A knock at his door and the apartment fell silent. No yelling of voices nor crashing of objects missing their mark. Chuuya could be heard cursing as he stomped to the door. He yanked it open, halfway as he normally wouldn't, and blocked the opening with his body, unwelcoming as he usually ragged on other people for.
"Chuuya. Sorry to disturb you on your day off." Akutagawa said. Chuuya nodded politely, then frowned and smacked at something behind his door.
"Fuck off asshole." Akutagawa remained impassive. Chuuya turned his attention back to him. "Not a problem Akutagawa. What do you need?"
"It seems,"
Chuuya's hat was stolen, he ignored it though he looked ticked.
"That Dazai has,"
Chuuya was being tugged behind the door as it was pushed closed from behind. Chuuya held the door open and kicked at the annoyance and smirked when they crashed into the wall.
"Dazai has gone missing. His face is all over the news,"
Chuuya's hair was pulled and he left the door for a second to punch the idiot fucking around with him. Akutagawa felt the air shift as Chuuya used his power. It returned to normal on contact, but the person was still launched somewhere into the apartment and Chuuya returned to him.
"So what if Dazai is missing? He can handle himself." Chuuya said. Soft footsteps approached him from behind.
"Some private military power has a bounty out on him. All ability users. The other executives met to decide on our course of action."
Chuuya, by this point, was half hidden behind the door and wincing as he attempted to shove someone away.
"Excuse me for a minute." He slammed the door closed in Akutagawa's face, he didn't take it personally, and slapped the other person loud enough for Akutagawa to hear the crack through the wood.
"Stop biting me you shit!"
"But Chuuya's ignoring meeeee."
"Get out of my fucking apartment asshole. What the fuck are you even here for? I'll kill you if you don't leave soon."
There was silence.
"Only soon?"
"I will brain you with an empty wine bottle you suicidal disaster."
"Ah, but Chuuya-Kun. That requires an empty wine bottle, are you sure you have one lying around in here? I could help you, we can have a drink together."
"Get out!"
Another smack sounded, another crash, one heavy thud of a body slammed into the floor and Chuuya was back with him. Chuuya had to hand it to him, Akutagawa had an impeccable stone wall expression.
"Right, I apologise for that. What did you all decide?"
Akutagawa cleared his throat and spotted Dazai at Chuuya's wine rack.
"We have decided to work with the group. The bounty is high enough to outweigh his usefulness according to Sakai and Jijima. Boss played along for his own reasons and Ozaki didn't care much either way."
"Right and nobody thought to call me?"
"They figured your vote was obvious. I'm just here to tell you if you see him, bring him in."
Chuuya nodded. Akutagawa watched Dazai remove three bottles of Chuuya's best wine, hide one on top of the rack, slip one under his coat and begin to open the last.
"If I see him out I'll do what I can."
Akutagawa, recognizing the natural end of the meeting, bowed and left. Chuuya's door slammed behind him and before he was halfway to the elevator he heard the angry yelling pick up once again.