My heart was racing. I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I tried to simmer down. The commotion I was causing echoed throughout the halls. Before naught, the door opened to a very concerned face.

"What in the hell is going on in here??" he said with a large gulp following after. My breathing still hadn't returned to a resting state and it was obvious something was up. "I heard you groaning and thrashing around, what the hell was going on?" If I had told him another being had awakened in my heart then the hospital down the road might be where I'd start sleeping.

"Sorry.. just got a sudden migraine from.. brainfreeze.." I said knowing damn well there wasn't anything cold within a 20 foot radius.

"Brainfreeze..? Thats the best you could come up with? Whatever you're doing, I'm gonna need you to stop, okay? My work requires me to focus, not for check up on my screaming daughter who had a brainfreeze." The way he said it made it sound even more stupid.

"If you need some medicine or aspirin I'll head down the street to the pharmacy and pick them up just so you're not yelling and throwing yourself around in your room… please, just keep it down okay?" he said with a very stern look in his eye.

I nodded while I clutched my chest and brushed some hair out of my eyes. After that little "event" dissolved, we went on for the night. My dad now had the thought that I was psychotic and so did I. Whatever this power was, it felt sort of good to have in the back of my mind. Nonetheless, the fact of the matter remained the same- I'm going crazy.

The soft sheets I had on my bed felt too hot to use, even while I'm laying on top of them. Despite them being thin, they were surprisingly good at keeping warm. Tibbers and I were laying on that hot, and uncomfortable sack, though I dont think he minded it at all. He was a stuffed bear so regardless he didnt have a choice but to lay there with me.

That night I had a familiar dream. The same dream that put me in that velvet-lined hallway in that hospital. However this time I didnt wake up in a bed, this time I was already seated in front of Igor and Marshal.

"Ahhh welcome back. It seems from our last encounter you have realised your true responsibility. On top of that you have awakened to a great power to aid you in your journey," Igor said with his grin getting slightly bigger on his face. Marshal nodded as he stared straight through me with his soul-piercing eyes.

"What is this all about? Why am I the one who has to do this?" I say hoping to get a straight answer. With Igor, and this "velvet room" I dont think that'll be the case. He'll most likely steer the conversation someplace else and give me vague directions on what to do. Maybe to make it more interesting, I guess.

"Only in due time will you find the answers yourself. Although, in order to do that, you must forge bonds with those who will become befitting of the gift you show them. Perhaps they will give you the clear reason of what you may look forward to in the near future," he said. And much like Igor, nothing he says makes sense at first. Along with his partner in crime who nods and gives you death stares.

"Forge bonds..? With who exactly?" I ask.

"The bonds of which I speak of, are ones that you must create. There's no telling who might become acquainted to these bonds," Igor said with a condescending tone.

Before I could ask him anything else that would just lead to more gibberish, the music from my alarm played through the speakers.

"Recall the bonds in which you have forged, then will they show you the path forward."

-Early morning- April 17th-

The guitar strings being plucked in just the right way was ringing through my ear. The soft acoustics allowed me to ease my way into waking up. It was still blaring in my ear, but at least it wasn't a harsh wake up. It was always those moments of first waking up where it feels like bliss before your anxiety and problems start coming in to punch you in the face.

I let out an audible sigh and picked up Tibbers while holding him over my face.

"Time to get up you lazy bear. You get to lay here all day, I'm a little jealous," I say tossing him to the foot of my bed. A new day had come that most likely contained the same things as yesterday. Maybe it was just my habits that did this.

I had about an hour to get ready and also walk to my new high school. It wasn't that far and it doesn't take me long to go through my morning routine, and since today was my first day, I decided to go with a casual first impression. If I gave off the laid back vibe, then people wouldn't expect much of me, nor would they spread any weird rumors. Although, since I am new, a few theories would arise regardless.

After I had realised there was about 10 minutes to get to my home room the panic quickly set in and before you know it, there were trails of fire where my feet had stepped. The laid back vibe I was definitely gonna give off was gonna be the bad kind where it makes it look like I'm there just because the law tells me to be. Half of it was true, but my self-consciousness wouldn't allow me to live peacefully if I was constantly thinking of how others looked at me. Although, if I was as lax as I wanted to be, then it wouldn't matter at all. Sadly, my emotions and feelings sometimes dictate my actions.

It was just another block or two before I could at least see the front gate to the main building. With my pace, I would be surprised if I didn't make it. Being late on your first day is something that you really don't want hanging over your shoulders. I made short work of this walk. Thoughts crossed my mind as I had been walking. Things like: "thank god the school is close," or "how can this get more stressful?"

The crosswalk I was standing at was quite a busy one. The light was going to change so we could walk across, but it was still stalling- knowing that I couldn't afford to be late. My foot began tapping restlessly and I checked my phone for the time. "6:58… c'mon, can't you go faster..?" I muttered to myself. There was about less than two minutes before the bell rang and I had just about given up hope at this point. The red hand turned to a white stick figure doing a vague gesture that resembled walking. That meant I should just live with the inevitable rumors that would spread.

