Dare 3

"Only two twin-sized beds?" Dean repeated.

"Yes, sir," the elderly woman said at the motel check-in counter. "I'm afraid everything else is booked up. Tourist season and all."

"The, um, ghost whale sighting isn't scaring people off?" Sam asked, holding up a newspaper that depicted several witnesses to the event.

"Nah," she replied with a shrug. "Could even be the opposite. People get all excited over strange things like that. It happened right outside the hotel, after all, a little ways off the shore. You still want the room?"

"Sure," Dean huffed. He took the keys and headed outside, followed by Sam and Cas.

The sweltering heat had Dean wiping sweat from his forehead almost immediately. He took his jacket off and draped it over his arm.

A few moments later, they were in their motel room. As the clerk had said, there were only two small beds, side by side.

"Guess one of us is sleeping on the floor," Dean said irritability. The carpet looked old and was spotted with a myriad of stains.

Cas looked at Dean curiously. "Perhaps we should flip a coin."

"Good idea, Cas," Dean said as he rummaged through his pockets for some change, eventually pulling out a quarter.

"Well Cas should automatically get a bed," Sam said glancing over at the angel. "He slept on the couch last time."

"That is true," Castiel said with a nod.

"Okay," Dean said as he held up the quarter. "I'm heads and Sammy's tails."

Dean tossed the coin into the air, caught it, then slapped it down onto his arm. He winced as he looked underneath.

"Tough luck, Dean," Sam said with a chuckle. "Looks like it's 'mystery stain carpet' for you tonight."

"Hilarious, Sam," Dean said sarcastically.

Castiel looked over at Dean, a hint of concern on his face. "I believe there may be enough room for two of us on my bed, Dean, if you'd like to try."

Sam had to stifle a laugh as he looked over at Dean.

"Shut it, Sammy," Dean said under his breath, leaning over towards his brother.

"That's very, uh, generous of you, Cas," Dean said awkwardly. "But I don't think that would be too comfy."

Cas gave Dean a confused look. "I must disagree."

Sam coughed loudly and tried desperately to wipe the grin from his face. "Guys, I'm gonna go get some drinks."

"Sure thing, Sammy," Dean called over his shoulder. His face had gone bright red.

Dean Winchester does not blush, he berated himself. He makes other people blush, damn it!

But Cas was staring at him with those pure blue eyes, and all other thoughts fled from his mind.

"Well, Cas," Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck. "At least buy me dinner first."

"Dean, I," Castiel began carefully, then paused. "I would never… Take advantage of you."

Dean nearly choked. "God, Cas, that's not what I meant. I was joking."

"Ah," Castiel replied, looking down at his feet. "My apologies."

Dean looked at him thoughtfully for a moment. "It's too hot for a trench coat at the beach, Cas."

"The sun is very unforgiving here," Castiel agreed.

Dean went over to his suitcase and dug around, finally pulling out a black Led Zeppelin t-shirt. He tossed it to the angel.

"Try that on."

Castiel held the shirt almost reverently. "This is yours, Dean."

Dean nodded.

Castiel began pulling off his trench coat, and Dean almost felt guilty for watching. Almost.

The angel let the coat fall to the floor, along with his tie. As he unbuttoned his shirt, Dean bit his lip. Cas had no idea how incredibly sexy he was.

Then the shirt dropped to the floor as well, and Dean stared at Castiel's exposed torso hungrily. The man was beautiful.

Cas looked up at Dean, and gave him a quick smile before pulling the t-shirt over his head.

Dean grinned at him. "It looks good on you, Cas."

"Thank you, Dean. Where would you like to have dinner?"

"Dinner?" Dean repeated, confused.

"Yes, Dean," Castiel replied. "You told me I had to take you to dinner before you could share a bed with me."

Dean looked at the angel in awe. He was being serious about this.

"You know what, Cas?" Dean said, a genuine smile spreading across his face. "Dinner would be awesome."

"What the-," Dean said, startled, as the door flew open.

"I brought you guys pizza," Sam said, pushing his way into the motel room, a pizza box in one hand and a 12 pack of beer in the other.

"Leftovers, from earlier in the Impala, actually. But better than nothing!"

Dean smirked at him.

Sam looked back and forth between Dean and Castiel, noticing that Cas was wearing one of Dean's shirts, but chose not to comment. He could easily guess what had transpired between the two.

"Dean," Sam said abruptly. "I'm going to go talk to a couple of the witness. Why don't you and Cas go check out the beach? See if there's anything out of the ordinary."

"Sounds like a plan," Dean replied, glad for the chance to be alone with Cas.

Once Sam was outside, Dean picked up the pizza box. "This count as dinner?"

Castiel thought for a moment. "If that's what you want, Dean."

Dean smiled and opened the box, pulling out a slice of pizza. "Pizza with you, Cas, beats dinner at a five star restaurant any day."

Castiel grinned and took a slice for himself, then sat down beside Dean on the bed.

His arm was against Dean's, and the warmth and nearness was driving him crazy. Oh, how Dean needed more. But he restrained himself and finished his pizza. Part of him was nervous. What if he moved too fast? What if he scared Cas away? He'd never been with another man before. But he wanted this. He wanted Cas more than he'd ever wanted a woman.

But this wasn't just some fling. This was Cas. His Cas. He had to do this right.

Dean got up to throw away his paper plate, but stopped short as the angel stood up with him.

Castiel turned suddenly to Dean, the same hunger that Dean felt shining in his eyes.

"Cas?" Dean asked, unsure.

"Don't talk, Dean," the angel said, his voice husky.

He pushed Dean back against the wall,the plate falling to the floor, then looked deeply into his eyes.

Dean blinked, feeling dazed. "Castiel."

Cas leaned in and kissed Dean hard, his arms wrapping tightly around Dean's middle, pulling him close in an almost desperate embrace.

Dean grabbed onto Cas, kissing him back with more passion than he'd ever known he was capable of. Then his hands were in Cas's hair, and Cas's hands were on his hips.

They stopped for a moment to catch their breath, looking wildly into each other's eyes.

It was then that they heard a knock on the door.

"Sam?" Castiel asked.

"Sam wouldn't knock," Dean said slowly.

The knocking came again, louder this time.

Dean reluctantly stepped away from his angel.

"This ain't over, Cas," he said with a wink.

"I would hope not," Castiel replied, grinning.

Dean looked cautiously through the peep-hole, then quickly unlocked and opened the door.

"Bobby?" Dean said incredulously.