Return of the Guardians
Silence. Utter silence hung in the air as she was stared at. "what do you mean by that!" sputtered Mordred in shock while Gilgamesh looked at her with a calculating gaze. Tapping her temple while she thought the best way to go about explaining what she meant.
"the best explanations would be the variations in the legends within the throne. How there can be multiple of the same hero but vastly different from each other." she said getting a nod from her audience. "since heroes are generally at a point of nexus themselves, they will always come into being no matter what happens around them it is just a matter of how. Be it naturally or magical means." at this a thoughtful look came across the kings face.
"So what you are saying is that in other timelines there are my children out their? Creating a possible legacy worthy of me?" asked the golden king. Ilya nodded " With how vast time and space is they may even have rebuilt Uruk" this caused the king to laugh "Very well child I shall allow you to deal with this pest for the what you have given me is worth more. Go now with the blessings of the king"
Standing up from the meeting with Gilgamesh and watching all of the chairs get absorbed back into the portals. Ilya bowed and moved away before leaving the Golden haired servant to his thoughts.
"Okay what was that midget!" growled Mordred a bit pissed at the way she had been treated. "That was Gilgamesh the first hero, owner of all of the worlds treasures and quite possibly one of the most powerful servants in existence. Hopefully I just caused him to not want to taint his vault with the abomination that is the Grail. If he decides he wants it this will become a hole lot harder." she explained.
This got a nod from Mordred. The throne of heroes was a diverse place. The abilities and skills of those that reside within were both wide and wondrous. They are also nearly no limit to what those that are recorded their can do. So it was with a good dose of caution that Illya left the church and the golden king to his thoughts. He had things to think about while she continued her Job dismantling the wretched device.
The Pair started to move through the city, towards the large forested area on the outskirts of town. This was the area that was known to contain the Einzbern castle. A large edifice built by the family while they where creating the ritual and used by all einzbern family members when it came time for them to come here. The current resident of the castle was one Illyasviel von einzbern the homunculus version of herself and her big sister.
A lonely an damaged little girl who has only wanted for the love of her family. A girl who has had those feelings used and warped against her by the head of the Einzbern family to create as efficient a master for the war as possible. Due to this and their lack of care about her body they have damaged her. These are all things that She has been informed about her sister and she swore she would not allow her sister to continue to go through that hell.
With her dismantling the ritual there is no need for her to be used as a 'weapon' so it would be easy for her to take her under the protection of her clans, she is her sister after all. She however had to do the hard part which is convince the little snowstorm as their father calls her.
So here she was at the edge of the wards trying to decide what to do. She could try to keep going and probably be attacked by the numerous defences or whatever servant her adorable sister has summoned or she could knock the door.
She decided the safer option. Gathering a small amount of Mana she sent a pulse into the wards. Not enough to damage them in any way but enough to trigger the detection systems and let the owner know that some one is there. She then pulled out her phone and called the one that she gave to her sister when she was out with Arturia. To let the girl have a channel ask her why she was here.
After a small amount of time waiting what could only be one of the Einzbern servants came down. If the memories that she had gained from her alternate were correct this one was called Sella the Primary care taker and teacher for her sister. Both of her maids cared for her dearly they just both had different specialities and roles. Sella being the more tactful was best at greeting unknowns.
"Ms Brunestud welcome to the Einzbern estate may I enquire on your reason to visit?" came the womans monotone voiced question. This happened while Illya was fighting back memories of her other self. "Yes I am here to see my sister and talk about matters of great importance. Such as the ongoing war in my role as Ruler and other personal matters."
This caused the eyes of Sella to open as she was not expecting that. She had been told that one of the Emiya family had summoned but not who, she had also expected them to try and make contact with her master which she was not against as she was not happy with what had been done to the girl.
What she did not expect was for this to happen. If this young woman was here in a official capacity as a mediator then she could have information they needed, vital information. They could not ignore this. The decision made she motioned for them to follow and headed towards the castle, either way her master would decide what to do with them.
In a small dining room which was decorated and set aside for formal meetings with dignitaries between other mages of distinguished standing sat what looked like a young girl. This was the master of Berserker, the daughter of one Kiritsugu Emiya.
The girl had been confused as for years she had been told she was abandoned, left behind and unwanted, the evidence was that her father had adopted two other children. True he was practically Told to by the Altouge Brunestud but the other?
Then the other day she met her sister, who despite never meeting accepted her without reservations, she also had her daddies servant with her. If that was not worse she claimed to have been of Pendragon lineage. She was thrown through a loop. It was only made worse when she was given a phone and her daddy was on the other side.
