Hello everyone, I got bored one day looking for a badass OC/Eric story and I decided to try and make my own. I'm not really sure how this will go, so bear with me for a little while. If you like what I have so far, leave a review. I am totally open to criticism and any ideas you guys have. I only own Frankie and the parts not in the movie. Song is credited to the Beatles. Thanks for checking it out!

~ ChocolateIsGod

I don't belong in Amity. Maybe once upon a time I did, when I was younger. More innocent, less jaded. But I'm not a young girl anymore, unaware of how the world works. I learned that lesson the hard way at 8 years old. And it was that lesson that killed my innocence, in so many ways. After all, there's not many 8 year olds that have killed a man.

Frankie awoke suddenly, but remained still while taking a glance around her room, as she had for the past 10 years. Ever since the incident, as she mentally referred to it. That was the only referring she ever did. That wasn't completely her fault though. No one in Amity EVER brought it up first, or if they did, it was never around her. No, her home faction was to "kind" to mention the incident around her, but that didn't stop the looks she received. Didn't stop the moment of silence that occurred whenever she walked into a room.

School was the worst though. Everyone knew her name, knew about the incident. Only a few of her classmates ever said anything about it, but they regretted it right away. By that I mean she beat the shit out of them. As stated above, she doesn't belong in Amity. But she used to be 100% Amity. Frankie used to be a star in Amity, at only 8 years old, she was a singing prodigy. She sang at all of Amity's festivals or other special events. But that changed after the incident as well. She hasn't sang since, and has vowed to never sing again.

I suppose you're curious now. "What is the incident?" you ask. Well prepare yourself, because it's not pleasant. At all. To begin, let's talk about what Amity values. They value kindness, to everyone. Extending from all the other factions to the factionless. And therein lies the problem. By helping the factionless, everyone becomes accustomed to seeing the factionless wandering around in Amity, looking for free handouts.

Well, the day of the incident began like any other. Frankie was playing in the flower field behind the great Amity tree: running, dancing, and of course singing. Another important thing to know about Frankie was that she was also known for her beauty. With long hair the color of freshly harvested wheat and eyes so light a blue they were almost white. Some may say her eyes have always looked as cold as ice, but before the incident they were lit up with happiness and innocence. That all changed. Back to the story.

Frankie was playing in the flowers, ducking in and out of the long grass that kept her from view of her parents and faction members. Frankie had decided to sit among the grass, weaving a flower crown to present to her mother. While weaving, she sang a song that her mother had taught her, learned from her mother, and so on from a time before the war.

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say it's all right

Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter

Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say it's all right

Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces

Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say it's all right

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Sun, sun, sun, here it comes

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting

Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

And I say it's all right

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun

It's all right, it's all right

As little Frankie was singing and weaving, she didn't notice another person's presence come up behind her until a dirty hand reached up to tug on her ponytail a little harder than necessary. With a small squeak, she whipped around, a dirty factionless man coming into sight. Once the little girl sees him, sitting on the ground behind her, she relaxes with a small smile. "You scared me, mister" said Frankie with a small giggle, resuming her weaving. The man just smiled a weird, crooked smile. "I'm sorry little one, I was just walking by when I heard your singing. I didn't expect to find a beautiful little thing like yourself, all alone." Frankie thought that the way the man was talking was strange, but she was Amity so she smiled politely and nodded "Mommy and daddy are working the fields."

With that statement, the man looked around, small black eyes gleaming as they looked for any witnesses to the conversation. His eyes look like rat eyes, thought Frankie. It was at this point she was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable with the situation. She moved to get up, mumbling something about her parents. As she was about to stand, the dirty hand shot out and wrapped around her thin wrist. Before she could make a noise, the man's other hand closed around her mouth, stopping the screams before she even had a chance to draw in air…. Then everything went black.

The next thing little Frankie remembers is walking out of the flowers, dress torn, covered in blood. The bad man is gone. She stumbles as she walks, tripping on a root from the great Amity tree. After recovering from the trip, she notices her hands, stained red. Once she noticed her hands, she noticed everything else. The deep cuts in her legs, stomach, and arms… For the moment, she retains her innocence enough to not realize that they're knife wounds. While looking at her hands, more blood drips onto them. Blood from her face. It's at that moment that the shock wears off, and she screams, screaming so much that she wouldn't be able to speak for the next several days.