Hello folks and welcome to my new story! Now this is a Seto Kaiba X OC romance fic just so you know (and in case you can't read). However, this may be the first chapter for a while since I'm currently focusing on one of my other stories. I just needed to get this first chapter out because this idea was begging to be unleashed on the world. Still, I promise to try to update every once in a while. I've got big plans for this lovely little idea.

And yes, later there will be some introduction of Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's elements but none of the characters, strictly speaking. So I am not going to make this a crossover, (at least not officially).

On another, more mysterious note…to the more mystery/puzzle-loving readers, I recommend that you watch the chapter titles as you read, especially if you are familiar with YGO cards and their names. You may…find them familiar.

Lastly, before I let you bookworms devour this piece, this takes place sometime after Duelist Kingdom. Now Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Yu-Gi-Oh! Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Savior with Eyes of Amethyst

Mokuba was getting picked on. Again. Actually, getting beat up was the more accurate term at the moment. Some of the kids had decided to ambush him on his way home from school again.

Sadly though, this occurrence wasn't much of a surprise to the raven-haired boy. In fact, this wasn't the first time this had happened either. The other kids at school were always picking on him, teasing him for something, whether it be his hair, appearance, intellect, or something or other that they thought they could use to bring him down. Mokuba had, of course, tried to fight back on more than one occasion, returning the other kids' scathing remarks with equal candor. And for a time it had even seemed to work. But then the other kids had decided to start ignoring him, only bothering to pay enough attention to him whenever he spoke just long enough to laugh at him. In a way, that was even worse.

It wasn't until some weeks ago that some of the older students had apparently gotten together and decided to take things further by cornering him one day after school and started pushing him around. And things just began to escalate from there.

Mokuba, hadn't mentioned any of this to his beloved older brother, Seto, though. He didn't necessarily fear what his brother his brother would say. Despite how stoic and uncaring he may have seemed to others, Seto had always been there to care for him ever since their parents had died. Whenever Mokuba got into trouble, Seto was there to protect him. Always. And that is what kept Mokuba from saying anything now. He was tired of being a burden to his brother.

During Duelist Kingdom, when Pegasus had attempted a hostile takeover of KaibaCorp and had captured Mokuba so as to gain control of the company, Seto had been the one who had attempted to rescue him, risking life and limb on multiple occasions. And Mokuba? He could do little but cry and wait for his big brother to rescue him. Again.

So now, Mokuba kept silent about the bullying that occurred to him on an almost daily basis, hiding his bruises and cuts so his brother wouldn't see. Seto wasn't always going to be there to protect him. It was time he grew some backbone and tried to stand up for himself for a change.

Which brings him to his current predicament. Mokuba had tried to stand up for himself as per usual, but…

"What's a matter brat? You gonna cry?" the lead bully, Zacharias, taunted him, leering down at Mokuba.

"Yeah you gonna go crying to your mommy like a little baby?" one of the other two bullies chimed in; the other brute sniggering stupidly.

"Oh wait, I forget, you can't, cuz your mommy is dead," Zach laughed evilly with the other two guffawing beside him before all three resumed kicking and punching him again.

Biting the inside of his lip, Mokuba attempted to keep from crying out. He had to stay strong. If he did or said anything that showed that they were getting to him, these guys would just take it as another sign of weakness, adding to the sick pleasure them and the jeering crowd around them got from his torment. He couldn't give in.

—Unknown PoV—

Strolling casually along one of the streets of Domino City, Rose Arknight was having an average day at best, which for her was a pretty good day. She had gotten all the grocery shopping done and had managed to find a couple more parts she needed for her current project. She had even managed to do a little cleaning and put a couple more boxes away, which for her was a miracle in itself. Now all she needed to do was...

Raucous shouts and cheering suddenly drew the silvery-haired girl out of her thoughts. Glancing around, tanzanite-colored orbs finally landed on a medium-sized gathering of schoolchildren who seemed to be gathered around something.

