"So you gonna explain what that cryptic message was about?" Dean asked harshly staring straight at Harry. He folded his arms and narrowed his green eyes. Harry just rolled his own. If he could get these three to leave, the wizard could do some research in his sub basement. He could actually take his friends advice and try and speak to Lasciel. It was a long shot though, after all she was outcast from the main group lead by Nicodemus and might not know of any plans. As of right now though, she may be their only lead.

"Don't worry about it. It was nothing." The wizard answered is a dismissive tone. The hunter didn't look convinced and continued to stare him down.

"You know, we are supposed to work together." The hunter retorted. "How can we be expected to work with someone we can't trust."

Harry groaned in frustration, he was right after all but the wizard wasn't going to give in so easily. "This doesn't concern you." Harry could feel the tension in the room build. Without realizing it, he started to gather this will.

Castiel was the one who answered, "You are housing one of the fallen." He spoke as if was an epiphany. "That is why there was some familiarity when I first met you."

Sam and Dean stood in unison. Harry could see them reach for where their weapons were without actually drawing them yet. "You're one of them?" Dean's tone took a darker turn, eyeing Harry suspiciously. The wizard collected his will and looked over to where this staff and blasting rod waited by the door, he wasn't sure he could reach them before the hunter could draw their guns. He silently cursed, it was stupid of him to get so comfortable with three guys who were practically strangers.

"Not fully," Cas spoke as he walked over to the wizard. Even though the angel was quite a few inches shorter, he felt like he towered over Harry. His way too blue eyes bore into Harry's own, it was like he was reading something that was invisible to the others. Castiel's head tilted to the side in confusion, must like a dog would. The wizard wanted to laugh at but thought better of it given the situation. "You have not given consent."

"Wait, he needs to say yes?" Sam asked in confusion.

"Of course Sam." Cas turned his back to the wizard and looked at the taller hunter. "They are angels after all."

Harry sighed, I guess there was no point in trying to keep something like that secret if they had their own angelic lie director hanging around. "Fine, I was tricked into picking up a coin but I have not agreed to her."

Dean snorted a laugh, "Dude, you're being possessed by a girl angel?" He damn near giggled and looked at his brother. The younger just scowled and shook his head.

"Laugh it up fuzzball." Harry rolled his eyes. "It's more like a part of her, since I have not agreed she cannot take over me but she is still there trying to convince me to say yes."

"That sucks man," Sam answered sympathetically. "Trust me, I get it. But how is that going to help us here?"

"I can try and talk to her, sometimes in my subconscious I can talk to her." Harry answered, "It's a long shot but as of now, it's the best one we got."

"Okay, so how do we talk to her?" Dean asked.

"Well, considering she is in my head. I don't think you will be able to talk to her." Harry raised one eyebrow.

"I can act as a conduit." Cas said evenly. "I can use my grace to project our consciousness into your mind."

Harry held up his arms in protest, "Woah there buddy, I think you gotta buy me a drink first." The wizard really didn't want them to invade his mind, it was bad enough when the fallen would use her influence over him. There was no way there was room enough for everyone.

"I have done this before," Cas broke Harry from his thoughts. He made eye contact with the wizard, this guy really does this alot. "Although I have not attempted to bring others before." He added sheepishly and switched his gaze over to the brothers instead. "But I do not believe it would be an issue."

"Listen guys," Harry rubbed the back of his neck. "I understand you want to tag along, but this is kinda personal. I mean, it's my mind."

"Don't worry man," Dean smiled wickedly at him. "We will just go in, ask a few questions and then Cas will zap us. We promise not to break anything."

Harry contemplated his answer. He could easily say no, after all it was his place and his mind. He was pretty sure that they may be upset but won't fight him on it too much. He knew hunters were the good guys, they may be a bit too kill happy but, ultimately most were just honest hard working people who were trying to make the world a better place. The worst he was risking by saying no was losing their trust, that would make this case harder. If he could focus his will he could probably summon the angel fairly quick and this could be an easy in and out without the risk of his subconscious self saying or doing anything too bad, after all that guy was kind of a jerk. If he agreed, however, they may get to know him more than he wants them to.

After a few moments he shrugged. There couldn't be anything too bad that his mind would do, right? "Okay, I guess we could do this."

After a small discussion, they all agreed to sit on the floor. After all, four grown men wouldn't be able to fit on the couch comfortably. Harry sat cross legged on the floor with Castiel sitting across from him, mirroring his same position. The brothers sat on either side waiting for the next cue. Harry closed his eyes and felt fingertips tap his forehead without leaving. He assumed the brother held onto the Angel in some way since he didn't feel anyone else touch him.

