Author's Notes: This is the result of much begging and pestering on the part of my Boy-Spawn and since today's the first day of school, I decided to humor him. It picks up about two years after Trouble, Doubled left off since it did sort of leave itself open to a sequel and it seemed as good a place as any to begin this story. There are a few different "Mom, you have to write this and this and this!" ideas thrown in this one so it's going to be a little different than the other two. A bit more fluff and silliness though I think there's something resembling a plot in here somewhere. Since it's sequel-ish, there are references to the events in Double Trouble and Trouble, Doubled so - while it's not strictly necessary to read them since I sort of do a quick and dirty recap - it may make parts of this story less confusing.

As always, reviews, comments, and constructive critisms are welcome.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any if its characters. They're property of Rumiko Takahashi.


Chapter 1

Inuyasha watched Kagome as she finished gathering herbs with Jinenji. Dusting her hands off, she picked up her basket and stood. She smiled as she caught sight of him waiting nearby. He was never far from her side since she had returned through the Well. She bid farewell to the giant yet gentle half-demon, waved to his human mother who was working a short distance away in another part of the garden, and strode over to Inuyasha.

It had been several months since the Bone Eater's Well had opened one final time to allow Kagome to return to the Feudal Era to be with Inuyasha. The magic of it was now truly dead and it was nothing more than an old dry well. It would never open again. While she occasionally missed her family and friends from the future, Kagome knew she had made the right choice in returning. She had been so unhappy in her own time without Inuyasha. She hadn't been able to bear the thought of living the rest of her life without him.

When she had looked into the well and seen the Feudal Era sky, she had known she had to return. Her mother had understood her need and told her how proud she was before embracing her and then letting her go forever. Inuyasha had told her quietly how much he admired her mother's strength and how grateful he was to her for allowing Kagome to return to him, knowing she would never see her daughter again. Kagome agreed. Her mother had always been strong and kind and wise, understanding even what remained unspoken. She hoped that one day she would have even half of her mother's quiet strength.

They walked back towards the home Inuyasha had built for them in the village. He had started it three years ago, right after defeating Naraku and helping Miroku and Sango build their house. He had stayed with Kaede for a while, but with Rin staying with the priestess it was getting crowded and he had decided to work on a home for himself and Kagome. Miroku had helped him, never once criticizing him for his belief that Kagome would return, even if the monk wasn't so certain she could come back. It was a simple dwelling but it suited their needs and would be easy to add onto should they have children. It included a small garden in which they grew some vegetables and medicinal herbs. Kagome had full access to both Kaede's and Jinenji's gardens but she liked to have a few plants of her own right at her fingertips.

Inuyasha recalled how she had laughed kindly upon seeing the garden he had created for her. It had been a sad little brown patch with a bunch of weeds growing in it. He'd wanted to do all the planting and care himself but wasn't really good with plants. He'd gotten them into the ground just fine. Between forgetting to water the plants and not paying attention to the small animals that nibbled on them, and not realizing that the weeds were not the herbs and vegetables that he wanted, it had been in a sad state. Kagome had never criticized him, instead thanking him for being so thoughtful as she lovingly weeded and tended the garden and brought it back to life.

As they strode down the path, a shadow passed over them. They looked up to see Sesshomaru flying gracefully overhead. The demon lord had apparently just come from visiting Rin. Inuyasha would have bet anything he'd brought Rin another gift. Ever since leaving the girl in Kaede's care, he would spoil her when he came to visit every few months. It never ceased to amaze Inuyasha how the little human girl had managed to worm her way into his brother's seemingly cold heart. He had been shocked to discover that Sesshomaru had a heart.

This was the first time Kagome had seen Sesshomaru since her return to the Feudal Era. Smiling mischievously, she cupped her free hand around her mouth and called out. "Big brother!" Sesshomaru's expressionless mask turned into a scowl as he glared down at her. "That's weird," she said. "He looked like he was annoyed." She turned to Inuyasha who was wearing a similar expression and gasped. "You too?"

"That just sounded really wrong, okay," he said in a choked voice.

Kagome smiled again and continued down the path. She had seen the changes in Sesshomaru for herself while they searched for the shards of the Shikon Jewel. He had gone from the cold and heartless demon who was trying to kill his younger half-brother and steal his sword to actually aiding him, fighting at his side against Naraku and his minions. Inuyasha had hinted that their relationship had improved considerably during her absence as well. Kagome was curious but hadn't wanted to push it as he seemed reluctant to go into detail. She had heard from Sango that the brothers had once again been turned into pups and had fled the village. They had returned a couple of weeks later, restored to their normal selves and had seemingly reached some sort of understanding. The former demon slayer had told how Shippo and Rin had gone in search of the duo and returned with Sesshomaru's mother of all people. Kagome was sorry she had missed it. Not only had Inuyasha been an adorable pup, Sesshomaru was still a huge mystery and she would have loved to have gotten a chance to meet his mother. Sango had told her they now knew that while Sesshomaru favored his father in his physical appearance, his personality was all form his mother.