School must have just let out, she mentally surmised, a calculating look entering her eyes as thin brows furrowed lightly. She had briefly taken note of the small school building when she had first moved into the area, but she had never really paid it much mind until now.

Adjusting the position of her blue-jean, newsboy cap a little, she considered the gaggle of students, trying to pick up what it is they were shouting. Maybe it was none of her business, but gut instinct told her that trouble was afoot, and Rose always listened to what her gut was telling her.

Glancing both ways before she made her way across the street, Rose quietly made her way over to see what all the hullabaloo was about, little silver cross earrings swaying with the motion as she walked. What she found when she arrived, however, made her pale pink lips twitch downward in a small frown of displeasure, the small motion only hinting to how displeased and disgusted she really was.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

If the cheering of the crowd didn't make it already apparent that a schoolyard fight was going on, then the three thuggish children in the center of the mob with evil smirks plastered on their faces as they leered down at another younger student, certainly clued her in. And judging by the reluctant look in the younger kids eyes, this fight wasn't completely mutual.

Where were the teachers and parents? Why weren't they doing a damn thing about this? Rose wondered, scanning the area for any signs of a responsible adult. Much to her increasing displeasure, anyone who could have done something was either absent or was completely oblivious as to what was going on. As for the other, older children, who could've at least tried to take responsibility, they were either cheering the bullies on or just standing there watching.

Rose quietly scoffed. Classic bystander syndrome, in action.

Seeing as there was no one else around to do a damn thing about it, Rose mentally rolled up her figurative sleeves and began to push her way through the crowd, eliciting many sounds of protest from those she pushed out of her way through. However, upon catching sight of the dangerous look on her face, all of them quickly fell silent until she was finally standing in the center, just behind the three bullies with her arms crossed over her chest.

"That's quite enough."

—Mokuba's PoV—

Curled up in in a ball with his eyes tightly shut and dirt and grass stains covering his clothes, the raven-haired boy waited for the next strike, knowing that eventually the bullies would get bored and go away soon after. They always did.

However, something unexpected happened. It wasn't obvious at first, and Mokuba thought he was only imagining it when the noise of the jeering crowd died down. But just when he thought he was going to receive another kick, a sharp feminine voice cut through all the noise like a shotgun in a library.

"That's quite enough."

At the tone, all noise in the area fell silent faster than one could say 'silent as the grave'.

Amazingly though, despite the acidic tone of the woman's voice, one of the bullies actually managed to find his voice and say with a faint quaver, "What's it to you, lady? We were just having some fun."

—Rose's PoV—

Rose did her best to withhold a fierce sneer at the bully's words. 'We were just having some fun'? Seriously? That was his excuse for picking on other kids? It was obviously a lie as she wasn't blind, but this kid actually had the balls to lie to her face?

She shook her head. "Pathetic," she hissed lowly.

"Excuse me?" one of the kids said, obviously the ringleader in all this.

"You heard me," Rose said a little more loudly. "I've seen your kind of fun, and I can tell you: I'm not impressed. You are pathetic," the young woman sneered, causing the three before her to shrink a little. "I mean getting off on another's misery just to feel big and important? How pathetic. You lot are nothing more than a bunch of common, no-good bullies." She made sure to emphasize the 'common' part, conveying how not-special he was.

She lifted her amethyst sights and met the gazes of each and every single child present, intense sugilite causing them all to look away uncomfortably.

"That goes for the rest of you as well," she lectured gesturing at the three bullies as she spoke. There was a dark scowl on her face that dared anyone to contradict her, "-egging these idiots on. You're no better than they are. Absolutely pathetic."

Shamed silence fell, and the silver-haired girl was pleased to find that most present had guilty expressions on their faces. That is until one brave girl decided to speak up. She had this sort of bossy, know-it-all tone like one of those stereotyped cheerleaders you see on TV. "You're not our mom! You can't tell us what to do."