After a few awkward moments of sitting in silence, the wizard could start to feel something stirring in his mind. He could feel the soft tendrils of the angel's grace entering his skull, it was a soft touch against his mind and the wizard parted his will to allow it to enter. Almost instantly he was surrounded by darkness. Harry could feel himself fall deeper into the depths of this thoughts, all the way down into the subconsciousness. He had never experienced this before, an almost a falling sensation as he was brought down into his own mind. Usually he stumbled upon this place by accident or when he needed. Never had he forced his way in before.

Slowly the wizards eyes adjusted to the piercing darkness, there was a light that faded into existence somewhere above him. Which eventually turned fully bright and allowed his eyes to adjust completely. He stood at the edge of the circle of light, everything beyond the light was a deep, soul searing, blackness. Out of his peripheral vision the wizard could see the hunters on each side of him. He looked back quickly and could see the angel waiting behind him. The four men looked around at the edges of the circle expectantly. That was when Harry saw him, his counterpart.

Dark Dresden, as Harry lovingly decided to call him, stepped out from the darkness. His hair was neatly trimmed and slicked back, he had a neat goatee that made him look wickedly handsome. Harry looked over his subconscious self, maybe he should grow a beard.

"Harry," The other Harry said. "I see you brought some friends this time," He gestured to the others.

"We are here to talk to-" Harry started to talk, to explain the situation but his other self just shook his head.

"I know, remember I am part of you after all." The other Harry smirked. "Your friends brought some weird people with them though." That statement surprised Harry. He looked at the other and could see they wore the same confused expression as himself. "I'm sure you'll meet them. I'll see you around Harry." With that the subconscious Harry walked back into the darkness. After a few moments of waiting, the group was growing a bit anxious waiting for something to happen. Finally someone entered into the light from the edges of the darkness. This man had dark hair, blue eyes, and suit that looked a bit too big for him. He smiled brightly at the group.

"Jimmy?" Castiel tilted his head in confusion and furrowed his brow, although the two men looked almost identical Harry was able to pick up subtle differences between them. Where Castiel stood tall and imposing, this guy was a bit hunched over in a very human like fashion. The angel had a serious expression on his face but Jimmy had bright eyes shining with the warmth of this smile.

"Heya Castiel." The man across from them spoke.

"Wait, I thought Jimmy was gone." Dean looked back and forth between them with a puzzled expression on his face. Harry could draw the conclusion that his must have been the person who agreed to host the angel.

"I am," Jimmy answered before the angel could. "But Castiel still thinks of me from time to time which keeps my memory alive. Especially when Claire is around." He took a few tentative steps forward, "How is she by the way?" The man looked so hopeful.

"She is well." Castiel took a few steps forward as well to place himself in front of the group. "She is with a friend, Jody. And is being taken care of…" The angel cast his eyes on the man and looked apologetic. "Jimmy, I am sorry for-"

"No." Jimmy cut off the angel and took a stern look. "I asked you Castiel. I told you to leave her, I didn't want her to get hurt in all this. You have nothing to apologize for, it was my decision."

"I have still failed though. I failed to keep her safe, she ended up getting into trouble." The angel looked crestfallen, he seemed to really have beaten himself over this. Harry could relate, he has made too many mistakes in his past and people have gotten hurt.

"I know," Jimmy took a sympathetic tone. "Mistakes were made and while I cannot absolve you of all failings I know that she is in a good place now and you will continue to look after her." Castiel nodded his head in agreement. "Don't keep all that guilt inside though, it's not good for you. 'Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us.'" Harry picked up on the bible verse.

"Thank you." Castiel spoke, a small smile placed across his lips. Jimmy gave a much bigger smile, it showed all his crows feet around the edges of his eyes as well as far too much gums. It looked really good on him, Harry wondered slightly if the Angel ever smiled like that. All interactions the wizard had so far was serious and stern. Jimmy turned back around and walked into the darkness.

"So how many of these are we going to have to go through before we get the one we are looking for?" Dean asked the group. Harry just shrugged.

"Normally there is only me so I just have my own to talk to." Harry answered, something caught his eye in the darkness. It looked like the next person was about to enter into the light.

