"You're not listening to me. If we make the drum beat faster, then the whole song will be ruined!"

"And you're not listening to me! If we don't make the drum beat faster, then the song will put people to sleep!"

"Guys, that's enough!" Beca interrupted. "You can argue about this later. For now, we're going to leave the song as is. It's a pretty good demo so far. All it needs is some fine-tuning and polishing."


"No buts. Let's break for lunch and reconvene afterwards, okay?" Beca waited until all the band members in the booth to nod their heads before she took off her headphones and grabbed her folders. "Man, I'm starving," she said to Cynthia Rose.

"Me too. Thank you for calling the break, because I wouldn't have lasted much longer," Cynthia Rose replied with a chuckle as she and Beca walked out of the control room. "So, as I was saying earli-"

"I appreciate your concern, CR, but I really don't think I need a girlfriend. I haven't had one in years, so why should I have one now?" Beca asked before they turned down the hallway that led to the break room.

"I know dating isn't your top priority, but you should at least try to find a girlfriend," Cynthia Rose explained as she and Beca walked into the break room. "You could definitely get a girl, considering the fact that you're one of the hottest rising stars in the music industry right now."

"Thanks, but I still don't see why I suddenly need to have a girlfriend. I don't have time to be in a relationship. Dating someone would just slow me down, and that's the exact opposite of what I need right now," Beca stated firmly as she sat down at one of the tables.

"You should at least consider it. I mean, you're twenty-four. What's so bad about going out on a couple dates?" Cynthia Rose asked, sitting down across from Beca.

"I'd rather not go out on any dates than have a couple dates turn into something more. Like I said, dating someone would just slow me down. I can't slow down when I'm this close to the top," Beca replied. "And besides, wouldn't you rather have me working than on vacation with my significant other?"

"All I'm saying is that it's nice to have someone to go home to," Cynthia Rose pointed out. "It's nice to have someone to fall asleep and wake up next to. I'm not saying that being single is bad or anything, but you've been single since your sophomore year of college."

"And I wouldn't be where I am today if I had been tied down. Again, I appreciate your concern, but I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I promise that you'll be the first to know if that changes," Beca said with a smile.

"You better, Miss 'I haven't been laid in forever,'" Cynthia Rose said, leaning across the table to playfully nudge Beca.

Beca scoffed a laugh. "Do you really think that you wouldn't be the first person to know? You're my best friend, CR. Who else would I possibly tell before you?"

"Good point. Now, I'd like to eat my lunch, unless you want to keep babbling on," Cynthia Rose replied, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth as she said that.

"To be fair, you're the one that's continuing this conversation. If you were so hungry, then maybe you'd stop talking and start eating," Beca shot back, a smirk now on her face as well.

Cynthia Rose thought about Beca's words for a few moments and then started to nod her head. "Again, good point. I guess that makes us even, huh?"

"Sure. We're even." The two of them shook hands and then began eating their lunches.

After lunch, Beca returned to the control room to listen to the songs that had been recorded earlier. The brunette tried to focus as hard as she could but was unable to do so, as her mind kept wandering back to the conversation that she and Cynthia Rose had had.

I guess it has been awhile since the last time I was in a relationship, Beca thought to herself. She then shook her head. Don't be silly, Beca. You don't need any distractions right now. You're too close to the top to let yourself get distracted. Still, the brunette couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be in a relationship again.


"You're on in five, ladies!"

"Thank you!" Chloe called out before turning back to Emily. "This dress is amazing, Em. It fits perfectly," she stated, doing a couple full turns in the mirror so she could admire the beautiful red dress that Emily had designed for her.

"I'm so glad you like it, Chloe!" Emily exclaimed enthusiastically. "I was a bit worried you wouldn't," she admitted a few moments later.

"Well, there's no need to worry about it because it's perfect," Chloe said to reassure Emily before sitting down to put her high heels on.

Stacie then walked up to the two of them. "Emily, can you zip me up?" She asked.

"Of course I can," Emily replied before zipping Stacie's dress up in less than a second. "How does it feel?"

