Entry #001: Bulbasaur

The ten-year-old smiles and shifts her bag firmer on her shoulders, disembarking with the rest of the passengers. The salt is heavy in the air though it's strangely quiet. Well, the people mutter and talk amongst each other. The Pokémon are nowhere around.

"Kanto sure is different," Ruby Rose mutters as she looks to the clear skies.

"Your first time here?"

The redhead starts and whirls to face an older woman. The older lady cackles at Ruby's frazzled expression and slows to walk beside her, cane clacking.

"No, er- yes," Ruby nods and hugs her backpack straps closer. "I live in Johto, but I remember being here for a few days when I was little." When she appeared in this world. When they searched for family for the little girl who appeared out of nowhere.

Ruby would have been a huntress if she could. No Grimm in this world, though. So now she's doing the next best thing.

"I'm Ruby," she remembers to introduce herself. "Ruby Rose!"

"Agatha," the yellow-white haired woman stretches out a hand to shake. "Do you need help finding your way?"

"Nope! I'm looking for the Gym."

"Oh," a glint in the woman's eyes, "well, I wish you luck then, Ruby."

It's only after they've parted ways does Ruby realize the old woman thinks she's taking on the Gym challenge. "Oh gees… I hope she doesn't look for my name or anything…"

"Hey! Ruby!" a man with blond hair, blue eyes, and dressed in tactical plastic gear waves as she easily leaps over the trees around his Gym. Also a man from another world, Lt. Surge is one of the few Kantonians she knows. "Long time no see, kid!"

"Hi sir!" Ruby cheekily salutes and speeds over to him in a burst of rose petals. He grumbles and swings her around in a hug. "Grunt Ruby reporting for duty."

"That you are," he sets her down with an appraising look. "You ready for this, kid?"

"Sir yes sir!"

"I don't know," he teases, ruffling her hair. She cries out and, while busy fixing it, misses his concerned frown. "You could always hold off for another couple of years. Or maybe talk to that professor of your region into getting a Pokédex."

"No way," Ruby shakes her head and stands tall and proud, smile determined. "Professor Oak's letting me begin here, and I'm not backing out on him now!"

Surge sighs. "Well, phone me if you get into any trouble." Like Team Rocket, who's blocking the routes to and from towns. He's been putting off dealing with them, with putting a target on his back, but if Ruby ends up confronting them then he'll bail her out. Maybe it will finally get the other Gym Leaders' butts in gear to deal with the issue. "Pidgeot will fly you to the professor's place. Be safe, kid."

"Of course!"


Ruby jumps off Pidgeot before the Pokémon begins to descend. It squawks in disbelief while she laughs and positions to land, aura flowing with ease to take the hit. "Look out below!"

There's no one there, but the sleepy area of Pallet Town – Shades of your journey await! – all hear the boom of her crash to ground. Ruby cheers at the stuck landing. Pidgeot circles a few times, makes sure she's fine, and then heads back to Vermilion City. The ten year old girl merrily skips through town and to the largest building, ignoring the women peeking out from the houses to check the small crater she made.

"Ah," a raspy, slow voice says with a grin when Ruby pokes her head in, "there she is. Hello, Ms. Rose. Glad you could join us."

"Hi Professor Oak!" Ruby perks up and slips in. She falters slightly at the stares of the two boys by the whiting professor. "Sorry I'm late."

"It's no matter," the Pokémon Professor says, only to be interrupted by the kid not wearing a hat.

"Can we finally choose a Pokémon now, gramps," he whines, eyeing the table with three Poké Balls greedily.

"Ah, yes of course," the professor recovers with a knowing smile. "Red, why don't you choose first?"

"Ugh," the no-hat kid whines but doesn't move as hat kid moves over to the table. He brings the visor down over his eyes, almost like a habit.

Ruby takes this time to slide up to no-hat. "Hello! I'm Ruby Rose!"

"Blue Oak," he snaps, eyeing her up and down with indifference. "That's Red. He doesn't talk much."

"That's okay," Ruby laughs uncertainly, waving over at the boy who glances sneakily when his name is called. He ducks his head back towards the balls. "I can talk enough for the both of us!" If one ignores she is an introvert who enjoys her quiet time. At least she isn't planning on doing the Gym challenge. Then she'd have to talk to people.

