Monster Entry 2: Smelter

Dustin: "Hello, all readers and welcome back to yet another monster entry."

Fenka: "Salutations worthy friends. I'm glad everyone is enjoying this so far." Ben, Julie, Gwen, Nega Dustin, Kibbles and Sparky walk in.

Kevin: " So what monster of yours are we discussing today?"

Fenika: "I'm glad you asked Kevin." The giant television above powers up and shows the image of a mannequin like creature with sharp blade-like claws and a single eye on the center of its head, similar to the eye of wdjat from the yu-gi-oh series.

Fenika: "Today we are talking about the Raiders."

Gwen: "Raiders? Why do you call them that?"

Fenika: "Elementary my dear Gwendolyn."

Nega Dustin: "A Sherlock Holmes reference? Seriously?"

Sparky: "You see, due to their diminished physique, they may lack strength, but they are highly fast and agile."

Ben: "How fast are we talking?"

Fenika: "Faster than an Olympic gold metal sprinter of course. Up to about 3,750 miles per hour at best." Everyone, except Sparky went wide eyed.

Nega Dustin: "That fast?"

Dustin: "Wow! Talk about crazy legs."

Fenika: "Yes but that's of all their capable of. You see those blades they have for fingers?" Points to the image of the Raider on the screen.

Kibbles: "Yeah. What about them?"

Fenika: "Those fearsome claws they possess are more than capable of inflicting some nasty cuts. So the sheer speed plus those gnarly blade fingers equal a guaranteed death sentence in the blink of an eye."

Julie: "Geez!"

Ship: "Ship!" Ship said shaking like a leaf.

Nega Dustin: "Talk about walking the razor's edge!"

Dustin: "So basically Edward Scissprhands from hell."

Fenika: "Pretty much so yes."

Ben: "But XLR8 or Fasttrack can pretty much run circles around those things."

Fenika: "Well I wouldn't say that dear friend."

Kevin: "What as you talking about dude?"

Sparky: "That's where their one eye comes in handy." Sparky said as the image on the screen closes in on the raiders sing eye"

Gwen: "Yeesh! Creepy!"

Fenika: "Yes but the eye is not entirely for show."

Dustin: "What?"

Fenika: "You see anything it looks at will instantly be frozen in place, rendering even XLR8 or Fasstrack immobilized. But if the eye is covered or if they lose concentration, then anything under its gaze will be mobile again."

Kevin: "Talk about a sight for sore eyes."

Sparky: "Also, they do occasionally hunt in groups of ten or twenty. One is more of a hassle enough, but a whole group of them would be next to impossible to beat down."

Kibbles: "Christ! I cant even begin to imagine the outcome of a fight light that."

Dustin: "Good thing they're on our side now."

Fenika: "And I should also mention that they do have ranks." The TV screen shows seven different raiders in different colors. One was purple with a sea foam green eye, the second was white with a blue eye, the third was black with a red eye, the fourth was red, the fifth was blue, the sixth was yellow, and the seventy was golden color and had a pharaoh's headdress.

Fenika: "The color variation depends on the ranks. The purple is the Standard Raider, as they are the most common. The white ones are the Major Raiders. These ate more powerful than the Standard Raiders. The black ones are the Minor Raiders. While they may not be as powerful as the Major's, they are still to be powerful than the Standards."

Dustin: "Wait! Why do I get the feeling those thing have some Yu-Gi-Oh! Inspiration?"

Fenika: "Because I essentially based them on the Shadow Games. I even used the exact magic to make the Raiders."

Gwen: "Isn't that a bit risky?"

Fenika: "Yes. Anyway the red colored Raiders are known as Blitzlreig Raiders. These types of raiders are more volatile and aggressive than then the average Raider, plus they posses electrokinesis as they can release up to 1,000 volts of electricity.

Kevin: "What a shock!"

Fenika: "Yes indeed. The blue ones are the Brute Raiders. These types of Raiders have a fair amount of strength unlike other Raiders and are just as aggressive as Blitzkrieg Riders. The Yellow ones are known as the Pyro Raiders. These Raiders mostly use pyrokinesis as their advantage as they can emit flames hot enough to melt steel in minutes."

Julie: "Ouch! That's one nasty burn."

Dustin: "Amen to that sister."

Ben: "And what about the gold one?"

Fenika: "That is the Pharaoh Raider. As their name implies, they're basically the matriarchy for the Raider groups. They not only have the regular powers of the average Raider, but they also have magical abilities, they can even tap into the powerx of the Shadow Realm."

Dustin: "Dude! Seriously?"

Gwen: "Shadow Realm? What is that?"

Sparky: "The Shadow Realm is alleged to be a place of suffering where people could be sent to. The Shadow Realm is regarded as a euphemism for death and other disastrous events."

Kevin: "Yeesh! Hearing all of that definitely give me chills." Kevin shivered.

Fenika: "Well Hogan. You seem to be an expert of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Franchise. Can you guess which monsters these Raider ranks are bases on?" Dustin looks at the huge television monitor and clears his throat.

Dustin: "Its painfully obvious. The Standard is the Dark Magician, the Major is Blue-Eyes white Dragon, the Minor is Red-Eyes Black Dragon, the Blitzkrieg is Slider the Sky Dragon, the Brute is Obelisk the Tormentor, the Pyro is The Winged Dragon of Ra, and the Pharaoh is obviously based on Atem aka Yami Yugi." I said as there was a round of applause out of nowhere.

Kevin: "What theā€¦"

Sparky: "Cartoon Physics Kevin! Remember?"

Ben: "How could you tell all that dude?"

Dustin: "I've been collecting cards my whole life. And when you've seen the anime like I have, you're found to be an expert."

Kevin: "Pfft! Nerd! Hahaha!" Gwen elbows him on the rib.

Sparky: Well, is there anymore questions?" Sparky said as a cricket chirped.

Dustin: "I suppose that's it. So I hope you guys enjoyed today's entry."

Sparky: "And with that well see you next time."