"It feels great. I love the low-cut top. It's so ferocious and sexy," Stacie answered with a smirk.

"I'm glad you think so. I mean, I did make this dress specifically for you," Emily said, giggling at her own words for a moment.

Stacie couldn't help but smile at this. "Awe, you're so sweet." She then turned to Chloe. "When do you start shooting that Netflix movie with Gina Rodriguez?"

"In a couple weeks. I'm so excited for it," Chloe said, a smile slowly making its way onto her face as she spoke.

"I can't believe that you're going to be in a movie for Netflix. That's awesome, Chloe," Emily stated, looking Chloe and Stacie over one last time to make sure everything was in order.

Chloe nodded her head in agreement. "It is, isn't it? I'm a little bummed that I have to dye my hair blonde for the movie, but I'd rather do that than not be in the movie at all."

"I'd do the same if I were you, but I still don't get why you have to dye it. Your red hair is so iconic," Stacie said, shaking her head. "You'll look hot no matter what, though," she added.

"Thanks, Stace. Don't worry, I'll dye my hair back as soon as we're done shooting the movie," Chloe replied, still smiling.

"Last time I saw you, you told me that your publicist said you should 'date' some celebrity to get more attention. Is he still bugging you about that?" Emily asked curiously.

Chloe took a deep breath and then sighed. "Yeah, he is. I don't understand why he's so insistent on me being in a fake relationship with another celebrity. I get that it would bring me more publicity, but I'm doing fine on my own."

Stacie furrowed her eyebrows at Chloe's words. "Does he want you to date anyone in particular?"

"Nope. He just wants me to date someone famous. It's getting to the point where I think he'd try to set me up with a guy even though I've made it pretty clear that I'm not interested. I don't think I'll ever date a guy again after Tom," Chloe said before letting out another sigh.

"At least you wouldn't really be dating a guy he set you up with, but I see your point," Emily said, stepping back once she was sure that Chloe and Stacie looked perfect. "There. Now go get 'em, you two."

"Do you miss being in a relationship? I know you're happy where you are right now, but it's been two years since you dated anyone," Stacie reminded Chloe as they headed towards the back room.

"I guess so. I mean, being in a relationship was nice, but the last person I was in a relationship with wasn't. I've actually enjoyed being single these last couple years. It's allowed me to rediscover myself, if that makes any sense," Chloe answered.

"Yeah, that makes sense. You must miss sex, though. Tom wasn't the best boyfriend, but he was good at laying you," Stacie pointed out with a chuckle.

"I'd prefer to be with someone that's good at laying me and isn't a cheater, but we can't always get what we want," Chloe said, shrugging her shoulders.

Stacie chuckled some more and then walked forward, as the line had moved up. "Fair point, but that doesn't answer my question. Do you miss it?"

"What? Sex?" Stacie nodded her head, so Chloe continued. "Um, kinda. Sure, I haven't been laid in two years, but so what? It's not that bad once you get used to it."

"Whatever you say, Red. I'll see you later." Stacie then left the back room and walked out onto the runway, leaving Chloe to her thoughts as she waited for her turn.

Chloe stood silently in the back room as she awaited her turn on the runway. Do I actually miss being in a relationship? She asked herself. While I have enjoyed being single, I should get back in the game at some point, right? Those thoughts didn't occupy Chloe's mind much longer, for her turn came sooner rather than later. The redhead strutted down the runway in style, posing seductively while keeping a straight face like she was supposed to.

Beca and Chloe are two completely different people leading completely different lives on opposite sides of the country. They do have some things in common, however, such as ambition and success. The biggest thing these two women have in common is that they feel as if something is missing from their lives. They can't pinpoint what that something is, but they know it's missing. What they don't know is that something may be a someone, and that someone may be closer than they think.

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of As Real As It Gets. I am co-writing this story with youngstoryteller.007, who I've already written many stories with. Let me know what you guys thought in the reviews! I'll have the next chapter up as soon as possible :)