Harry could see the man walk into the light confidently. He looked exactly like Dean but wore a wicked smirk on his face. His tight black shirt showed off his build, something that was probably supposed to look intimidating. This man crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes slowly. When they opened, instead of seeing the green eyes of the hunter, they were black. Not just eyes dilated black. There was no other color in the eye at all, black stretched from one end to the other as well as from top to bottom. It was unnerving. Harry wished he had his staff with him at this time. Dean wasn't exactly the friendliest person normally, he could feel the hate radiating off this guy. The wizard looked over at Dean who just scowled at his counterpart.

"Well, well, well." The black eyed Dean said casually. "We finally get a chance to talk." He dropped his arms and Harry could see a flash of something. It was a dark scar burned into his arm. Harry made a mental note to ask about it later, he didn't want to interrupt right now.

"Listen, you douche" Dean spoke to his other self. Harry smirked, it was pretty funny to hear Dean call himself names. "I'm not here to talk to you. We came for one thing and you are not it."

"I know," The other Dean started to walk predatorily around the edges of the circle, Dean stood his ground and glared. "I just wanted to remind you about all the fun we had. All the fighting, killing, hell even the women liked me better." Deans scowl just deepened further.

"Like I said, I don't want to talk to you. And I don't care."

"Say whatever you like Dean. We both know how much you enjoyed it." The other Dean stopped in his tracks which made the regular Dean stop as well. "You can blame it on me or the mark all you want but we know that's not true."

"I don't know what the hell you are talking about." Dean snarled. Even Harry could tell it was a lie, he was getting defensive.

The dark eyed man just clicked his tongue in disappointment and shook his head. "You were always such a horrible liar. I mean, you didn't even have the Mark with Alistar but you still enjoyed that." Harry could see Dean stiffen and reach for a non existent weapon. He could practically hear Dean growl in frustration. "Dean, you can't lie to me. You know I am telling the truth. Hell if you had agreed, Michael would be the one standing in front of you right now telling you the same thing."

The other Dean started up his walking again. He continued to talk, apparently Dean didn't have a response which Harry thought was strange. "That's your problem Dean. You think you are doing the right work but you just do what others tell you."

"No, I'm not." Dean reported with a sharp tone.

"You think you are playing for yourself. But you aren't. You never were. You did what your dad said, then what Heaven wanted, then Hell. You didn't even want to become human again." The other man turned his head now to look at the others present. It was almost as if they were forgotten about until this moment. "Sammy… missed you."

Dean rushed to stand in front of his brother and his other self, he made sure that even though his brother was taller he used most of his own body to block the younger hunter. It was a protective gesture that Harry would appreciate. Even though he didn't really have family growing up he could see start to relate to that brotherly protectiveness with his half brother Thomas.

The other Dean just rolled his eyes. "Please, you think I'm going to waste my time hurting him here?" He gestured broadly to the darkness that surrounded them. "With the shit you say to him, you hurt him far worse than I ever could." The dark smiled returned. "And don't even get me started on how to treat Castiel. The man who rebelled against heaven for you, and you treat him as if he was just a secret weapon to be used whenever you feel like it." The man let out a deep laugh. "And yet you have the audacity to call him your friend."

Dean surged forward and Harry could hear the bone crunching hit of a fist colliding with a face. The hunter looked beyond pissed and the other Dean just wiped the small trickle of blood that ran from his bottom lip to his chin. The dark eyed man quickly grabbed the lapels of Dean's jacket and tossed him back with ease. The hunter stumbled backward before tripping over and landing on his back.

"Fight all you want, but you will never get rid of me Dean" The other man said and turned to walk back into the darkness.

"Impressive" Harry reached his hand out toward the hunter who took it and stood back up. "I've never tried fighting myself before."

"Dean" Sam called to his brother.

"It's fine." The elder grumbled and returned to his original starting spot, Cas was behind him and Harry could see the angel rest his hand on the hunter shoulder. There was the slightest squeeze to try and comfort the hunter, but Dean just rolled his shoulders and allowed the hand to drop. They waited for the next person to show up. Harry could see Sam looking a bit anxious. They had spoken to an alternative version of each one except for him, maybe he would be up next before the fallen angel would make an appearance.

Honestly, this was probably her plan. She was called the web weaver for a specific reason, she was probably biding her time until the right moment when they were all riled up before she walked out. He could just imagine the sweet things she would whisper to them, trying to convince them they needed her to help. That if only Harry said yes she could actually help them. Damn, it was too late to be thinking about that. He should have made this realization before they even entered his mind. What a terrible idea.

At that moment, Harry could see the alternative version of Sam walk into the bright circle. He stood tall, using his full height to tower over them. He wore a perfectly fitting, pressed, white suit. A single red rose stuck out from the pocket on the jacket. He gave a small smile to the group and Harry could sense that all three of the other men shift and stand more rigid.

