Hey guys guess which story is back from retirement, not saying this one gonna replace ROWBY but been finding difficulty in making a good villian (like Megatron or the Fallen) make sense anyhow hope you enjoy!
Optimus pushed past Megatron and grabbed the roof of the building trying to support it as to not crush the students still inside.
"Thats why you lose Prime, you always protect the weak, even if it means leaving yourself open to attack!" Megatron said as he stepped closer and blasted Prime in the back making the Autobot leader collapse on one knee, still holding the roof. His back was severely damaged the armor and paint burned off to a point were one could see some of his skeltal structure in his back. Ruby and Ozpin both looked over to Optimus and Megatron.
"Guys! we gotta protect Optimus!" Ruby yelled to her team. Team RWBY, a group of Red and Blue armored Atlas soldiers and Sky Lark from Team CRDL ran over to Optimus' aid, while team JNPR fought the Decpticon drones. Pyrrah had tried to use her polarity semblance on them but what ever they where made of, it was immune to her power. (Purely added so the Decpticons aren't defeated super easily when fighting Pyrrha.)
Blake and the Atlas soldiers shot at Megatron's back as Weiss created a volley of icicles that she threw toward Megatron distracting him. Ruby and Sky attacked his legs as Yang hit his torso with her shotgun blasts.
"Argg! Insects!" Megatron growled as he kicked Ruby and Sky away and fired at Blake and the Atlas soldiers. Blake jumped back with many of the Atlas soldiers but not quite out of the blast range. The shockwave of the energy sent her on her back and caused a Atlas soldier to land on top of her.
"Ah!" Blake hissed as a small bit of pain bit the back of her head, "Hey you alright?" She asked the Atlas soldier, only to be met with a groan. As she pushed the soldier off herself she realized that her Aura had shattered.
Yang charged Megatron, Sky close behind her going for his legs again as Yang jumped and hit Megatron in the stomach.
"RRAGHG!!!" Megatron yelled as he grabbed Yang and threw her into the collapsing dormitory. He suddenly managed to catch Sky with a kick that sent him flying into another window.
Suddenly a new blast came from across the courtyard, the Ironhide had finally arrived with the calvary. "Back off bucket face!" Ironhide yelled.
Several Autobots of Prime's approximate size came to the aid of the collapsing building. "Prowl, Jazz, you punks keep that side up i got this one!" Kup ordered grabbing the spot Optimus was holding. "We got this Lad, give Bucket face one for me!"
"Roger that Kup." Prime said as he turned to face Megaton again.
"Constructions! Unite into Devastator!" Megaton yelled. Suddenly the 6 green and purple decepticons that had been fighting Autobots began to transform into pieces of a larger robot. All the students and Teachers of Beacon watched as the last bot formed the head of the monstrosity.
"HAHAHAHA! NOW YOU ALL DIE!!!" It shouted walking towards thevtower with intentions to smash it down. Suddenly a volley of missles hit him in the back.
"Aerialbots reporting for duty sir!" Silverbolt called out to Prime as he and his brethren landed next to Prime.
"I thought you were still in medbayPrime asked.
"Technically yes, actually no." Alpha Bravo said with a groan.
"I hate to ask, but he need Superion." Optimus said.
"We wouldn't be here if we weren't willing to try." Skydive said.
"Yeah!" Fireflight and Air Raid said simultaneously.
"Then unite cool dogs!" Jazz said coming up on Prime's left.
"You heard him, unite and form Superion!" Silverbolt said as he began to change into a torso.
In seconds another giant robot stood in Beacon's courtyard.
"Superion online! Devastator prepare for wrecking!" It said.
"Its going to be one of those days, isn't it?" Ruby said as she reloaded.
Hope you guys enjoyed that chapter! Hope to continue on this story as well, and for those wondering i had a more evil Megatron planned, but an idea for later chapters changeled my plans. Any this is me saying; Enjoy!