Chapter 1 - Prologue

In every wizarding newspaper in magical Britain, the following article endorsed by the Minister for Magic and the Wizengamot was printed on the front page:

The number of witches and wizards after the war has deteriorated almost to the point of the magical population being unable to sustain itself; therefore, a new marriage law has been enacted. This new Act applies to ALL unmarried witches and wizards who are fertile and of an age and health to have children. ALL witches and wizards of an age to have children have had their fertility tested already and all eligible witches have received a list of eligible, fertile wizards.

Each unmarried, fertile witch aged 16 years or older is required to choose two fertile wizards aged 16 or older who are not already engaged/married, and the wizards may not refuse the witch's choice. Two wizards per witch are required to care for said witch to reduce the number of miscarriages and/or stillbirths which can be natural complications for multiple birth pregnancies. It is the witch's sole choice to prevent allegations and/or accusations of sexual slavery, marital slavery, or brood-witches from arising. Further since the witch will spend much of her immediate future pregnant, she alone should choose WHO she wants to procreate with...therefore, no wizard can refuse, and if he does, he will be sent to Azkaban until he consents. Witches in the Order of Merlin, First Class, choose first...those holding the Order of Merlin, Second Class, choose next...those holding the Order of Merlin, Third Class, choose next. After that, it is first come, first served!

All fertile, healthy witches will be required to bear a total of 12 live magical children in 15 years, rewards will be substantial to any witch and/or couple and/or triad who/which has more than 12 live magical births. After twelve live magical births together, the couple may separate by consent. Death Eaters are eligible for the Marriage Act but should be undergone advisedly. In the case of unions with one or two Death Eaters, a minimum of twenty live magical children in less than twenty years is required for the Death Eaters to be freed with no restrictions placed on them...they will be on "parole" under the supervision of their witch until the requisite number of live magical children are born. Said unions may then separate by consent. No marriage will be registered until the witch is proven to be pregnant by one or both of her chosen wizards.

If a fertile witch is already married and she has between one and twelve live magical children, then she is required to select another wizard, who cannot refuse her choice. Once she has produced twelve live magical children, she may separate from one or both of her husbands...but if she continues to bear children, she (and/or the couple and/or the triad) shall be rewarded exponentially. If a fertile, married witch has no children, her partner is to be tested for fertility. If he is infertile, she may keep him as a husband, but will be required to choose another two more fertile wizard as her second and third husbands.

IF any couple/triad have more than one squib (non-magical child), their fertility will be monitored until they have at least five healthy magical children. If they produce more than two squibs, they will be split up and new wizards will be chosen by the witch. A witch may not deliberately marry an infertile wizard until she has borne a minimum of twelve live magical children, at which point, she is free to separate from her husbands and she can marry or not as she pleases. IF she continues to bear children, she will be rewarded exponentially!

Lastly, a witch or wizard who is fertile and refuses to cooperate with the Marriage Act will be jailed in Azkaban until they choose to cooperate. No exceptions will be made for same sex couples. Further, IF any witch and/or wizard deliberately makes themselves sterile to avoid the Marriage Act, they will be stripped of their magic, obliviated, and kicked out of the magical community with only the clothes on their back.