactly 30 minutes..." Jerry said in a mandatory tone.
"One more thing girls, you are forbidden on telling James anything about you three being spies just like the rest of your friends. .." Jerry said.
"What?.." Sam asked.
However, Jerry already clocked the bottom and the three college girls soon found themselves being WOOHPED back to their college campus.
Once they were gone, the elderly British gentleman sat back to his desk and glanced at his photo...However if anyone were to see him now, they would have noticed a look of...regret on his face.
"I hope you'll enjoy your time here, son..." Jerry said before sighing before he left to meet his son.
One thing that is certain, it was certainly going to be quite a visit from the son of Jerry Lewis.
-To be continued-
Next time on Like father, like spy
Meet James Lewis
:) Till next time beautiful people, remember to read and review :)