She almost broke down crying right there and then when she heard the little nick name that he always called her when ever she threw a tantrum. So here she is meeting with her little sister for talks about the war. Something she did not think she would be doing. She had planned to be killing them and using the wish for to obtain the heavens feel for the family once more, now she was not so sure especially with the Dead apostles keeping such a close eye on things.
She nibbled her bottom lip with nerves as she watched her servant Sella bring the two into the room her beloved Heracles standing behind her. She watched as the one who was her sister sat across from her she could not help but notice the similarities between them. There were similarities between her and her daddies sabre as well it confused her into why there where.
Doing her part as hostess as she was taught. While she was in a war with this pair her manners were drilled into her. So looking across the table she saw a small smile creep onto the her sisters face as she introduced herself "I am Illyasviel von einsbern heiress of house einsbern." though she did not know how long that state of affairs would last with her being the lesser grail.
With a smile and a nod her sister spoke "it is a pleasure my sister, I am Illya Brunestud Prendragon. Heiress of both the brunestud and pendragon names." Well that answered one of her questions. If she was a descendant of pendragon then she would look like her daddies sabre. Even if diluted by the years. It is possible that the grails magic would pull those features out due to the soul magics involved. This was all postulated in thought by the small einsbern much to the amusement of her guests who could almost literally see the gears turning in her head.
"Sister we are here I my role as the Ruler and moderator of the war." This caught the small master by surprise. "what do you mean by that!" she baked causing her servants to rustle with unease. "what I mean is that there is a problem with the vessel. It has become corrupted. Thus it has become my job to oversee a safe deconstruction of the device."
This cause looks of shock to appear on the faces across the table from the ruler. They had been expecting many things but this was not amongst them. They had no idea how to react to this. " The vessel is already on the verge of its dismantlement. This is due to the vacuum of power created by disconnecting a couple of the spirits from the ritual. Which will cause it to become unstable and collapse, this will take the physical shell of the Greater grail with it dragging all of the servants still connected to the device along for the ride" She explained to the young albino who was still within a state of shock.
"I think I understand" Ilyasviel said softly and she did it was just a large thing to take in. She also did not quiet know what to feel about it as she had mixed feelings towards the Von einzberns due to their treatment of her. Ilya smiled at the small girl and could not help but sympathize.
"well now that the official stuff is over we can go into the personal." The quick change in tones caught every one but Mordred off guard as she was used to it having lived with the girl for a few years. So the armoured female had been expecting this to happen.
"What do you mean by personal, other than Father we have no relation to each other"the German girl said with a stiff voice while preparing herself for the worst. A small smile crept upon Ilyas face as she knew it was a confusing story. " First I need to explain my family, I am descended from the pendragons through Mordred leading to my mother, this was tested and confirmed. And the matriarch of my fathers family revealed herself to be Altrouge Brunestud." While not understanding why this was being explained she at least understood the names and heritage of her guest. It was quite a prestigious one at that.
Wit a small wave of her hand to continue as Ilyasviel could tell there was more. "well my mother was cursed with a infertility curse while in combat. Due to its effects it damaged me while in the womb not being able to kill me due to running out of power before completing its task."
Confusion, that was what swept the room as Ilya was explaining this as the audience had no idea where she was leading this. "now this would have led to my death if my parents had not met a wandering vampire called Zelritch." at that dreaded name every one stared at her. The emotions in their eyes varied from horror to fear. Though it amused her to see that her counterpart had curiosity more than anything.
"The old vamp saved my life. He reinforced my soul with another version of myself. A version who just so happens to be a version of you my sister." The silence was deafening, nothing moved, not a sound was made.
"Did you just say you are another version of me? All because of that old vampire?" asked Ilyasviel staring at her Ruler counterpart in undisguised shock. To which she got a nod in return with a wide grin. "You have a big family little sister, not just those two." she said nodding towards the maids. "you have dad who was cured of the curse he gained from the grail. We have our idiot brother who I need all the help I can get keeping in line." this got a snort of a chuckle from Mordred.
"We also have aunties Alt and Arc who protect us from the clock tower. Then there is uncle zel when he wants to drop in. We also have our servants but we don't know how long they will be here. So we have been making the best of the time we have with them." she said nodding towards her armoured companion getting a nod of agreement.
The meeting did not last much longer with all of the topics covered. There was not much left in the war. So heading back to the Emiya house so that she could turn in for the final stages she could not help but think about each of the people in which she had visited and wonder what they will do when the device has been dismantled.
She supposed only timed would tell.