A/N: Hey guys. I know it's been a long time and I know you expected a chapter weeks ago and I'm sorry.

I realized something today. I remembered that I still had to write this and I only had four ridiculously short chapters to write so I sat down with my laptop and immediately got work.

Now, it's been years since I last read, wrote, or even thought Twilight, or any twilight fanfiction. So for me to be able to sit down and write a chapter without so much of a refresher, I figured something was wrong.

I realized that either I was writing these characters as completely one dimensional or these characters were originally written as completely one dimensional.

I don't know which one, which shows how long it's been since I've seen anything Twilight related.

Since I don't feel like rereading an entire series, I can't really do this fic justice. It's completely outlined, ready to be written, but I can't write it.

So I leave its fate up to you, dear reader. There are four chapters left. Four very short, very easy chapters left. Anyone (who has recently read Twilight and understands the characters) could finish it.

Review if you're interested.