Several others murmured in quiet agreement.

Inwardly, Rose smirked, feeling a jolt of pleasure run through her, like that was just the question she had been waiting for.

"Oh?" she queried with a raised brow. "Can't I? Well, in that case, you all won't mind if I just walk up those front steps and ask the principal to call all your parents and show them this video I have of all you bullying this kid here then?" she bluffed slyly, waving her phone around. When there was no verbal response, only the draining of blood from the faces of several of those present, she shrugged lightly. "Okay then I'll just go and—"

Before she could even finish, Rose was cut off by several protests, pleading with her to stop.

Pleased with the response, she let her face darken again and snapped out sternly, "If you don't want me to do that then I suggest you scram and don't ever let me catch you picking on another student again."

Before she knew it, all the students had cleared out until it was only her and the curled-up form of the beat-up kid.

Satisfied with the result, Rose mentally patted herself on the back before softly making her way over to the raven-haired kid. Then, crouching before him, she asked in a gentle tone, "Hey there, Champ, are you alright?"

—Mokuba's PoV—

Listening as his apparent savior gave each and every one of the bullies and spectators a speedy dressing-down with a few well-placed words, Mokuba could not believe his ears. Was this really happening?

So great so was his shock, that Mokuba didn't realize that the crowd had dispersed until a voice above him asked softly, "Hey there, Champ, are you alright?"

Gasping softly, Mokuba jerked his head up to meet the steady gaze of a young, silvery-haired woman, who was crouched before him, looking concerned. She, well in Mokuba's opinion, she kind of looked like an angel despite the whole rag-tag, punk-ish look she was going for. Fair-skinned and face rounded yet slightly pointed with some elfin-like features, she had large, wide-set eyes that were slightly upturned but were a beautifully unusual shade of violet which seemed to swirl and change color as if they had trouble deciding what particular shade or intensity of purple they wanted to be. Her nose was small and somewhat button-shaped but not overly protrudent on her features either, complementing her full, tea rose-colored lips, which were quirked slightly downward in a frown much like her thin brows were doing.

Gazing up at her serious yet concerned face, Mokuba realized that he hadn't answered the young woman's question. However, he found that he didn't need to when she rolled her eyes exasperatedly and said in a dry tone, "Right, sorry. That was a bad question on my part. Let me rephrase: Are you seriously injured at all kiddo? Nothing sprained? Broken or anything like that?"

Bit by bit, Mokuba shook his head, still quietly taking in the young woman's appearance.

From the looks of her, she had to at least be around the same age as his brother, though he could have been wrong since girls were masters at hiding their true age. For all he knew, the way she had tucked most of her white hair up into a blue newsboy-style cap, leaving only a few stay hairs to brush her shoulders and the tip of her nose, could have been a trick to make her look ten years younger than she actually was. However, for some reason, he didn't think that was the case since for the entire time he had been observing her he hadn't noticed a speck of make-up on her features.

Anyways, she wore silver cross-shaped earrings that swayed slightly whenever she tilted her head to the side and a matching necklace around her neck that jingled slightly with all the extra chains it had. And unless you included the black leather cuff around her right wrist and the sliver watch around the other, the girl didn't have much in the way of jewelry as most girls did. In fact, she seemed rather simple in her belted blue jeans, lanky blush pink colored shirt which read 'PRIMROSE' across the front, and black spaghetti-strap undershirt that peeked out from underneath with its laced trim top edges. So maybe she was more of a tomboy angel.

In any case, at his response, the girl seemed to be satisfied. "Can you stand?" she asked, a calculating look entering her eyes much like whenever Seto got to planning something.

"Yeah, I think so," he finally spoke, voice shaky and quiet, unsure of where she was going with this.

The corners of her lips turned upward ever so slightly, and Mokuba took note of how the expression really lit up her features. He got the impression that she didn't nearly smile as often as she should, kinda like Seto in a way. "That's good. Otherwise I really would have had to film those guys bullying someone in the act."

