Author's Note: Welcome to a brand new story! My first in over a decade! For those of you who read me years ago and stuck by with support,
Thank You and Welcome Back! For those who are new to me, Welcome and Thanks for Coming to Read!
If you have been wondering where I have been check my bio for info. It has been a long journey but I am back with a new creative outlook and one on life as well.
What you will find in this new story is a collection of short stories involving the Kenshin-gumi and others in their daily lives. It will be focused in
the group's current timeline of the Meiji Era with a mixture of comedic and occasionally dramatic stories.
Upon my return to writing and finishing Rurouni Kenshin stories, new and old, I decided to get reacquainted with the series through these short tales. Updates will be every Tuesday until completion later this year.
On to the first short story….
Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin.
Story 1, It's a Lovely Day for a Picnic
Kaoru was busy fixing up her kimono and preparing herself for the day. Her and the rest of the group, including Tsubame and Dr. Genzai's granddaughters, were going on a picnic. It was a lovely day for it, with the sun shining. There was no doubt that the lake they would visit today would have crystal clear water.
"Hey Kaoru! Let's go!" Yahiko yelled.
Not liking the shouting, Kaoru sighed. 'Perfect way to start a nice day.'
Instead of shouting back, Kaoru came out of her room and slide the door shut. "I'm here. You do not have to shout."
"We've been waiting a long time Kaoru. Sanosuke and Megumi are waiting."
"Now, now Yahiko. It has only been two minutes, and Miss Tsubame and the others only just arrived. We will make plenty of time that we will."
Kenshin then turned to Kaoru who was dressed in a purple kimono with a pink ribbon in her hair. "Good morning Miss Kaoru. We should hurry to meet Sanosuke and Miss Megumi. We should be able to find a nice spot to picnic. Especially on a day like today."
With that all six of them left the dojo to meet Sanosuke and Megumi by the clinic. When they arrived, Kaoru took notice of how all the girls were in kimonos while the boys remained in their regular day clothes. After greeting each other, everyone together began to make their way towards the lake, hopeful for a great day of fun.
About fifteen minutes into their travel, Ayame and Suzume, Dr. Genzai's young granddaughters, began to play with Yahiko. He grumbled at this annoyance, especially when they tried to grab the bokken attached to his back. Tsubame had watched the situation with amusement and began to laugh.
Yahiko looked at her with narrowed eyes, "What's so funny?"
"You with the children,Yahiko-chan."
"Don't call me chan!"
"Yahiko! That is no way to speak to a young lady!"
"You're no lady either Kaoru! You just shouted! Is that anyway to be a lady?!"
Kaoru was getting irritated now, "What did you say?!"
In an attempt to calm down master and student, Kenshin tried to stop the shouting,"Now, now. We'll be at the lake soon. Again let's enjoy the day together."
"Yeah, we're almost there. Just follow the fox," Sanosuke pointed to Megumi who simply sighed.
"Let's just go to the lake instead of wasting time arguing. It was not easy getting time off from the clinic today."
Kenshin began to ease Megumi's mood, "We should be there soon Miss Megumi. It is a nice day for a trip to the lake. Getting a picnic together is always nice. I wish we could do this more often that I do."
Megumi looked at Kenshin's smile and returned one of her own, "You're right Sir Ken. I should enjoy myself and relax a bit."
With that the group continued on ahead to their destination, feeling hunger pains with two little girls actively excited to play. It took only ten more minutes before they arrived at the lake. It was peaceful and quiet with green grass, an abundance of trees, and clear blue water. It was just as Kaoru had hoped.
"So lovely. I had hoped this morning that the lake would be like this. I had a fear last night for rain ro cold wind, but everything is perfect."
"Don't jinx it Missy. I'd hate to see the day get like that." Sanosuke picked his teeth with his fishbone and looked over at Yahiko and Tsubame trying to get a hold over the active young ones. "Alright come on over, we're gonna pick a spot."
Within minutes, everyone was scurried around to help in different ways for the day. Kenshin and Tsubame helped to set up the tan blanket on the grass along with the delicious food that Kenshin made. Kaoru decided to play catch with Ayame and Suzume, grabbing a ball that was brought along with their travel. Yahiko started to take out his bokken and practice his swings. Meanwhile, Megumi and Sanosuke went to some of the trees to take in a bit of shade.
"Starting to heat up out there. Luckily, the girls and I brought our fans." Megumi took out hers and began to wave it in front of her face.
Sanosuke took notice of the fan, a dark purple color with cherry blossoms adorning it. "Interesting fan. Where'd you get it?"
"I purchased it at a flea market some time ago. It often gets warm in the clinic, so it's nice to get a moment to cool down."
"I never understood women and fans. I suppose cooling down is important."
"As a doctor I can tell you that heat exhaustion is not something to laugh at nor take lightly," Megumi then looked at Sanosuke and saw him sweating badly, "You are sweating a lot. Stay hydrated today."
Kaoru had just passed the ball to Ayame when she plopped down on to the ground, feeling a bit tired.
"Kaoru are you okay?" Ayame asked with worry.
"Guess I'm getting a little hot," she wiped her brow and felt the sweat come off, "Let's say we go get some water?"
With that Kaoru and the girls went to the blanket where Tsubame and Kenshin had finished the set up for lunch.
"Just in time, the food is ready that it is. Yahiko can you get Sanosuke and Miss Megumi please."
Yahiko sighed at the interruption of his practice, "Alright."
Soon everyone was sitting down to a nice meal as the sun shone brightly. Rice balls, fish, and noodles had all been cooked to perfection by Kenshin. Then all started eating the food, savoring its taste. They talked about many things, from kendo to Megumi's clients. Then Kaoru made a suggestion, "I say we take a walk after this. It's so peaceful here."
"Sounds like a good idea Miss Kaoru."
"I think I'll stay here and practice my swings," Yahiko replied.
Tsubame smiled and began to clean up the plates, "I'm going to clean up."
"Do you need a hand Tsubame? I can help clean up."
"Thank you Megumi."
"Sanosuke why don't you play with Suzume and Ayame," Megumi said as she began to help with the clean up.
Sanosuke sighed, "Alright."
"Guess it's just you and I Kenshin."
Kenshin smiled, "Very well then."
Soon after, all the food was finished and everyone went on to their respective activities. Kenshin and Kaoru went for their walk and decided to travel to the other side of the lake. Quickly, they found a small bridge and decided to walk up it, standing in the middle. From their position, they overlooked the lake and could see their friends as small dots or outlines in the distance.
Kaoru looked over at Kenshin, whose head was tilted up, eyes closed and enjoying the sun as it bathed him. Kaoru smiled. It was always nice to see Kenshin this relaxed and happy. So carefree.
"You must of has a good day."
"Yes, I did, thank you. Coming out was good, I've enjoyed my time today."
Kaoru smiled, "I'm glad. It's nice to see you happy."
Kenshin stared for a moment and then smiled softly. Kaoru had lovely features and a carefree smile. She may not have been through as much as him but she had seen enough to know how the world could be. He enjoyed these quiet moments with her brightening his day.
"Yes. I admit to being happy. Ever since I came to Tokyo and stayed with you, things have been like a wonderful blessing. Meeting you, Sano, and the others; I feel as if life can still be good despite its challenges. I've seen many things Miss Kaoru, but I feel the happiest and most at peace when I'm here. It's a wonderful feeling."
The two looked back over the water and decided to return to the others. Another day was finished, but hopefully another peaceful one again for tomorrow.
Thank you for reading. Please Review.
New story next Tuesday.