They reached their home and Kagome began laying out the herbs she had collected, making small bundles to be hung to dry. Inuyasha went outside to cut more firewood. They had a substantial stack already but he liked to be prepared. He still partnered with Miroku to travel to the nearby villages to aid with demon exterminating and didn't want to risk Kagome running out if a job took longer than expected. She didn't argue about it though she knew she would be provided for if it became necessary. The villagers all helped one another and they had even come to accept the half-demon and strange priestess living among them.

She hummed quietly to herself as she worked. It had only been a few months since she had returned to the Feudal Era but she had fallen into her new life quickly and easily. Kaede was training her to better control and focus her immense spiritual powers. She and Jinenji were also teaching her about herbs and how to make potions from them. Coupled with the knowledge Kagome had from her modern world, she was fast becoming a good healer. She would soon be able to begin taking over some of Kaede's duties as the village priestess. At one time Kagome would never have considered such a role, feeling she was simply another Kikyo. She had finally come to understand that while she was Kikyo's reincarnation she was not the other woman. She was her own person and her path was her own.

Finishing her work, she washed her hands and picked up a large empty basket that stood by the doorway. She stepped outside and made her way to the clothes line. The linens and laundry she had hung earlier had since dried and she began removing them, folding each piece into the basket as she went. She could hear the sounds of Inuyasha chopping wood nearby as she worked. The last of the laundry folded, she returned to the bedroom to put it away. She straightened the quilt on the bed before leaving the room. Surprisingly, it had been a gift from Sesshomaru for their wedding, only a few short months prior.

No one had been surprised that the demon lord had chosen not to attend the celebration. What had surprised them was when, a few days later, an unfamiliar demon had appeared, bearing a large chest. He had presented it to Inuyasha and Kagome and left quickly, clearly ill at ease in the human village. Inside they had discovered several furs and quilts, a beautiful multi-layered silk kimono for Kagome complete with matching obi and sandals, several bolts of fine cloth, and a small ornate box. The contents had to be worth a small fortune. A note written in Sesshomaru's neat script had stated that Kagome should at least sometimes be able to dress as befitted her station as a member of the Western House. It was as close as he'd ever come to congratulating them. Inuyasha had grumbled half-heartedly about his older half-brother's arrogant attitude but Kagome had been touched that he'd even acknowledge her - a human and mate to his long-despised half-brother - much less as his sister-in-law.

Kagome smiled as she ran her fingers lightly over the ornate box. Inside were several pieces of jewelry and ornaments that had belonged to Izayoi. Sesshomaru had recently come across it amongst their father's belongings and had given it to Inuyasha, saying it was his by right. In turn, Inuyasha had given it to her. Kagome had tried to protest but her husband had insisted. He told her it would have made his mother happy to see his wife wearing the jewelry she had left behind, knowing that the beautiful things were appreciated. He had sheepishly added that she'd probably would have been just glad to see that he had found a wife at all.

Kagome had been saddened by his words. Inuyasha had been quick to remind her that it was in large part thanks to her that he had learned to trust and have friends. His mother would have been delighted that he'd found acceptance, not only from his small group of friends but also from the villagers where they now made their home. And finally from his brother as well. She had known he'd have a difficult life as a half-demon, accepted by neither the humans or full demons around him. He had been hostile and antagonistic when they'd first met; a defense against being hurt. Over the months they had travelled together, she had slowly begun breaking down the barriers he had erected, careful not to betray the fragile trust he began showing her. As their little group had grown one by one, each newcomer had also accepted Inuyasha as their companion and eventually friend. For the first time in his life the half-demon had found a place where he was accepted for who he was and he was truly happy.

She went out to the garden and pulled some vegetables and herbs to use in their evening meal. Back inside, she began chopping them, humming softly to herself, content. Inuyasha returned just as she finished dumping everything into a cookpot and placing it over the fire. He greeted her with a warm smile and shining golden eyes as he stacked some logs beside the hearth.

"What's for dinner?" he asked, sniffing at the pot.

"Stew. I chopped some vegetables and used the last of the meat from yesterday."

"Sounds good. But…"

"But what?"

"I kind of miss those instant noodles you used to bring with you from your time." He grinned to show he was teasing her. Kagome laughed. This was where she belonged, Kagome thought as he caught her up in his arms.