UnderFell Mob
Chapter 1: The Child in the Crate
The monsters and humans lived in a neutral existence. Some monsters and humans hated each other, others loved each other, and some just tolerated each other.
I guess that's just how it works.
The leader of the monsters worked as a sort of king, but most referred to him as more of a mob boss, when it came to running everything.
Don Asgore.
One of the strongest in the city of Fell, aka, the city of monsters.
He put on the persona of a tough and deadly monster, but from what I've seen, he's a pretty nice guy underneath.
He shared his power over his mob with 3 others.
First was Toriel, his ex-wife.
She left him after the death of their children, Chara and Asriel, (me and my bro were friends of those 2), and when Asgore started the mob up. She almost went crazy with grief if it weren't for me and a few others who showed her some Mercy.
But she always had a good heart, and business sense, so she handles a lot of the negotiations with humans and businesses.
Next was Mettaton.
A robotic business, er- person, who's the Apple of my brothers eye.
The same for the other way.
Although, for Mettaton, Paps was the Apple of his 4 eyes, heh.
They handled many of the entertainment and products for us. As long as the Don let's them do their show, and keeps the money coming.
And finally, is my dad, W. D. Gaster
With his assistant, and my friend, Alphys, he handles all of Asgore's projects. And in return, other than money, he gives me and my brother Papyrus a job.
Which brings me to where our story begins….
Me and Paps were going through a bunch of crates delivered to a warehouse we have in the human city.
Simple shipments.
The works.
But there was a crate in the back thay had me worried.
It had no name.
No address.
And it had holes in the top.
While Paps was distracted, I took a crowbar and opened it up.
And what I saw shook me.
A human child.
I still remember how she looked that day.
She had brown hair with bangs covering her eyes.
Her eyes were like slits, but I could see they were brown.
She had a million freckles that covered her face.
She had a large white sweater on her, with a pair of pink pants underneath.
She had a silver heart shaped locket around her neck.
She clutched a blue and purple blanket, and had a golden flower sitting in a small backpack.
Now personally, I've had trouble with humans before.
Most thought they were better than us, were kinda racist to us, and they had us imprisoned for many years until 7 souls fell, no pun intended, down, and lost their souls to us.
And I might've killed this kid if it hadn't been for one thing in me that kept me from doing it.
It's that I don't hurt kids.
They hadn't done anything bad, and were so innocent to me.
I knew though, that Paps might not spare the kid, so I hid the crate back a little more and went to distract him
Luck was on my side, however.
Paps spoke to me as I came up to him, "Brother, I need to help father with some business at home, and there's too much here for one such as yourself. We will handle the rest of these shipments tomorrow at 9 am".
I was relieved, and replied, "sure Boss. imma head off to my apartment in Hotland though, I've got some papers I need to sign over there".
Paps retorted, "VERY WELL, but do not stay up to late, and please lock up".
"I guess I am the key to your happiness, heh?"
"relax! I know my puns are locked in there."
"UGGGGH. Just lock up, before I beat you."
"sure thing Boss", I could tell he was a little annoyed that I did so much at that little place I kept away from home, (and obviously the puns), but he understood, and I technically wasn't lying. I did have some papers over there.
So with that, Paps left in a puff of red-orange smoke.
I walked to the back of the warehouse after locking up.
I peeked into the crate to see the kid half asleep.
They looked so cute in that state.
I clutched the crate tightly and teleported us to my apartment.
She started to wake up as soon as I pulled up a chair and sat next to the crate.
She peeked her head outta the crate like a kitten.
As soon as she saw me though, she ducked back down.
I walked over to the crate and peeked in.
She was holding her blanket tightly, and had a surprised look on her face.
I was the first to break the silence.
"heya. i'm sans. sans the skeleton. and you are?"
The kid picked up a small piece of paper near her foot and held it up.
I read aloud, "Frisk, huh?"
She nodded.
"nice name kid."
She smiles.
"so, what're ya doin' in my bosses crate? he's not exactly a fan of humans."
Frisk held up another piece of paper, pointing to what it said and making a ah sound.
I read in my head this time.
"I ran away from home. I hid in this crate."
"you prepared for when someone found you, huh?"
She nodded.
"can you talk at all?"
She shook her head yes.
"you always been quiet?"
She shook her head yes, and held up another paper that said, "I've always been sort of quiet."
"I guess I can be patient then."
She showed a look of relief at that statement.
"so…. why'd you run away?"
She looked at her hands, which I only then noticed were scratched up, and gave a very sad look.
I could guess very easily that her parents were a couple of drunken morons, who'd rather get drunk then buy their daughter clean clothes.
"it's ok. ya don't have to say anything."
She gave another smile at the relief.
I took a look to the couch, looked back at her, and said, "you wanna sit on the couch? much more comfy than a crate."
She nodded, climbed outta the crate, and climbed onto the couch.
I got myself seated right next to her.
Less than 5 seconds passed before I hear a rumbling sound.
"so…. I'm gonna take a guess and say you're hungry?"
She patted her stomach, smiled weakly, and nodded.
"okay", I walked to the fridge and looked at the contents. Lord, I wish I bought more. All that was in there was a bag of chips, mustard, cheese, butter and some eggs.
And some of Paps spaghetti, but I'm saving that.
"will some chips do until I get more food?"
She nodded and grabbed the chips as fast as can be when I held them up to her.
They didn't buy her food too, apparently.
I dragged the chair over to in front of the couch, and sat in front of her.
"alright, some ground rules. if you're gonna be staying here, we gotta be on a few terms, alright?"
She nodded, but kept eating the chips like a starving pig.
"first, if I tell you to do something, listen, even if it seems stupid or bad at first."
She nods.
"second, if someone comes to the door while I am gone, don't answer. especially if they look like me, or like another monster."
She nods.
"and finally, try to help around the house if I ask. cleaning and all that, got it?"
She nods.
"good. that's all. it's late, so imma turn in here on the couch, if ya don't mind?"
She nods and scoots over for me. I sit down on the couch tired as hell. I feel something on me and look down to see her resting her head on my side. I think nothing of it until I hear her say something.
"G'night Sans."
It was as soon as she said those words, that I wanted to protect this kid. I couldn't let anyone hurt someone so small and innocent. She barely knew me, and yet trusted me completely. I couldn't let anyone hurt her. No one could find her. Not Paps, At least not yet. Not my dad. Not Undyne. Not Asgore. Not Mettaton.
I could only think of 2 others I trusted enough right now yo tell about her.
Toriel, and Alphys.
Toriel may be a little clingy, but she was nothing, if not dedicated to keeping kids safe.
Alphys, she may be kind of a nervous wreck, what do you expect from a girl who dates the top security guard of a mob boss? But she and I have always been close, working with my dad and being friends as kids.
I'd tell them later, but for now, I had to keep this kids safe.
And with that thought, we both drifted off to sleep….