It was a nightmare. A nightmare where they blamed all of their misfortune on me. Deafening screams. I was misfortune. I made people miserable. I was worthless. I should be dead.
"MC! MC!"
A voice called out to me in my despair, dragging my subconscious away from the land of sleep.
When I woke I felt something warm entwined with my fingers. It was his hand.
Yoosung was propped up on one elbow, looking down at me, obviously worried.
"It was a bad dream again, wasn't it?" He said. Gently, he wiped my face, and that was the first time I noticed the tears running down my cheeks.
Embarrassed, I turned onto my side so my back was to Yoosung. It seemed that recently all he saw me do was cry, and it's pathetic. Not to mention that I'm only crying because I feel sorry for myself. I don't deserve a pity party.
An arm curled around my waist, and I felt his chin rest on my shoulder, breath against my ear.
"You dreamt about them again, didn't you?" It's a question, but I knew that he knew.
"You can tell me about it if that will help," he suggested, but I shook my head. My dream was stupid. I shouldn't burden him with it too.
He sensed my hesitation and gently leant over to kiss my cheek, "Please?"
I stayed silent for a few extra moments, but the temptation to be selfish wins out.. as usual.
I told him everything, still refusing to face him. In my mind I could still hear the screams. Everything is my fault. It's always my fault. My existence is an ongoing problem…
"That's not true," Yoosung told me, "You are a truly wonderful person and you deserve so much better than people who treat you like that."
I slowly rolled back around to face him; his eyes were determined on me. Do I really matter that much to him?
He inched closer, wriggling into my embrace and softly sighing when he managed to get high enough to rest his chin on the top of my head. Hidden in his chest, I rubbed circles into his bare forearms, heart racing when he kissed and stroked my hair.
I… love this person.
"I want to hug all of your bad dreams away," he whispered into my hair, "So let's stay like this until you drop off again, 'kay?"
I nodded slowly, his scent made my eyes succumb to sleepiness. He smelt like home.
His arms wrapped around my form perfectly and I tried to snuggle further into his chest. This closeness makes me feel loved and supported… More… I want… More.
"I hope you have sweet dreams this time," he whispered as I drifted off with my arm across his waist, while I used his chest as my pillow, "Remember, I love you. And I'll always be here when you wake up."