This is merely just a work of fiction. Any named settings (Excluding the real-world locations) that I mention in this story are mainly just for this story.

The countryside of Japan was truly a spectacle. The relaxing atmosphere would allow oneself to become lost in the relaxing motifs of soft greens and its gentle breezes. At least that's what I got from the bus ride. I was on my way to become reacquainted with my father, who lived in a small and quiet town at the tip of Honshu. My father had moved to this town for his work, as he was a geologist when I was growing up. We would occasionally talk on the phone every now and then, but now it was kinda rare to even text.

After mom had died I was living in Kosate with my aunt for my entire life. It wasn't a very big town, not much bigger than Fujisakei. It was quiet to me. It was calm and I went about my days like any other high schooler did. My residence with my aunt however started becoming a burden. I'm not sure why she suddenly thought I was weighing her down, but she almost forced me to leave.

I knew the only person who would consider having me would be my father who I rarely even communicated with. Nonetheless, it was my only option. Either him, or find a nice alley to sleep in.

When I did contact him, I was surprised to hear he would help me out. Probably since my education and future would be on the line he didn't hesitate, and maybe because I was his only daughter. My brother was most likely living his life somewhere out in the United States with his fiancee. Since I was such an introverted person, finding love would prove rather impossible for me. I still did my best though.

That bus ride through the mountain wasn't anything special, but it was pleasing to the eye with all the calming greens and browns on the wood of some older styled buildings and houses. After I had got off to stretch and collect my thoughts, a familiar and now bearded face was greeting me with a fairly big smile.

"My.. you've gotten so big since I've last seen you. You're gonna be just as beautiful as your mother," he said. It felt embarrassing coming from someone I hardly talked to, but at the same time I'm glad that I could see my father once again. We exchanged a few hugs before we headed off back to his car and I could see this town a little.

The ride was quiet. I was staring vaguely out the window, noticing the friendly but oddly tired people here and there. The radio was set to a pop station that was featuring the idol Rise Kujikawa. Neither of us payed attention to it as it was mainly on for the noise. Although my focus shifted when my father began to start up some small talk.

"So have you decided on what you're gonna do when you're out of school?" He asked as he would adjust his glasses ever so often.

"Not yet.. The thought never really came to me because I have another year to figure it out," I responded as I turn back to look out at the houses going by. He seemed a little worried with my answer, but he tried to not let me see it. "I wanna do something along the lines of art or drawing though."

"Well, try to come up with something," he said.

We finally pulled up to my new home. It was a lot less spacious looking than my aunt's house, but at least I'll be with someone who wants my presence there. Dad helped me with my luggage and carried it to the door where he fumbled with his keys. I looked around and the gloomy atmosphere of the neighborhood. There were a lot of run down looking houses on the street, but the bright and new cars in the driveways led me to believe that I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

I could hear how shaky his hands were while he was trying to get the key into the lock. He wasn't very old. Maybe he was just nervous to see his daughter after many years. We weren't on bad terms or anything, maybe he was just overwhelmed. I couldn't tell. I was never really good at reading people.

Once we got inside the comforting aesthetic of his grey furniture contrasting with the cream colored walls was pleasing. The only thing that had any color were the walls. Everything else was either grey or some variation of black. Either way, it was still more welcoming than the other place.

"Forgive me for the mess.. I've been getting a little caught up in work so I have a lot of papers scattered about," he said as he hurried over to the guest room. I observed the house a bit before my curiosity kicked in and I wanted to explore the rest.

" dad.. where'd you go?" I asked as I walked down the hallway.

"Over here, your room is over here," he said putting my luggage into a closet. The room wasn't very furnished. Just a small memory foam mattress with sheets and a sizable comforter with a coffee table accommodate it.

"This was the best I could do on such short notice, so the rest is up to you on how you decorate." I couldn't argue with what I had. After all, he still made an effort to make it comfortable for me.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to liven this place up," I say leaning against the door.

"Oh. I'll get some dinner going. Now you surely must be hungry from that bus ride." He said as he scurried out to the hall. He had this quirky charisma to him that I feel I relate to once people see me out of my shell.

For a lonely, middle-aged man, he was quite an impressive cook. He may not seem like it, but even I could tell he has a hobby or an act for making food.

"Tomorrow, we're gonna need to go and get you enrolled at the school. I have some work that I need to get done tomorrow as well, so I don't want to waste anymore time than we need to. I groaned at that part about school. I wanted to relax a little, but it seemed like that plan went out the window. Although it would be a good chance to maybe make a few acquaintances.

"Are you sure I can't just take a few days out from school..?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Chisune.. You need to go to school," he said with a slightly stern tone. "Besides, don't you wanna make friends as soon as you can?"

Little did he know that I shut myself in to others.

"I just wanted to relax a bit before-"

"You can't be relaxing too early to be successful," he said. "We are going to the school tomorrow whether you like it or not."

I sighed and looked down at my empty plate.

"Alright then," I said letting out another sigh. It was for the best though. Maybe this little disciplining would give me a little courage to go and talk to people, but that's easier said than done.

That night it was fairly cold. Even with no drafts, I still had shivers under my blanket. When I did manage to fall asleep, it felt like minutes passing. I had opened my eyes.. and I was greeted with an unfamiliar ceiling. It has this dark blue color and it wasn't very illuminated. I wondered if it was a dream.