No i'm not dead and i do plan on continuing this story, life just keeps getting in the way. but here's a small chapter as a sorry.
Chapter 6
It was a tense day for Chibs once Gemma arrived on the lot and found out he knew someone that may be close to her son's soulmate. He could feel her eyes boring into him as he worked and every time his cell rang he could see her tensing up and trying to get as close as possible to listen in. She couldn't know that his nephew would be contacting him via the mirror that was sitting in his room.
If Oliver stayed at the party ontill elevenish his time and Chibs did the math correct he's hoping he'll be able to work till four and then retire to his room so he doesn't miss his call, if he gets back to him tonight. God he wished Oliver had a cell phone, it would make everything so much easier.
It was quarter to 4 now and so he started cleaning up his area before quietly letting Clay know where he was going and slipped into the clubhouse when Gemma's attention was elsewhere. Making it to his room he checked the mirror to make sure he hadn't missed Oliver before making his way to his bathroom to take a shower. He was out and getting dressed by ten past four and settled down on his bed and let himself drift of into a doze.
It was the buzzing of the mirror followed by his name being called out that woke him not long after. Looking at the clock he saw that it was four forty so that would make it twenty to one for Oliver. Clearing his throat he sat up, grabbed the mirror and answered it. Oliver's flushed face came up on the mirror telling him that he'd had a bit to drink tonight.
"It's her, Harri. Has a bird in flight on her shoulder along with his name." He said straight away before Chibs could even get a greeting out. "Was able to get some pictures of it but to me it looks like a crow." Suppose it fit, if she was going to be Jax's old Lady she would have his crow anyway, now she just didn't need to get it tattooed on if she took the position.
"Did she say what she wanted to do?" Chibs asked him.
"She had said she wanted to find out who he was before I spoke to her and she gave me permission to send you the photo's that where taken tonight along with her phone number. Other than that I don't know how she feels about the whole thing, don't think it's sunk in yet. She lives in a muggle house so she has a landline. I'd suggest you phone her on your own first though and leave it till tomorrow. She was a bit drunk tonight and looked ready to collapse as she left."
Grabbing a pen and paper of the table he asked Oliver to give him the number before asking when he was going to send the photo's. "Not tonight, I'm about to fall asleep myself but will get them developed first thing in the morning. It's just how to get them to you, they where taken with a magical camera though they are just stills."
"Do you know how to scan them onto a computer?" Chibs asked trying to come up with the quickest solution.
"I don't but I'm sure my roommate will. He's muggleborn and has a load of muggle equipment about the apartment. Always on the computer." Chibs could tell he didn't really have a clue what he was talking about but if the roommate could work it he could email them to him. Giving Oliver his email address he told him to ask his roommate to scan the photo's and send them to him via email.
"What do you know about Harriet Potter?" Oliver then asked him. Chibs then told him all he knew, only half of which he found was true the other half stories made up by the press. Oliver gave him the short version of her life before they said goodbye so Oliver could get some sleep.
Sighing to himself Chibs got up from the bed and made his way across to his dresser and slipped the slip of paper with Jax's soulmates number on it into the hidden bottom of the third drawer. Once that was done he made his way to the door before stepping out of his room and making his way down the hall and into the main part of the bar. Heading to the kitchen for some food he debated on what to say to the guys about 'Lady Potter' and knew no matter how well he talked of her Gemma wasn't going to be happy.