"..HEY! MOVE PLEASE!!" a distant voice screamed. Before I had time to even turn around, I could feel my head hit the ground. When my vision focused I found my face getting really warm and red. Not only was I on the ground… but a person… a boy was lying on top of me to the point where he was almost unconscious. Soon after there was a groan followed by a loud slap. I hesitated before I shoved him off of me.

"..oooOOOww… that's… gonna leave one nasty bruise," he said as he began to lift his head off the floor. He clutched his cheek while he began to get back onto his feet. "Could you at least have gone without the slap..?" He said rubbing his face.

"What do you mean? You knocked me onto the ground and then you were laying on top of me! A slap is the perfect thing to make things even.." I say practically screaming. "Why are you even sprinting in the first place?"

The boy sighed before scratching the back of his neck.

"Well sorry for everything.. I lost track of time and had to hightail it here. I'm trying not to get chewed out by my teacher again, but I guess it's gonna happen anyway.." The last part he said about his teacher, he really put some frustration behind his words. "I guess we're both gonna be late today so might as well not even try this morning."

When he said that my heart skipped a few beats. My eyes widened and I struggled to get my phone out from my pocket.

"7:04…" I was officially late for school on my first day and I don't have anyone to blame but myself… and maybe this guy. An audible sigh could be heard escaping my mouth. "Well this is just great.." I say putting my phone back into my bag. My hands found themselves taking residence in the pockets of my blazer. I brushed some hair out from my face and began dragging my feet towards the direction of the school.

"I mean… since we're both late, why don't we walk together?" he suggested. That request quickly went up in flames with the fiery glare I shot him. "Y-ya know m-maybe I should let you walk alone.." He said with a weak smile as he slowly backed away. I picked up the pace somewhat and made my way to the school.

"Man. For a girl her size, she even made me fear for my own safety.. sheesh."

-In homeroom 2-C-

I stood in front of that class room. I felt the students' gazes feeling me up- much like earlier. I was also shifting my gaze around the room. While others were observing my small stature, I was scoping the scene for anyone to make a possible friend with. With the 2 open seats in the room, I took note of all the people sitting by them. My concentration would be broken with Ms. Oota wanting me to introduce myself.

"Well I'm sure you guys know, but miss Mizokami here just transferred from a different school so go easy on her alright? So, why don't we start with a little intro for our new student?" she said staring deep into my soul with a neighborly smile. Her eyes seemed like they could pierce your heart. I hesitated before I even got a few words out. There was something really off about this woman. My gaze shifted over to the students once again.

"M-my name is.. Chisune Mizokami.. It's nice to meet you all.." I say hiding my red face with a formal bow. I wasn't much of a talker, and I definitely didn't do crowds. Being in front of large amounts of people with all of them staring at me made it uncomfortable to no end.

Ms. Oota directed her eyes over to the empty seats in the back near the window. "Go ahead and sit in any of those seats by the window and I'll get you on the role call," she said now looking at me. I don't know what it was with her damn stare, but it wasn't normal. To think this was gonna be my homeroom teacher for the next year or so. I was rather eager to finally be able to get away from this psycho and have everyone else look at her instead.

I practically collapsed into my desk. Another loud sigh could be heard as I began adjusting myself to the plastic seat. It was easy on the back, but on the lower part it was too flat for my liking. While "Ms. Deadeye" began her instruction, I could overhear two boys whispering to each other, then after they were done looked over to me. I was fiddling with my hands, hardly paying attention to whatever lecture might be going on. I tried to make it seem like I wasn't paying attention to their small conversation at all. After I heard the word "cute" come up, I started listening intently.

"Mizokami-kun! Not only were you late on your first day, but now you're daydreaming already too? I suggest you focus up here and not on your fantasy world in your head," Oota yelled. She went from "overly attached girlfriend" to "I'll throw your ass out on the street" with a flip of a switch. Already the other students were whispering amongst one another. "Hey! Everyone, this goes for you too! Pay attention!"

This was great. I was not only late, but I got chewed out by the teacher, and now rumors might spread about me too. All things I didn't want to have happened today did. It's not only embarrassing for me, but also for my dad when he finds out. If- he finds out.

-Lunch Break-

Since I didn't have anyone to eat lunch with yet, I decided to just eat alone at my desk. It was pretty peaceful to eat without distractions. I had already forgotten about what happened this morning. Something in me is just designed to drop bad or embarrassing memories instantly after the moment settles down. Though it was nice for the time being, a familiar face came into the class which caused my face to turn red.

"You have got to be kidding me.. what.. is HE.. doing here??" I thought as my eyes went to stare at the rest of my lunch. It took all of my strength to not look over to the opposite side of the classroom. "What's he here for now?"

