This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me this may or may not be any good.

I got the idea for this story from Mama wolf pack and their story Kara Zor-El: the lonely god decided to make some tweaks and continue the story in my own way and i strongly suggest checking it out and supporting that writer as much as possible.


When she woke her mother was rushing in the room grabbing her and said she would explain on the way. They walked down the large hallways as the tremors seemed to grow. She heard screams and shouts for help in the distance and she began to panic asking her mother what was happening and she got her answer "The planet is going to die we need to get you and Kal El off planet" Her eye's widened and her heartbeat sped up "Where sending you to a planet that orbit's a yellow sun, there you will have powers beyond imagining." Kara took a second to take this in she would never see krypton again.

"Who else is coming" she managed to say.

"It's just you and Kal El" She took a second to absorb what was being said, and by the time she did she was in the space dock her father uncle and aunt where waiting for her. A pod went off as they arrived. But there was another one not far from it that was clearly hers which made her think.

"Wait mum where's your's?" Her mother just looked at her sadly but kept walking towards the pod "Mum, mum, mum! Your coming with me right?" tears started to fall from her eye's as she kept asking her mother if she was going with her surely she was right, right there must be another pod that she can't see.

Her mother turned to her with tears in her eye's when they made it to the pod "There are supplies in the back of your pod and crystals that have all of Krypton's knowledge on them. Kal El he is your first priority protect him at all costs." The woman looked at her daughter for a long second tears rolling down both there faces before her husband came up behind her.

"Alura it's time." he said walking to wards his daughter and picking her up and put her in the pod "We love you Kara always have and always will no matter what."

"Please don't" Kara said quietly.

"Were so sorry Kara. We love you so much." It was then that the pod closed it's self And the girl got one last look at her parent's smiling sadly at her in each others arms. Then she shot off suddenly flying through the darkness of space suddenly there was a massive bang behind her and then the reality sunk in that she would never see her parents again, never see the sweet smile of her friend again, never feel the comfort of knowing that she's safe ever again.


Superman was fighting a new enemy who considered himself a rival he was obviously mad but in any case he was dangerous to the people of Metropolis. Superman shrugged off the missiles that were shot at him ignored the flames of the flamethrower blasted at him and when he got close to the man he tried to punch the kryptonian only causing his mech's fist to dent in the shape of superman's smug face. He then proceeded to take him out easily with a punch to the face and pulling him out of the mech.

He went to the crowds to interact with them like he normally did. "Impressive" he heard and normally he wouldn't think twice about it but what was weird was that it came from above him. He looked up to see a small woman wearing a crimson red leather cape with an armored mid thigh skirt and leather knee high boots as well as dark blue metal armor and bracers with golden lining and golden designs up her arms with small red pauldrons with gold engravings and golden metal helmet that covered her face .

She looked like a Greek myth but Before he could think properly she shot away breaking the sound barrier instantly saying in a soft sing song voice."Catch me if you can."He tried his best to follow flying as fast as he could, at the disappointment of the people below, but he was only just keeping up. He was concerned at this how could she be faster than him? He kept chasing her while trying to think of explanations of what or who she was. As the woman looked back a giggle reached his ears she was laughing at him like this was easy. This shocked superman and the next thing he knew she was gone like she disappeared into thin air. As he searched around something hit him hard in the head and he hurtled down to the ground making a shock wave when he hit the hard stone.

As he stepped out of a crater of his own making he saw two figures, wait two he didn't get hit that hard did he? No it was definitely two people. The new person had crimson red metal armor but with a single silver pauldron on her left shoulder ,which had gold designs etched into the silver, leaving her right arm bare other than a silver band around her bicep, which had more etchings on it, an armored blue skirt that wasn't even mid thigh, silver bracers with more etchings as well as red and silver knee high boots topped off with a silver helmet matching the other woman's. He also noticed a short sword and shield though the sword remained sheathed on her hip.