Blinking a couple times as he took in what she said, he belatedly realized with a glance at her pocketed phone that she had been bluffing about the video.

"Anyways," she said with a sigh, "Whaddya say I help you over to that bench over there and check you over? It's better than sitting on the grass all day."

Numbly, he nodded, standing up slowly and wobbling a little on his unsteady feet. He was about to grab his fallen bag when the girl beat him to it and snatched it up, shooting him a slightly teasing look. Pouting a little, Mokuba nonetheless made his slow way over to the beat up school bench that the young woman had gestured to. Sitting down, he watched as she deftly set his bag down next to him before carefully looking him over. She was quite gentle, so he barely felt when her fingers just barely brushed the already bruised areas of his body, some of which were more recent than others.

"Looks like you took quite a beating there, Champ," she stated dryly, either choosing to ignore how there were layers of bully-related bruising all over his body, or just ignorant. "You must be pretty tough if you aren't even complaining."

Mokuba blushed a little at the subtle complement. "Thank you miss, but I'm really not."

She quickly waved off the excuse, pulling out a small first aid kit. Where had that come from? "Please, anybody who can find the courage to stand up against three brainless, hulking gorillas like you did today, is one tough cookie in my book. You should be proud, Champ."

Despite himself, Mokuba couldn't help but smile.

After that, the raven-haired kid simply watched as the slightly gruff but nonetheless kind woman doctored up his injuries with almost practiced ease, cleaning the few scrapes he had and placing bandages on them immediately after. Soon enough, he was more or less fixed up to her liking, all previous evidence of his fight essentially erased. Well except the slight bruise on his cheek.

"Hmmm. There isn't much I can do about those bruises now. But when you get home, I recommend putting a wet teabag on it. It should help them heal a little faster. As for the one on your face..." she trailed off, eyes hinting at an amicable solution before digging around in one of her pockets for something. Seconds later, she pulled out a small, cylindrical tube the color of skin. "I think I've got a solution. Hold still."

He did as she asked, closing his eyes when prompted and patiently waiting for her to do...whatever it was that she was gonna do. He didn't have to wait long though as not more than as second later he felt something cold and wet like a wet paint brush against his discolored cheek. However, he did as he was told and stayed completely still as she put whatever that stuff was on his face, despite how odd and tickly it felt. Anything to keep his brother from knowing.

"There," he heard her finally say.

Opening his grayish-purple eyes, he looked up at her in confusion. The question must have shown in his eyes because she gave him a wry smile. "Here," she said simply, handing him the little tube. "It's called concealer. I don't really use it, but it should help cover up the bruise quite nicely. There are instructions on the side on how to properly apply it."

"You mean it's makeup. Like all that stuff girls use to make themselves more pretty?" he guessed shrewdly, eyes narrowed.

The young woman chuckled lowly, shrugging. "So I've been told. I wouldn't really know since I've never seen much use for that kind of stuff."

"So why do you have this concealer stuff then?" he shot back.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," she smirked, tapping his nose lightly before standing up. "Anyways I better get going. You gonna be alright getting home by yourself, Champ?"

Mokuba stood up too. "Yeah, thank you for your help miss..." he trailed off, realizing that he didn't even know his savior's name.

The white-haired woman's smile warmed. "Rose. Just call me Rose. And yourself, Champ?"


"Well, it was nice meeting you Mokuba," she said, starting to walk off, "but I better get going. Maybe I'll see you around sometime." Then with a small, two-fingered salute in his direction, she disappeared, leaving him smiling and wondering if he would see the mysterious girl again.


And there you have it folks! The fateful encounter that changed it all. I hope you lot enjoyed and will patiently wait for when I can get a second chapter out while I try to finish up my other stories. Rose and Seto aren't gonna meet for a while yet, but they will hear about each other from the ever-lovable Mokuba.

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And have a wonderful day!