"Lucifer" Sam said sternly. Harry spun around quickly to face the hunter.

"Woah, woah, woah" The wizard raised his hands defensively. "Asshole Dean and Human Cas I can deal with. But Lucifer? As in the Devil?"

"It has been a while Sam" Lucifer spoke with such an eerily calm voice. "Good to see you again… you as well brother" He nodded to Castiel. "And Dean."

"Really Sammy?" Dean asked harshly to his brother. "After everything, Satan is still kicking around in that noggen of yours?"

"I don't know what to tell you Dean," Sam's voice took an annoyed tone. Harry could probably guess that this must have been or is a tone of frequent discussion. "Being possessed by Lucifer isn't exactly something you can just forget."

"Sam, we need to talk." Lucifer spoke up with called attention back to him. Harry spun back around to face the devil. Lucifer took a few steps forward. "Amara walks the Earth." Harry cocked an eyebrow, this sounded pretty serious. The wizard looked around at the serious faces that didn't react. "I can help."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked hesitantly.

"Remember, I was Father's favorite. I know all about the conflict between him and the darkness." Lucifer smiled sadly. "I know how to stop her."

"We don't need your help." Sam's tone was starting to get much harsher.

"Are you sure about that?" Lucifer smirked knowingly, it really put Harry in an uneasy mood. This was not what he had pictured or imagine the devil would be like. He always thought that the devil would be more evil, not offering help to the brothers. Although he knew it would probably come at a price of some sorts. "The darkness is not just some evil. She is evil, the source of it all. You cannot defeat her… at least without my help."

"Not gonna happen," Dean said.

"Dean…" Lucifer cast his eyes on the elder brother. "So confident, but you will need me. I once told you, I would see in five years. Better late than never"

Dean paled at that remark. He looked at his brother who just wore a confused expression. Lucifer just chuckled and walked back into the endless darkness that surrounded the light they stood in.

"What the hell was that Dean?" Sam asked in a sharp tone.

"I don't know." Dean snapped back angrily. The elder hunter just crossed his arms and scowled even more. He made a point to avoid eye contact with his brother. The group stood in awkward silence waiting for something to happen. Harry couldn't help but think through these encounters, it some something he wasn't really expecting. He figured since they were all here in his subconscious they must have brought their own counterparts but he figured they would have been more similar to his. Harry's subconscious counterpart was just him, although he may have tended to lean towards more aggressive actions. His was nothing like these guys, the hunters have really lived through some messed up stuff if this was the kind of things that hung around in their mind.

Footsteps echoed around them, Harry could see the silhouette enter the edges of the light. He looked at the woman who entered and faced them, she was still just as beautiful as he remembered with her soft brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders. Her smile reached her eyes in a pleasant expression, as if she was truly happy to see the wizard.

"Harry" She spoke with a kind tone and she looked over the man who she wanted as a vessel. "I knew you would come back and talk with me." She continued to look at the wizard ignoring the others.

Just as Harry was about to greet her in response, he heard the deep voice of the Angel behind him. "Lasciel?" Cas moved around to stand next to the wizard. At that moment the Fallen's smile dropped from her face, she looked over at the Angel. She took in his appearance and shock took over her expression, her eyebrows raised and her mouth parted slightly. The wizard felt like he should have been confused as well but they were both angels, it would make sense they knew each other.

"Castiel?" The Denarius nearly whispered, she took a few hesitant steps forward. Castiel did the same. They ended up standing face to face, just a few feet separated them. The other men watched this interaction, they didn't know what was going on. Just before anyone could respond, Lasciel rushed forward to close the gap. She enveloped her arms around the other angel, gently resting them on his shoulders. A few seconds passed before Castiel moved his arms as well, he placed them around her waist and pulled her closer. The rest of the team watched in fascination as the two embraced.

Castiel was the first to pull back, he looked at her with kind eyes and smiled just the faintest. Lasciel smiled brightly back at him. She moved one hand from his shoulder to cup the angel's jawline. It was such an intimate moment that Harry thought for a moment that this must not have been the fallen that's been talking to him all this time. There was no way she would been this… this loving. Sure she was kind to the wizard and never outwardly coerced him into a deal, but she never had been this intimate either. There has to be part of this story they don't know about.

Lasciel leaned forward towards the dark haired man. They both closed their eyes and their lips met softly. Harry could feel his eyes widen in shock. He looked back and could see matching confused expression on the brothers. Man, this was a bad idea.