"You didn't have to hit him" the first woman told her companion off

"It's better to be safe then sorry isn't it." the other replied nonchalantly.

As they were bantering they noticed superman seemed a bit defensive, and they couldn't really blame him they just lured him miles away from a city and hit him in the head. both women let there helmets melt into the rest of there armor, to reveal shoulder length golden blonde hair let lose and light blue eyes on the woman who had lured him out here and long raven black hair done into a braid that went over her shoulder and dark brown eyes on the one who hit him in the face with a shield. As superman looked them both over he noticed a small less then hand sized symbol just above and in the middle of her breasts. It was his symbol.

"Hey my eyes are up here" she joked, along with a soft giggle.

"Who are you" superman replied.

She smiled slightly a sad sorry smile "I am Kara Zor El the last daughter of krypton it's been a while cousin."

As he stood there mouth slightly agape the second woman spoke "he can speak can't he?"

"Diana stop" Kara said half stifling a giggle and her smile turning cheerful. "I'm sorry this is Diana princess of Themyscira."

"It's good to put a face to the name." Diana said extending her arm in greeting. He shook her hand and noticed how strong she was and he couldn't help but ask. " Are you Kryptonian to?"

She smiled at him slightly "No i'm an Amazon and of this earth."

He looked around for a second and realized they where a mile or so away from the fortress of solitude.

As Kara stepped forward to hold his face in her hands she said "You have your fathers eyes."

This took a second to process in his mind "You knew my father?"

She nodded sadly "I knew both of your parents for they were my aunt and uncle if only for a brief time i remember them well considering how long ago it was" He looked at her skeptically not believing what she was saying. "Look i know you don't believe me but we should go inside and Kalex can tell you himself" Kara said sighing slightly.

Superman didn't know what to do they where already walking towards the fortress so he decided that safety came first and tried to stop them. This proved to be a big mistake for when he tried to punch Kara all he hit was Diana's shield which hurt a lot and probably broke his hand next thing he knew Kara kicked his legs out from under him and he was on the floor with Kara holding a spear that came out of nowhere to his throat it pressed slightly closer and he felt a small trickle of blood travel down his throat which terrified him.

"Don't try it cousin it won't work." Diana started walking away again and Kara offered her hand to help Superman up again. He ignored it and got up himself deciding that he might get an opening later on they kept walking towards the fortress.

When they got there Kara placed her hand on the door and when she did the door opened for her and she entered the fortress. Kalex approached her and scanned her "Kara Zor El i thought you dead i lost your pods signal shortly after Krypton's destruction."

"Wait you knew she existed why didn't you tell me?"Clark asked

"I do not know i knew but was unable to tell you." kalex replied

"I made sure you didn't know i existed so you wouldn't come looking for me, i had things to do." Kara said with a sad guilty face.

"We should go we can't stay here for to long we still have things to do we'll explain things to you at your house"Diana told Kara and she nodded in agreement it was ridiculous how out of control of the situation he was.

Clark's House

The next day Clark was in his house washing the dishes thinking about the day before trying to figure out how to tell Lois how do you tell someone something like that

"Clark why are there two heavily armored women in our house?" 'Wait what?' he thought he didn't tell them who he was or where he lived. "CLARK!" she shouted knowing he could hear her he instantly went to the room using super speed. Though he would deny that he flinched when she called his name.

"I'm so sorry for disturbing you i am Kara Zor El the last daughter of Krypton and now that i think about it elder of house El."

"And i am Diana princess of Themyscira and daughter of Hippolyta."

"Wait did you just say krypton how is that possible?" asked Lois ever the reporter. and when she saw the look on Clark's face and knew he already knew about this.

"Yes well it's a long story."

"Well then Clark be a dear and play host while i make some tea. you two want any?" Lois asked.

"Just water thank you" both Kara and Diana said at the same time

Lois went to the kitchen and on the way flicking Clark in the ear and said "Wake up honey" when he didn't move. and kara started to tell her story.