"Charmander," Professor Oak nods encouragingly when Red walks over with the Poké Ball. "A good choice, but will need lots of patience to raise it. Now-"

"My turn!" Blue strides over and swipes a ball with nary a glance. Ruby shifts a nervous, uncertain smile over to Red when he steps beside her. She doesn't want to interrupt, but it's really uncomfortable when Blue smirks and leans into the other boy's space. "Squirtle. So, are we going to battle or what?"

"Um," Ruby hesitantly raises a hand. "I mean, can I get mine before you all… and they're gone…"

"Don't worry," Professor Oak laughs and ignores the battle starting in the middle of his laboratory. "I was an eager young Trainer back in my day. Come here, Ms. Rose. Your Pokémon will be Bulbasaur."

"Sweet!" She chooses to ignore the battle as well and takes the ball with revelry. "Hi there, Bulbasaur! My name is Ruby Rose!"

The professor smiles and lets her have her moment before waving her over to another table. They ignore the growling and move-calls as they go over the equipment. Professor Oak hands her a red and black object. "This will be your Pokédex. At the moment it's only set to record Pokémon commonly found in the Kanto region, so for others you'll need to write up a report yourself. Do you have enough paper?"

"Yes sir," Ruby clicks her first Pokémon on her belt and points to her backpack. "Got everything I'll need in here. Should I use your mailing address?"

"Yes, that's probably a good idea. Only send mail in Pokémon Centers, it doesn't cost anything that way. Here's a list of uncommon Pokémon, such as the starters I give out. It's unlikely you'll find any while journeying, so if I come across any or have a surplus I'll let you know. If you find any of these Pokémon, contact me as soon as possible."

"Got it." Ruby is then handed a case. This confuses her greatly. "Um, professor? Isn't this a Gym badge carrier?"

"Yes, it is."

"Why are you giving it to me?"

"Because you'll need to collect the badges as you go around Kanto," he says easily, calmly smiling as her expression breaks into one of horror. "They'll help you if you ever trade for high-level Pokémon or need to use HMs." Blue shouts about his loss, Ruby's soul leaves her body, and the professor keeps on smiling. "And it will be good experience for all of you. A nice, healthy rivalry. I look forward to seeing if any of you can become Champion."

Her soul returns with a hard thunk, like the sound of Blue storming out with a passing, "Smell you later!"

"Oh," Ruby squeaks. Inwardly she swears enough to make her old uncle Qrow proud.

"Ah, Red," the professor cheerfully waves the boy back over. "Would you mind showing Ms. Rose to the tall grass?"

The boy nods, eyes still hidden under his hat.

"Thanks," Ruby tells him, quickly hurrying to catch up. "So, um, congrats on the win?" He nods. "Are you planning on taking the Gym challenge?" Another nod. "Okay, so can I ask you for help?"

He stumbles a bit before peeking over at her.

"Professor Oak just sprung it on me that I'll have to do it as well as research," Ruby admits as they stop near some tall grass. At the inquiring look she smiles. "Oh, I'm doing research about the Pokémon in the region. I want to go on all sorts of adventures and see all sorts of things," fight all sorts of Pokémon, "so I thought field researcher would be the way to go. Once I get strong enough and collect at least half the information on a Pokédex, then I can start going off the routes."

He stares a bit before shrugging and motioning to the route ahead.

"Thanks for bringing me," she holds out a hand. He hesitantly shakes. "I'm going to properly meet Bulbasaur before I go on."

He smiles and pulls the rim of his hat further down in a nod. Without pause he walks into the tall grass… and runs into a Pidgey.

"Good luck, Red!" Ruby shouts. Then gets on her knees and lets out her Pokémon. "Hi, Bulbasaur. I'm Ruby!"

"Saur," he draws out and releases a vine from beside his bulb.

Ruby coos and shakes it. "That's so neat. How many can you make? Do they grow leaves or is that when you evolve? Do you normally absorb sunlight from the vines, your bulb, or does your whole body take in nutrients? Oh! And what's the amount of water you need per day? Or does it depend on the moisture in the air and how active you are?"

Bulbasaur sweatdrops as she rambles on.

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or Pokémon. All rights belong to their respective owners.

A/N: Who better than Ruby to try and complete the Pokédex? Thanks for reading