Chapter 6

About last night

"I can't believe this," Theon huffed, shaking his head. "How did Snow do this?"

Robb had to admit that he was wondering the same thing. Jon had just wedded the King's sister. The King's stunningly beautiful sister. How had that happened? There had been all kinds of rumors when Robb had woken up this morning. Apparently, something had happened between Jon and Lady Elyse last night. Robb still couldn't believe it.

He hadn't had a chance to speak with Jon and their father hadn't said much. Only that the King had legitimized Jon. Robb had nothing against that, he was happy for his brother. His mother on the other hand... Robb hoped that she would eventually get over this. No, Robb didn't mind his brother's legitimation, but he couldn't deny that he envied Jon's marriage. What man wouldn't want a woman like Lady Elyse in his bed. Jon truly was a lucky man.

He didn't look happy though, more like distressed. And the bruise on Lady Elyse's face... According to Theon, the King had done that. Yet she smiled as she sat at the table beside Jon. Many people had already congratulated them, and the King was once again drunk. The Queen on the other hand seemed to be on a good mood, she had a wide smile on her face.

Robb glanced at his mother, she looked everything but pleased. His father seemed tense as well, but he had played his part as a host.

"I just don't understand," Theon continued and glanced at Robb. "Do you know something?"

Robb shook his head.

"No, I haven't spoken with Jon today. Speaking of which..."

Robb stood up and headed to the newlywed couple.

"Jon, Lady Elyse," he greeted them.

"My lord," she replied, keeping the smile on her face. Robb noticed that it didn't reach her eyes though. The bruise was nasty, and he suspected that she was hurting. A king or not, but Robb couldn't understand what kind of a man would hit a woman, especially his own sister. Why had he done it? What had happened last night?

"Congratulations," Robb stated.

Lady Elyse thanked him politely while Jon murmured something, avoiding looking at Robb. Something was definitely wrong here.

"Congratulations, Sno... my apologies, Stark," Theon joined the conversation. "And the lovely Lady Stark."

"Thank you," Lady Elyse replied.

"Jon is a very lucky man for having a wife like you, my lady," Theon continued.

"You are too kind, my lord," she responded.

"No, no, I bet any man here would kill for taking Jon's place tonight..."

Robb cleared his throat, trying to make Theon stop talking. It wasn't difficult to see how tense Lady Elyse was.

"My lord is flattering me," she stated rigidly.

"Not at all." Theon paused, glancing at Lady Elyse's cleavage. "Well then... enjoy your wedding night."

Theon winked at Jon before returning to his seat. Lady Elyse was still smiling, but Robb noticed her clenching her fist. What was going on here?

"Good evening," Lord Tyrion said. "And congratulations."

Elyse met his gaze and saw pity in his eyes. He had never wronged her in any way, on the contrary, but right now she didn't know who to trust. As far as Elyse knew, Tyrion didn't really get along with Cersei. She wanted to believe that he hadn't been a part of this, but could she really know for sure? Well, he was one of the very few men who had always treated her like a person with thoughts and feelings. He didn't deserve to be judged right away.

"Thank you, my lord," she replied. Her new husband had excused himself a moment ago, Elyse didn't know where he was. Tyrion leaned closer before continuing.

"Dear girl," he sighed. "I'm really sorry."

"Did you know?" she asked sharply.

He shook his head.

"I didn't. If I would have, I would have stopped it. I hope you can believe me."

She looked into his eyes, trying to see was he telling the truth. She wanted to believe that he was.

"I do."

Tyrion didn't have time to reply when Robert stood up.

"Alright!" he announced. "Time for the bedding!"

Elyse tensed, although she wasn't really surprised. Clearly her brother wanted to humiliate her.

"Your Grace, the groom isn't here..." Tyrion started.

"There he is!" Robert chuckled, pointing at the entrance. "Ladies!"

Elyse didn't have time to even look at the boy as she was being picked up by several men. Their hands were eagerly groping her while they tore her clothes off.

"Hey, careful," she heard Lord Robb's voice saying, but that made no difference. She felt sick. They were like animals. Disgusting, filthy animals. They didn't care how she felt or what she wanted. She didn't want to be touched. She hated it. She hated all men. Finally, they placed her on the floor. She was completely naked in the boy's chamber, just like last night.

He was being carried in by a group of giggling women. He was naked as well. Elyse didn't move before the door was closed and they were alone. She walked over to a small table and poured herself a goblet of wine. Not that it would really help. All she wanted was to be completely numb.

She emptied the whole goblet with one gulp before turning to look at the boy. He wasn't looking at her and if she wouldn't have known better, she would have thought that he was nervous.

"Shall we get started then," she stated icily.

"What?" the boy murmured.

"My apologies, were you hoping that I would fight you? Is that how you like it?"

"No, I... I don't want... anything."

Elyse looked at the boy, she couldn't understand what game he was playing.

"You played well, my lord," she stated. "Why wouldn't you want to claim your reward?"

Finally, the boy looked up.

"I know you have no reason to believe me, but I have no idea what happened last night," he said.

"I see," Elyse replied, struggling to hide her anger. "You didn't bring me here when I was unconscious?"

"No, no, I swear. I would never do something like that."

"Not even for wealth and tittle?"

"No. The last thing I remember is leaving the feast, I don't know what happened after that."

Did he really expect her to believe that?

"Alright, sure, you had nothing to do with that. Is this the part where I should express my gratitude by spreading my legs?"

"No," the boy replied quietly. "Please, take the bed, I will sleep on the floor."

Elyse frowned.


The boy walked over to the bed, picked up a blanket and handed it to Elyse.

"I won't touch you; I give you my word."