The official end of this book! I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. I've got a list of one-shots I want to write, so no more series yet!

"Please, sir, you've got to forgive us! We never knew we were walking into a trap that day," Blade pleaded. He and Sword had been trying to win their lord's trust again, but the knight was making it very hard to do so.

"And you did not think anything was weird about that day?" Meta Knight asked, eyes narrowing.

"Well, your voice was a little weird, and you said you had to interact with the king, which you hate doing unless you absolutely have-"

"There is your proof. Had I wanted to make you knights, which will not happen for some time, I would have done so from the privacy of our own room. Think about it and when you come back tomorrow, and I hope you don't, tell me why you did not think even once that it was not right. Now leave."

"But sir-"

"I said leave." Sword and Blade walked out of the room forlornly and Meta Knight looked around the white room from under his white blankets. Everything here was white, and he longed for the blues and greens of the outside world. Of course, it'd be some time before he could actually go there; until then, he had to be content with glances out of the window. Then there were more footsteps and he groaned inwardly before he realized that the steps were not the same. These were the steps of a young child and a bouncing puffball. The knight glanced in that direction and suddenly, Kirby was on his unprotected face.

"Kirby! Get off my head!" He commanded. Kirby slid off with a bashful look before handing Meta Knight a box. The blue puffball opened the box and found a new set of his armor and his polished sword inside, without all the scratches and blood from earlier.

"Where did you find this?" The knight put on the armor as he said it and was thankful for the mystery it seemed to give.

"We find in Meta's woom," Kirby grinned. Suddenly, the door opened and revealed Sword and Blade, no doubt back to apologize again.

"Sir, we're sorry-" Blade started.

"That is the 152nd time you have said sorry to me today," Meta Knight interrupted. "As I have already said, it's fine; I just don't trust you like I did before."

"We'll do anything to regain your trust, sir, anything!"

"Any thing?"


"Come here. You'll have to…" The knight's voice dropped to a whisper as he pulled a video camera out of his cape and handed it to them. Sword and Blade nodded and dashed out the door. Fumu stared after them with slight interest. "What did you ask them to do?" she said.

"Just something I've always wanted to do," Meta Knight shrugged, "only I've never had the guts to do it."

A few minutes after Sword and Blade left, a sudden realization hit Meta Knight and he turned to face the window as much as he could without twisting his broken foot.

"Something wrong?" Fumu asked kindly. "You can tell us if you want."

"I… I lost to my own knaves. My students. We didn't win the battle, Kirby did. I'm so… weak."

"You're not weak! You're the best swordsman I know. And Kirby couldn't have won without you. Besides, Sword and Blade only got you because they used some nasty tricks."

"I suppose you're right… Though I still can't shake the feeling that they have beaten me at my own sport."

"Just tell yourself that it isn't true. Soon enough you'll get out of it." The door opened and Sword and Blade came in with the video camera. Meta Knight, Fumu, and Kirby crowded against the screen, watching as Sword talked to the pompous king and the equally pompous snail. Then a cloud of dust billowed through the room and left Dedede and Escargon frozen. They all laughed aloud and Meta Knight's eyes turned a bright shade of pink. Yesterday, he had cried- a symbol of how lonely he was. But now, surrounded by people who cared about him, lonely was the last thing he'd feel.