I glanced over to see him in an engaging conversation with what I would assume to be one of his buddies. "If there is a god, why would he send the one person who embarrassed me to no end to the same class as me," I thought as I continued eating. On occasion those kinds of thoughts happened to pop up in my mind. Perhaps I was just being too overly critical and he was only here for just his friend. But that theory went out the window when we managed to lock eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time.

Come to think of it, that may have been the only time I ever got that close to a guy my age. It still bothered me by the circumstances on how it came to be. When I had glanced back over, I noticed he had already gotten up to walk over to me. Most likely he would be here to apologize since he never really did.

"..oh uh.. hey.. so about this morning.." he began before I cut him off on his line of thought.

"Don't. Please.. just let it go.." I say hoping that might not make it more awkward. I feel like he had never been that close to a girl before. Maybe the awkward tension wasn't really coming from me, but from him.

"W-wait can I at least just say sorry?" He said holding the back of his neck. I'm not sure why he even needed permission to apologize to me. There was a long and quiet pause before I managed to say something.

"Uhhh.. are you gonna say it?" I asked.

"Oh, right.. um.. sorry about this morning.. I overslept and I had to sprint from my house which is pretty far from the school. Also.. um.. sorry for knocking you over and passing out on top of you.." he said with his face turning red at the end there. I had also gotten red a bit, although not to his level. He adjusted his collar and wiped the sweat from his hands. "M-my name's Shino. Shino Takeuchi," he said with a formal bow. I don't think I could stay mad at the whole thing after his attempt to make amends.

"Chisune. Chisune Mizokami.. and don't worry.. I was having a bad morning too," I say with a small, but reassuring smile. I could hear the sigh of relief after I had introduced myself.

"Oh thank god.. I felt like I was gonna melt under the pressure," he said as he sat down in the seat by me. My suspicion of him possibly never being close to girls is what was leading me to believe his reaction. "I thought you were gonna hold a grudge against me or something."

" I don't think I have it in me to harbor any grudges," I said rather calmly.

"Good, because I don't know what I'd do if I let another person such as yourself, hate me for another one of my mistakes," Shino said hiding his face a bit. I was tempted to ask what he meant, but before I could even respond he was already up and out the door. When he left, the bell ending our lunch had rang.

"I wonder what his deal is.." I thought before turning to face forward.

-After school-

The sounds of shoes rustling through the halls to get home the fastest was all I could hear while I made my way out. Some conversations I could hear, but I only made out a few words before I stopped listening. I had made it to the school gate before I heard my name being called.

"..that voice.. please don't let it be.." I thought before footsteps came stomping in my direction. Lo and behold, mister Shino from this morning and lunch was there standing before me.

"Oh hey.. you gonna walk home by yourself?" Shino said. I quickly decided if I should even give him an answer, but he hasn't really done anything as of now that would deserve such treatment. For some reason our accident was all I did associate him with. Although, it may have been my fault for not moving out of the way quick enough. I started walking after giving him a subtle "yeah."

"Ah sweet. I'm walking home too, so maybe we can walk together or something.. I still feel kinda bad about what happened so let me at least make it up to you by walking you home outta the kindness in my heart." Shino said it in such a way as if I would owe him afterward, but I did feel like he was being sincere.

"Uh that's fine.. I guess.. I live pretty close to the school so why don't we get going?" I said brushing some strands of hair out from my glasses. When I did agree, his face lit up a bit. This felt like the beginning of a newfound friendship.

As we had been walking, it turned out that both Shino and I had similar interests. We had a similar tastes in music, and we both enjoyed mangas or spending countless hours on the internet. Not to mention video games. I may have misjudged him for being an awkward snob, but the more we had talked about some things the more I realised how close we could be. But.. in a friendly kind of way. No way was I gonna be head over heels for someone who just happens to enjoy a few things I do too.

-Mizokami Residence-

"Well.. this one's me. So I guess I'll see you around sometime.." I say as I paced toward my front door. Shino nodded.

"Yea, since my friend is in your class, you might see me in there a lot during lunch or before school.. but yea.. thanks," he said before giving a small wave and finally heading out. It was strange. Even though I thought I would've hated him, this small experience allowed me to bury the hatchet. From this I felt some kind of faint resolve from him...

"I am thou.. Thou art I.. Thou hast acquired a new vow…It shall become thy strength and blossom new hope, for all to prosper…With the birth of the Chariot Persona, I have obtained the winds of blessing that shall lead to haleness and new power..."

A/N- From here on out, I plan to write each chapter as long as this and I apologize in advance if they may not come out as fast as I'd like. On top of that I'll be deciding on how the dungeons might be played out, whether it be like the ones in Persona 4 where there's just multiple floors to move up on. Or, maybe do palaces like in Persona 5 where they're flushed out and unique to one another. Until the next chapter comes out, I'll have decided on which to go with.