Didn't i say something like 'more consistent updates' last time. Sorry i really struggle with this story, since i really want to go through the DC movies but BvS is so annoying to watch so i can get events right and i also just really struggle with writers block for this story.

Sorry that this is a short chapter but i will try to make it up.

I got the idea for this story from Mama wolf pack and their story Kara Zor-El: the lonely god decided to make some tweaks and continue the story in my own way and i strongly suggest checking it out and supporting that writer as much as possible.

Over the next few weeks anti superman support rose and Kara could tell that while it wasn't getting to Kal El like she thought it would, he wasn't exactly dealing with it. It was moments like this that Kara really wished she could have forgotten the rest of the world and raised Kal El herself. Kal El had been called to court which she would find laughable, if Kal El hadn't been raised to be a golden boy and if they find him guilty he will definitely sit in a cell he could easily break out of.

If this happened he would be seen as weak by the council and Kara feared what the council would do without the assurance that the humans are regulated.

Kara was in a diner a few miles away from the trial watching what was happening through the TV they had in the corner turned up to full volume.

Kara had already thought through what could happen. Even if superman was put behind bars they would release him after a short time, since they now relied so heavily on him, but would it would still make him weak to the council.

She watched the TV intently Diana almost equally so and the whole diner joined them.

The minutes passed and the tension in the diner was palpable when Superman appeared on the screen and the tension only increase. Several more minutes passed and the building exploded. There was a collective gasp in the diner followed by constent chatter.

The air around Kara was hot and the feeling Diana got from her was pure unbridled rage.

Very few got away with disrespecting Kara minutely, not that many dared to, None got away with disrespecting the people she cared about especially where Athena was concerned and Diana dared not think what would happen to the poor soul that disrespected her only family in a major way.

Diana looked away from Kara for a second to see what else was happening but when she looked back Kara was gone. Diana visibly shivered in her seat, only now noticing how cold it was today.